
ɡōnɡ shānɡ qǐ yè
  • industrial and commercial enterprises
  1. 第三部分从商业银行的性质着手,将商业银行与一般工商企业作了区分,分析了商业银行在企业价值评估中的特殊性,并确定了采用EVA法来对其进行估值。

    The third part discuss the nature of commercial banks , make a distinction between industrial and commercial enterprises , analyzes the particularity of commercial banks ' valuation .

  2. 西方商业银行的市场营销基本借用工商企业市场营销理论。

    Western commercial banks basically borrow from marketing theory of industrial and commercial enterprises .

  3. 工商企业开始感受到了经济衰退的全面冲击。

    Businesses are beginning to feel the full impact of the recession .

  4. 我们还应该扩大APEC工商企业界的会议交流活动。

    Conventions and exchanges among the APEC business community should be expanded .

  5. 企业资源计划(ERP)概念的出现将先进的管理思维与信息技术进行了有效的融合,正日益得到工商企业的广泛应用。

    The concept of ERP effectively fused advanced management idea with information technology , and was increasingly used for many companies .

  6. 在过去的三十年中,信任在工商企业组织运作过程中的重要性已经被越来越多的管理者所认识,有关领导中信任(TrustinLeadership)问题的研究更是如雨后春笋般不断涌现。

    In the past thirty years , more and more managers have realized the importance of trust in organization management , and more and more studies on trust in leadership have appeared .

  7. 由于学校与工商企业不同,在学校中完全照搬照抄ISO14001是不现实的。

    Because of the difference between schools and enterprises , it is not realistic to complement environmental management system completely .

  8. 澄清一下,“无处不在的BAM”不是指业务活动监视您周围每一家工商企业的存在性(尽管这无论如何也算不上是个坏主意)。

    Let me clarify that " BAM everywhere " is not about the presence of business activity monitoring in every business enterprise around you ( although that would not be a bad proposition at all ) .

  9. 利用最优化技术管理金融风险是工商企业和金融机构必不可少的工具。

    It is necessary to use optimization technique for risk management .

  10. 公司又称商号或工商企业。

    A company is also called a firm or a business .

  11. 工商企业信用评价模型的分析与设计

    The Analysis and Design of Industrial and Commercial Enterprise Credit Evaluation Model

  12. 典当行作为一种特殊的工商企业,已成为时下人们讨论的热点。

    The pawnshop is a kind of special industrial and commercial enterprise .

  13. 欧洲公司能从日本工商企业的做法中学些什么呢?

    What can European companies learn from Japanese business practices ?

  14. 关于引导工商企业投资农业的机制初探

    Preliminary Study on how to Attract Agricultural Investment from Industry and Businesses

  15. 承担工商企业的软件开发项目。

    Undertook software development projects for industrial and commercial organization .

  16. 工商企业给信息加密或译码已达多年。

    Businesses have been encrypting , or coding , messages for years .

  17. 单词解释:购买投资政府已经在工商企业投入了大笔资金。

    eg.Government has invested a great deal of money in business enterprise .

  18. 一些托儿所从政府那里领到津贴或者从工商企业那里得到赞助。

    Some preschools or nurseries get government subsidies or funds from businesses .

  19. 金融危机形势下外向型工商企业扩大内需之战略

    Strategies of export-oriented enterprises to expand domestic demands under global financial crisis

  20. 与工商企业相比,银行业的杠杆比例明显偏高。

    Banking sector has higher leverage ratio than other industries .

  21. 渠道革命与工商企业价格决策的思考

    Thinking on the Channel Revolution and the Price-policy-making of Enterprises

  22. 近代中国工商企业的管理实践

    On Management Practice of Modern Times Industrial-Commercial Enterprises in China

  23. 高职工商企业管理专业中的人文教育实施

    Implementing Humanities Education in the Major of Business Management of Higher Vocational Education

  24. 这是商业与社会工商企业,的区别之一。

    This is one of the only differences between business and social entrepreneurship .

  25. 试论美国技术变革与现代工商企业制度的形成

    On the Transformation of American Technology and the Formation of Modern Industrial System

  26. 他们支持工商企业,支持经济增长和支持创造就业机会。

    They are pro-business , they are pro-growth , and they are pro-job .

  27. 高职工商企业管理专业建设的基本思路

    Basic Ideas for Business and Enterprise Management Specialty Building of Higher Vocational Education

  28. 这也许是做一个个体工商企业业主最具诱惑力的特征。

    This is perhaps the most appealing feature of being a sole proprietor .

  29. 其核心内容是力图将私营部门和工商企业的方法用于公共部门。

    The core was to apply the method of private enterprises to the government .

  30. 大中型工商企业参与农业开发的经验与启示

    Enlightening Experiences of Medium and Large Industrial and Commercial Enterprises Participating in Agricultural Development