
tǒnɡ jì bù mén
  • statistical department
  1. 同时,统计部门与各方面通过网络进行沟通,达到更好地为社会服务的目的。

    At the same time , the statistical department carries on the communication with various aspects through the network , to achieve well for the social service goal .

  2. 统计部门是政府收集社会经济信息的主要机构,统计信息资源是各级党政领导进行宏观管理和科学决策的重要依据。

    The statistical department is the principal organ that the government collecting social and economic information , and statistical information resources are an important basis for the party and government leaders at all levels to do macro-management and scientific decision-making .

  3. SusanTeltscher是瑞士该机构市场信息和统计部门的负责人。

    Susan Teltscher is head of the agency 's Market Information and Statistics Division in Switzerland .

  4. 在瑞士海关统计部门工作的哈桑德米尔(HasanDemir)表示:瑞士公司在熔炼纯金金条方面享有极佳的声誉。

    Hasan Demir , who works in the statistics department at Swiss customs , said : Swiss firms enjoy an excellent reputation for smelting pure gold bars .

  5. 希腊还给予统计部门完全独立的地位,同时加强了财政管理。

    The statistical authority was granted full independence , while fiscal management was strengthened .

  6. 国家统计部门通常两种方式都用,尽管不是照此字面上那样做。

    National statistics offices typically do both of these things , though not literally in this way .

  7. 基于国家统计部门开展的人口普查得出的家庭住宅用户电话普及率百分比。

    Percentage of households with a telephone is based on census surveys generally carried out by national statistical offices .

  8. 本文以国家统计部门公开发表的资料为基础,选用全国11个大城市的有关16个因子进行评价分析。

    Based on the statistical data published in China , 16 factors selected from 11 big Chinese cities were evaluated .

  9. 如何正确评价工业经济效益,我国理论界、经济界和统计部门进行了长期的探索。

    How to evaluate correctly industrial economic benefit was researched in theory , economy and statistics department for a long term .

  10. 我们的联合国,国家统计部门,学院还有非政府组织都拥有数据。

    We have data in the United Nations , in the national statistical agencies and in universities and other non-governmental organizations .

  11. 如何及时、准确地获取农作物的种植面积历来都是国家统计部门的研究重点之一。

    How to timely and accurately access the crop area has been the focus of the study of the national statistical office .

  12. 新上任的联合国统计部门的领导并没有说这是不可能的。

    I have good news that the present , new Head of U.N. Statistics , he doesn 't say it 's impossible .

  13. 统计部门表示,今年上半年,美国进口了价值1000万美元的活火鸡。

    The Census Bureau says the United States imported 10 million dollars worth of live turkeys during the first half of the year .

  14. 它们的具体工作内容包括编制调查问卷,及与各国统计部门一道制定更详细的测定残疾数据的方法。

    The group 's work will include producing survey questions and working with national statistical offices to create more detailed measures of disability .

  15. 统计部门公布的统计数据,对于国民经济的宏观管理和微观决策具有十分重要的指导意义。

    The statistical data published by the statistical department is playing an important role in the macro-control and micro-policy-decision of the national economy .

  16. 随着我国政治经济形势的发展,党和国家决策需要统计部门提供的数据越来越多。

    With the development of economy and politics in our country , the party and government need more and more data from statistical departments .

  17. 欧盟统计部门表示,去年欧盟从中国进口商品超过3830亿欧元,比上年增长5.6%。

    The EU 's statistical service says the bloc 's imports from China last year grew by 5.6 percent to over 383 billion euros .

  18. 统计部门的职责包括建设统计综合数据库,以便对统计数据进行集中存储和管理,对数据资源进行采集、汇总,并做分析研究。

    The duty to statistics departments includes building statistical database for storing and managing the statistical data centrally , collecting , gathering and analyzing data etc.

  19. 该系统可实现考勤管理电子化,能准确统计部门的出勤情况,并自动生成打印报表。

    The management system can realize the electrification of attendance management indicate the exact attendance of the department , and automatically produce print report forms .

  20. 在整个地区,尤其是制造业密集度较高的东南亚和东北亚地区,各国政府统计部门在不断公布本国的不吉数字。

    All over the region , particularly in manufacturing-heavy south-east and north-east Asia , government statisticians have been summoning up evil-eye numbers of their own .

  21. 路易斯安那州新奥尔良市的杜兰大学和公共健康&热带医学学院的社区健康科学和生物统计部门;

    Departments of a Community Health Sciences and d Biostatistics , School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine , Tulane University , New Orleans , Louisiana ;

  22. 目前美国的有关统计部门在统计本国居民居住情况时,主要使用的是“居民住房自有率”的概念。

    So far when the related American statistics agency count American residents house situation , they mainly use the concept of " residents self-owned house rate " .

  23. 这是非常常见的统计部门要单独在学校与研究生课程,但许多本科生只有机构包括统计的数学系。

    It is very common for Statistics departments to be separate at schools with graduate programs , but many undergraduate-only institutions include statistics under the mathematics department .

  24. 本规定所称统计部门,系指中国人民银行和各金融机构内部从事金融统计业务的工作部门。

    Other behaviors that are identified by regional branches , operation offices and branches in the capital cities of provinces of the People 's Bank of China .

  25. 本文中所采用的数据均来源于政府统计部门、对口主管部门、房地产开发企业以及社会学术团体与企业调研资料,因此较为客观真实,具有客观性与可分析性。

    The data used in this thesis collected from government , statistics department , Real Estate administrative department , Real Estate development enterprises and social research groups .

  26. 对于政府统计部门来说,考核评价实施的效果直接影响到薪酬待遇、职务晋升等工作的公正性和科学性。

    As for the government statistics personnel , the result of the performance appraisal directly influenced the fairness and scientific of the salary treatment and the career .

  27. 农用地面积和利用类型是土地管理中最重要的基本信息之一,也是土地管理部门和统计部门非常关心的信息。

    Agricultural land area and land use type is one of the most important and basic information , is concerned by the information land management and statistics department .

  28. 任何地域的政治事件,主要央行信息的发布,政府统计部门的经济数据还有许多其他因素,都会引起外汇市场上的波动。

    It moves in response to geopolitical events , press releases from key central banks , and reports on the economy from government statistical bureaus , among many other factors .

  29. 来自统计部门的这份报告还显示,6月份就业人数和职位空缺均出现强劲增长,没有补助金职位的数量也出现明显改善。

    The report from the statistical office also showed robust rises in both employment and vacancy figures in June and a marked improvement in the number of un - subsidised jobs .

  30. 依据统计部门的数据,服装、家具和家庭开支,尤其是降低然气价格抵消了食品、乙醇和交通费用上涨。

    A rise in food , alcohol and transport costs was offset by lower prices for clothes , furniture , and household bills , in particular lower gas bills , according to the statistics agency .