
  • 网络FINE GAEL;Unity Party;United Party
  1. 当地统一党议员MichaelRing呼吁取消公共建设局,他呼吁建立一个新的法定机构来代替其处理与洪水有关的事务。

    Local Fine Gael TD Michael Ring called for the abolition of the Office of Public Works ( OPW ) and for a new statutory body to be put in place to deal with flooding .

  2. 据统一党企业部发言人LeoVaradkar说,希望在新的一年里保持健康体魄的人应该仔细阅读体育馆和健身中心的规定条款,因为许多条款不公平。

    Those hoping to get fit in the new year should carefully read the terms of conditions of gyms and fitness centres as many of them are unfair , according to Fine Gael enterprise spokesman Leo Varadkar .

  3. 一点也不重要,虽然统一党的死硬分子会被刺激的更加死硬,Cameron先生也不会满意。

    Not much , although diehard unionists may be encouraged to dig in harder , and Mr Cameron cannot have been pleased .

  4. 纳赛尔派人民统一党该党分为若干小派系。

    Nasserite Popular Unionist Party The party split up into small groups .

  5. 第四,指导在政府中工作的党员,统一党的行动。

    Fourth , to guide Party members working in the government , unifying their actions .

  6. 如果委内瑞拉社会主义统一党在大选中获胜,它几乎无力处理这些问题。

    Assuming the PSUV wins the election , it will be ill-equipped to grapple with these problems .

  7. 纳赛尔派人民统一党

    Nasserite Popular Unionist Party

  8. 其次,就意识形态而论,统一党属于温和的中偏右,而工党是坚定的左派。

    Ideologically , Fine Gael is moderately centre-right , while the Labour Party is firmly on the left .

  9. 爱尔兰是两极政党制,主要的两大党为共和党和统一党。

    Ireland has a bipolar political party system with two major parties , Fianna Fail and Fine Gael .

  10. 但是他的助手认为,统一党所做的秀没有实际的意思。因为即使普京任期截止,依然不能是过度时期的领导人选明朗化。

    But Putin 's aides acknowledge the party 's showing has done nothing to clarify the leadership transition when Putin 's term expires .

  11. 支持“玻利瓦尔革命”的政党五花八门,在查韦斯的整合下,其中的大部分政党合并组成了“委内瑞拉社会主义统一党”(PSUV)。

    Most of the motley collection of parties that backed the Bolivarian revolution were merged into the Venezuelan United Socialist Party ( PSUV ) .

  12. 如温水般的竞选瞬间沸腾了起来,都柏林的两大政党,工党和统一党在一旁看得瞠目结舌。

    The main Dublin parties , Labour and Fine Gael , have been left gasping as what had been a dull campaign caught fire .

  13. 但控制北爱议会的统一党采取“我们已得到的土地就绝不出让”的态度而拒绝重新划分界线的提议。

    However , the Unified Party governing the Northern Ireland Parliament declined to this re-jurisdiction on the basis of brooking no remise of land already acquired .

  14. 每一次选举中都少不了统一党这一主要对手,该党与国内第三大政党工党结为联盟。

    Any election would almost certainly be followed by the main opposition party , Fine Gael , forming a coalition with the third-largest party , the Labour Party .

  15. 第三,政治上,统一党像共和党一样,是内部利益错综复杂的大党,因此在重要选区反对的政治议题上很难决策。

    Politically , Fine Gael is a catch-all party and , like Fianna Fail , is often highly reluctant to take policy positions that any significant segment of the electorate might oppose .

  16. 然而,这是我最不喜欢的选择,因为它让维多利亚时代的保守党在之后20多年间一直低迷不振,直到自由党最终因爱尔兰地方自治方案分裂、以及统一党改变立场为止。

    This is my least favourite option , however , since it condemned the Victorian Tories to more than two decades of weakness until the Liberals finally split over Irish Home Rule and the Unionists switched sides .

  17. 亲政府的主要党派统一俄罗斯党(UnitedRussia)在上月的地区选举中表现相对较差。

    The dominant pro-Kremlin United Russia party performed comparatively poorly in regional elections last month .

  18. 党的团结和统一是党的建设的最重要问题之一。

    Solidarity and unity are most important questions in Party building .

  19. 统一俄罗斯党的理论和实践表现

    Theory and Practice Analysis of the Party " United Russia "

  20. 在12月的选举中,统一俄罗斯党赢得最多席位。

    In the December elections , United Russia won the most seats .

  21. 没有集中统一,党就没有战斗力。

    Without centralism and unity it would not be combat-effective .

  22. 祖国统一是党在新世纪的三大历史重任之一。

    Unifying country is one of the Party 's three historic tasks in the new century .

  23. 我们一定要建设一个集中的统一的党,一切无原则的派别斗争,都要清除干净。

    We must build a centralized , unified Party and make a clean sweep of all unprincipled factional struggles .

  24. 阿巴托夫说,这种依赖使得指望统一俄罗斯党来解决国家的问题变得非常困难。

    Arbatov says this dependency makes it difficult to rely on United Russia to resolve the country 's problems .

  25. 外界本来以为,候选人身份在12月17日的统一俄罗斯党大会之前不会揭晓。

    The candidate 's identity was not expected to be revealed until United Russia 's congress on December 17 .

  26. 不过这个去年10月才成立的政党与统一俄罗斯党一样,多数情况下对克林姆林宫尤其是普金都会作出忠心耿耿的姿态。

    But the party was created only last October , and like United Russia , it is sycophantically loyal to the Kremlin in general and to Vladimir Putin in particular .

  27. 党的先进性建设与党的执政能力,都属于党的自身建设的大范畴,都统一于党的建设新的伟大工程之中。

    CPC 's advanced character and administrative ability belong to the great category of construction in the Party itself , and are under the new and great construction project of the Party .

  28. 党的团结和统一是党的生命,不能设想党需要一个不爱护党的生命的党员。

    Solidarity and unity are the very life of the Party , and it is unthinkable that the Party should have any need for members who do not care for its life .

  29. 他指出,统一俄罗斯党没有为这个国家产生领导层,而是领导层创造了这个政党,它的党员依靠总统来保证他们的政治存在。

    He notes that United Russia did not produce the country 's leadership , but rather the leadership created the party , whose members rely on the president for their political existence .

  30. 党的集中统一是党的力量所在,是实现经济社会发展、民族团结进步、国家长治久安的根本保证。

    Centralized leadership of the Party is the source of its strength and a fundamental guarantee for Chinas economic and social development , ethnic unity and progress , and enduring peace and stability .