
  • 网络Workstation cluster;cluster of workstation;now;COW
  1. 建立了并行计算系统工作站机群,实现了浅水流动的并行数值模拟。

    The cluster of workstation for parallel arithmetic is established to carry out the large-scale numerical simulation of shallow water flow .

  2. 并行计算机从以前的大型专用向量机,发展到并行多处理器系统,以及现在比较流行的工作站机群系统。

    Parallel computers have developed from the big special vector computer to the parallel mutiple processor , and now to the more popular cluster of workstation .

  3. 基于Linux工作站机群的网格服务机群实现

    Implementation of grid service cluster based on linux workstation cluster

  4. 并行虚拟机(ParallelVirtualMachine,简称PVM)是并行工作站机群系统中流行的并行软件环境之一。

    PVM ( Parallel Virtual Machine ) software is one of the most popular software environments used on parallel workstation cluster system .

  5. 介绍了一种在Linux工作站机群上提供网格服务的实现方法。

    This paper introduces a implementation method to build a grid service cluster , which is based on Linux workstation cluster .

  6. 矩阵相乘Cannon并行算法在工作站机群上的实现

    Implementation of Matrix Multiple Cannon Parallel Algorithm on Cluster of Workstations

  7. 基于工作站机群的PVM系统的序列比对

    Sequence Comparison on a Cluster of Workstations Using the PVM System

  8. 矩阵相乘Cannon并行算法是一个基于分布式存储多处理机模型的并行数值算法,文章研究了它在工作站机群上的实现。

    Matrix multiple Cannon parallel algorithm is based on the distributed memory and multiprocessors model . This paper analyses its implementation on the cluster of workstations .

  9. 本论文采用窄角扇束卷积反投影图像重建在工作站机群上的并行实现能解决高能X射线工业CT机的快速图像重建问题,并行图像重建的速度与参与并行实现的工作站数有关。

    The parallelization of image reconstruction by convolution back projection with narrow fan-beam based on workstations cluster can solve fast image reconstruction of high power X-ICT , and the speed of parallel image reconstruction relates to the numbers of workstations involved .

  10. 由虫孔路由交换器连接而成的不规则拓扑网络,越来越多地用于构建工作站机群系统(NOWs),以实现高性能价格比的并行处理。

    Irregular networks connected by wormhole-routed switches are becoming increasingly popular for building networks of workstations for cost-effective parallel processing .

  11. ILBOT:用于工作站机群的智能动态负载平衡软件

    Ilbot : an intelligent dynamic load balancer for a cluster of workstations

  12. 基于工作站机群结构的并行数据库连接算法的实现

    Implementation of a Parallel Join Algorithm Based on the Workstation Cluster Architecture

  13. 该算法在工作站机群上实现。

    The algorithm is implemented on a workstation cluster .

  14. 提高工作站机群系统通信性能方法的研究

    How to improve communication performance for network of workstations

  15. 基于工作站机群的数字电影计算处理系统

    A Digital Film Processing System Based on Workstation Cluster

  16. 基于工作站机群的并行频域体绘制

    Parallel frequency domain volume rendering on workstation cluster

  17. 消息传递系统对于工作站机群系统的计算性能是至关重要的。

    The message passing system is crucial to the computational performance of workstation clusters .

  18. 基于处理能力预约的工作站机群协同调度

    Co-Scheduling of NOWs Based on Processing Power Reservation

  19. PUMA:一种工作站机群的高效通信体系结构

    Puma : an efficient communication architecture for clusters

  20. 本文提出了一种基于处理能力预约的工作站机群协同调度方法。

    This paper presents a co scheduling approach of NOWs based on processing power reservation .

  21. 在为工作站机群构造并行软件的过程中,计算特征和组成特征非常重要。

    The computational and compositional features are very important while constructing parallel software for the workstation clusters .

  22. 该方法的性能在工作站机群上进行测试,可获得良好结果;

    The performance of the method is evaluated on workstation cluster and a good result is obtained .

  23. 目前,通信软件的处理开销已成为影响工作站机群性能的瓶颈。

    At present , the processing overhead of communication software is the bottleneck of performance in clusters .

  24. 本文考虑了在工作站机群上实现大型稀疏矩阵和向量乘的负载平衡。

    The load-balanced multiplication of a large sparse matrices with vectors on workstation cluster is considered in this paper .

  25. 将采用区域分解技术的并行有限元方法应用于工作站机群的分布式并行环境。

    The parallel finite element method using domain decomposition technique is adopted to the distributed parallel environment of workstation cluster .

  26. 幼龄黑白花奶牛雌性生殖器官的解剖形态及发育观察工作站机群系统自动重构机制

    Observation on the Anatomy and Development of Reproductive System of Young Cow in Black-White Breed The Automatic Reconfiguration of COW

  27. 工作站机群系统已成为并行处理发展的主流方向之一。

    Cluster of Workstations ( COW ) now becomes one of the leading technologies in the field of parallel processing .

  28. 检查点是并行系统中实现容错的重要手段,同步检查点方法已广泛应用在工作站机群系统中。

    Checkpoint is an important means to implement fault-tolerance in parallel system . Synchronous checkpointing method has been widely used in network of workstation system .

  29. 软件可移植性问题研究对于提高工作站机群系统的通用性具有重要意义。

    In order to improve the popularity of the Workstation Cluster systems , the importance of portability of the parallel software can not be overestimated .

  30. 以工作站机群为代表的网络计算环境是当前并行计算和分布式系统的研究重点之一,解决异构性问题和动态负载平衡是使用机群进行网络并行计算的关键。

    Network Computing Environment exemplified by Cluster of workstations on Network is one of the most important fields in current research of parallel and distributed computing systems .