
  • 网络EPC;general contractor
  1. 在工程总承包项目的进程中,涉及多方面的利益相关方,他们各有不同的利益需求。

    In EPC Project , there are many interested parties who have different requests .

  2. 本文结合工程总承包公司的管理实践,重点分析了合同管理中常见问题,明确了合同管理各级机构的职责和作用,阐述了全过程合同管理的重点。

    Integrating management practice of EPC Company , the article analyzes the problem met frequently in contract management with emphasis , It also clarifies the responsibility and function of all contract management organizations and elaborates key point in entire process contract management .

  3. 论EPC工程总承包的优势及运作模式

    Superiority and Operative Mode of EPC Project 's Turnkey

  4. 浅谈设计企业EPC工程总承包项目管理

    Management of EPC project general contracting of designing industry

  5. 基于工程总承包项目(EPC)的风险管理分析

    Analysis on Risk Management Based on EPC Projects

  6. 基于质量功能展开方法的工程总承包(EPC)项目绩效评价研究

    A Study on Performance Evaluation for Engineering-Procurement-Construction Projects Based on Quality Function Deployment Method

  7. 水电工程总承包(EPC)项目绩效控制浅析

    Performance Control for Hydropower Project EPC Program

  8. CEC公司发展EPC工程总承包模式项目管理研究

    The Research of CEC Corporation Developing EPC Project Contracting Model of Project Management

  9. 600kt/aDAP国产化技术及工程总承包介绍

    Introduction of Domestic Technology and EPC Contracting for 600 kt / a DAP

  10. JD工程总承包公司薪酬体系研究

    A Study on Compensation System of JD General Contracting in Projects Co. , Ltd

  11. 建设项目总投资包括项目业主支出的费用、勘察设计单位应收的费用和施工单位消耗的费用(若系EPC工程总承包项目,则仅为项目业主和EPC承包公司两大费用)。

    The total investment of construction project includes the cost which should be taken in by prospecting and designing organization unit .

  12. 在工程总承包模式下,DB承包商承担的风险巨大,因此DB承包商的风险管理与项目实施的成功与否息息相关。

    Under DB , DB contractor will be faced with great risks . Risk management is a critical factor to the success of project .

  13. 采用DB(Design,Build)工程总承包的方式进行最低投标价中标项目工程承包,可以更有效地节省投资、控制工期,促进总承包企业的培育,提高设计和施工企业的整体素质。

    Using DB ( Design-Build ) in the Lowest Price Proposal Selected procedures has better effects in saving funds and controlling schedule and therefore enhancing quality of the industry of design and construction as a whole .

  14. EPC是设计采购施工总承包,是国际运用最广泛的一种工程总承包方式,属于一种交钥匙项目。

    Be on of the turnkey contracts and being widely used in international projects , it means overall contracting including engineering 、 procurement and construction .

  15. 介绍美国项目管理学会(PMI)标准《项目管理知识体系指南(PMBOK)》的基本理念,PMBOK在EPC工程总承包项目管理中的应用。

    Introduces the basic idea of PMI standard i.e. PMBOK and the application of PMBOK in EPC contracting project management .

  16. 随着我国不断地融入全球经济,越来越多的EPC项目在中国实施,工程总承包企业所面临的竞争也越来越激烈。

    With continually integrating into global economy , more and more EPC project will be executed in China , the general contractor will face very fierce competition .

  17. BTG模式在海外电站工程总承包中的应用

    The Application of BTG Mode in General Contract of Foreign Power Station Projects

  18. 通过EPC工程总承包模式的概念及特征分析,指出这种承包模式对业主及承包商的双层优势,同时与传统施工总承包模式对比分析,提出EPC工程总承包的优势。

    This chapter presents the double advantages of the EPC mode to clients and contractors through the analysis of the concept and characteristics of EPC and the comparison with the traditional contraction mode .

  19. 之后作者又从开发周期、开发地区、财务分析、特许合同、工程总承包、运营总承包、法律咨询以及商业保险方面提出了见解,供其它城市污水BOT项目在运作过程中参考借鉴。

    Some opinions are provided by author on developing cycle , developing district , finance analyses , concession contact , EPC , O & M , law consultation and business insurance , as references to other sewage BOT project .

  20. EPC模式作为工程总承包的一种形式已在国际上得到了广泛的应用,目前在国内的总承包项目中该形式也得到了越来越多的关注和应用。

    EPC mode as one of the turnkey project contracts has been widely used in the world . Recently , this mode has drawn more and more attention and has been employed in projects based on key-turning in China .

  21. 企业层服务于项目层,而项目层服从于企业层,建立企业内部市场化运行经营机制,组建具有设计、采购、施工全功能的EPC工程总承包企业,融入全球市场。

    Enterprise level is in the service of project level , whereas project level is subject to enterprise level . By establishing EPC general contract enterprise with internal market function management mechanism can we enter the global construction market .

  22. 项目成本管理是EPC工程总承包项目管理的一个关键职能,直接决定了作为总承包商的工程公司能否在激烈的市场竞争中得到生存和发展。

    Total project cost of the project management is notably one of the key functions of the project management contract , directly determine the engineering company as the main contractor in the fierce market competition can be survival and development .

  23. 随着工程总承包市场的发展,市场竞争也越来越激烈,提高EPC总承包工程项目业主满意度就日益成为EPC总承包商提升市场竞争力的一个重要手段。

    With the development of project general contracting market , it is becoming more and more competitive . Enhancing the owner satisfaction of EPC contracting project is increasingly becoming a useful means to improve the market competitiveness for the EPC contractor .

  24. 结合本人参与的工程总承包企业改组方案项目,提出了基于MIES的工程总承包企业组织系统模式。

    And then presents a new organization system pattern of general contractor on MIES according to the practice which the author involved in designing the enterprises reorganization project .

  25. 近十几年来,中资企业在海外EPC工程总承包市场取得了比较突出的成绩,愈来愈多的中资企业开始承揽海外EPC等复杂的综合型管理项目。

    Over the past decade , Chinese-invested main contractors have made prominent achievements in overseas EPC contracting market , and more and more Chinese-invested enterprises began to contract for comprehensive overseas project , which is very complex in management such as EPC project .

  26. EPC总承包模式是近年来国际上较为流行的工程总承包模式,在以大型装置或工艺过程为主要核心技术的工业建设领域EPC总承包模式得到了广泛的应用。

    The EPC general contract is a popular engineering contracting mode in recent years in the world . In the fields of industrial construction which the main core technology is large device or process , the EPC general contract mode has been widely used .

  27. 介绍EPC工程总承包项目报价,及其在项目中标之后对项目实施的影响;工程公司报价组织、职责和程序,影响报价水平和质量的要素,以及在合同条件下的项目启动。

    Introduce the proposal of EPC engineering turnkey project , its influence on execution of the project after winning the project , proposal organization of engineering companies , liability and procedures , factors having influence on proposal level and quality , and project start under contract terms and conditions .

  28. 工程总承包模式下的索赔

    Claim to the Mode of the General Contracting for Constructional Engineering

  29. 工程总承包模式下的合同默示义务分析

    Analysis of Silent Obligation of Contract in the Engineering General-contract Mode

  30. 工程总承包在广东新沙港粮库建设中应用

    Application of Turnkey Project in the Constructing of State-owned Grain Reserves