
ɡōnɡ lián zhǔ yì
  • trade unionism
  1. 工人阶级的阶级意识可以有多种表现形态,如有马克思主义的工人阶级阶级意识,也有工联主义的工人阶级意识等。

    The class consciousness of industrial workers consists of Marxist class viewpoint , class consciousness of unionism and so on .

  2. 还有安迪,是个五匠,对什么都有自己的看法,棋艺极棒。还有个家伙叫哈里,面包师傅,激烈的社会主义者和坚定的工联主义者。

    And there 's Andy , a stone-mason , has ideas on everything , a good chess-player ; and another fellow , Harry , a baker , red hot socialist and strong union man .