
gōng yè guǎn lǐ
  • industrial management
工业管理[gōng yè guǎn lǐ]
  1. 同时,CAE仿真理念应用于工业管理环节中,能够节约开发时间,对实际设计流程也有很大的辅助作用。

    CAE simulation applies to the concept of the process of industrial management , and design development time to time , the actual design process have a greater role in support .

  2. 关于我国高等工业管理教育发展现状及问题的分析

    Higher Industrial Management Education in China : Development and Problems

  3. 面向二十一世纪机械工业管理自动化技术展望

    Expectation of automatic management technology for mechanical industry on 21st century

  4. 移动代理技术及工业管理应用

    The Mobile Agent Technology and ITS Applications in Industry Management

  5. 国外石油工业管理体制的基本情况及其启示

    Introduction of Foreign Petroleum Industry Regulation System and its Inspiration

  6. 日本电子信息产业概览发达国家汽车工业管理系统给我们的启示&谈谈美日汽车业的精益生产和团队工作

    Lean production and team work in car industry of usa & Japan

  7. 有关工业管理的书我们有满满两书架。

    We have two shelves for books on industrial management .

  8. 理性的秩序&郑州航空工业管理学院基础教学实验楼

    The Order of Rationality-The Architectural Design of Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management

  9. 如果你问我母亲,我怎么偏偏会成为一名工业管理工程师的。

    If you ask my mother how I happened to become an industrial engineer .

  10. 工业管理体制不适应市场经济体制的要求;

    The industrious managing institution is not accommodated to the requirements of the market economic institution ;

  11. 对我国军事工业管理体制改革问题的初步探讨

    Preliminary Probing into the Problem of the Reform of Management System of China 's Defence Industry

  12. 在第二部分中,主要阐述市场经济条件下我国国防工业管理体制存在的主要问题。

    Part two mainly discusses the major problem existing in our country 's national defence industry management system .

  13. 当前,我国电力工业管理体制改革已进入实质性阶段。

    Now , the reform of power industry managerial system of China is coming into the implement period .

  14. 本文最后还分析了工业管理工程专业本科学生应具有的知识结构和能力结构。

    Finally , the structures of knowledge and ability of undergraduates major in industrial management engineering are analysed in this paper .

  15. 生态效率是当前国际上流行的一种工业管理模式和评估方法,其影响范围正逐渐扩大到社会的各个领域。

    Eco-efficiency is an international popular industrial management mode and assessment method , and its influence is gradually extending to all sides of society .

  16. 巴贝奇对这方面问题有很深刻的理解,他的《机械制造经济学》是现代工业管理的基础。

    Babbage was well-placed to perceive this idea , his book On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures being the foundation of modern management .

  17. 电力工业管理体制实行厂网分家之后,电网企业的市场结构和范围在不断发生变化。

    When the electric power industry network implement the separation of plants , the market structure and scope of power grids enterprise become constantly changing .

  18. 随着电力工业管理体制改革的深入进行,电力通信管理体制和资产管理模式也在悄然发生变化。

    With the deepening of electric power sector reform , the management system and assets management model of power telecom business have been changing quietly .

  19. 文章阐述了现代管理的组织形式及其变革趋势,并指出了构建现代化纺织工业管理组织形式的必要条件。

    The article introduces some modern managerial organization modes and their development trend and points out necessary prerequisites for setting up modern managerial organization mode in textile industry .

  20. 从国内形势来看,这几年石油工业管理体制和产业结构进行了重大调整,在政企业分开方面迈出了实质性的步伐。

    In our country , the management system and structure of petroleum industries has been adjusted greatly and make substantive progress in the separation between government and enterprise .

  21. 文章还指出可以利用同样的方法研究工业管理系统、商业管理系统,仿真结果可以作为系统分析、预测的一种依据。

    This method can be used to study industrial and business management systems . The simulation results will serve as a basis for system analysis and system forecast .

  22. 在这些应用中,人们需要一个数据终端来接收和处理所有数据,从而实现环境监控、工业管理等目标。

    In these applications , people need a data terminal to receive and process all field data , so as to achieve the goals of environmental monitoring and industrial management .

  23. 从财务管理的涵义、职能及其目标的现实选择入手,阐明了财务管理在我国航空工业管理中具有的重要地位。

    The author reports the significant role of financial management in the aviation industry management in China by investigating the meaning , functions and options for objectives of financial management .

  24. 过去的工厂管理制度,经过长期的实践证明,既不利于工厂管理的现代化,不利于工业管理体制的现代化,也不利于工厂里党的工作的健全。

    Of factory management has proven unfavourable to the modernization of both factory management and the industrial management system , and also to improvement of party 's work in factories .

  25. 由于实时数据库存储了海量的数据,并且实时数据库的非关系型的数据存储方式等特点,给基于实时数据库的工业管理系统的开发工作带来了数据信息采集和数据处理等各方面的问题。

    Owing to those characteristics of real-time database , there are various aspects of problems in data acquisition and processing of the industrial management system based on the real-time database .

  26. 同时,经济性和电力工业管理所带来的约束条件迫使电力系统运行在稳定极限附近,于是带来了新的电力系统稳定性问题。

    At the same time , financial and regulatory constraints have forced utilities to operate the systems nearly at stability limits . These factors have created new types of stability problems .

  27. 本文研究对象包括两组:一组是由60名郑州航空工业管理学院的教师和学生组成,另一组是由60名美国艾奥瓦大学的学生和在中国任教的美国和加拿大的外籍教师组成。

    The subjects comprise two groups : 60 Chinese teachers and students in Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management and 60 North American teachers and students both in China and at Iowa University .

  28. 价值工程是二战后工业管理领域出现的新技术之一,其主要思想是以最低的费用向用户提供所必需的功能。

    Value-engineering theory is one of the new technologies in industry management domain after the World War ⅱ, its main idea is to offer the customers the service needed at the lowest cost .

  29. 价值工程是工业管理领域的科学的技术经济分析方法,在应用系统性和创造性的独特研究方法过程中,以最低的寿命周期成本可靠的实现必要功能。

    Value Engineering is the scientific technology economic analytical method in the field of industry manage , it can carry out essential function with the lowest costin the process of using systemic and creative research approach .

  30. 法国管理学家法约尔在《工业管理与一般管理》一书致未来工程师的信中提出了未来工程师如何创新的思想,这封信同样对于当代大学生创新能力的培养具有重要的意义。

    The French expert Henri Fayol in management proposes how would-be engineers create in a letter for would-be engineers in his book Industrial Management and Ordinary Management , which is equally significant to fostering creativity of contemporary college students .