
  1. 以山东省工业废水排放量为例,建立了GM(1,1)高阶残差预测模型。

    As an example , such a model for predicting the discharge quantity of industrial wastewaters in Shandong province is developed .

  2. 用工业废水排放量预测地面水COD(Mn)灰色方法研究

    Study on grey method of forecasting for com_ ( mn ) in surface water by discharge amount of industrial waste water

  3. 登封市2002-2006年人均GDP与工业废水排放量、工业二氧化硫排放量指标二次多项式曲线拟合较好,符合环境库兹涅茨曲线(EKC)倒U型特征。

    The per capita GDP of Dengfeng from 2002 to 2006 conform with secondary polynomial curve of discharged volume of industrial waste , discharged volume of industrial SO2 .

  4. 2005~2006年期间,江苏省部分环境指标开始出现拐点(如工业废水排放量、烟尘排放量、SO2排放量),环境问题有改善之趋。

    Second , during the period 2005 ~ 2006 , some environmental indicators of Jiangsu province have changed in the opposite direction , such as industrial wastewater emissions , dust emissions , sulfur dioxide emissions . There is the trend that environmental issues will be improved .

  5. 城市工业废水排放量灰色预测的研究

    The Quantity Grey Forecast of Our City Industrial Waste Emission

  6. 工业废水排放量变化的密度效应和增长效应

    Density effect and increase effect of variation of discharge amount of industrial wastewater

  7. 工业废水排放量和治理投资费用的预测

    Prediction of Industrial Wastewater Discharge and Abatement Expenditure

  8. 工业废水排放量减少,排放达标率呈上升趋势;

    The discharge of industrial waste water is reduced and the discharge rate is low ;

  9. 工业废水排放量有所减少,说明对工业用水及污水处理的监管比较有效,生活污水排放量逐年增加。

    Industrial wastewater emissions decreased , indicating that regulation of industrial water and wastewater treatment is effective .

  10. 目前,随着工业废水排放量的迅速增加,废水处理问题的日益突出。

    At present , with the rapid increasing drainage of the industrial wastewater , the problem of wastewater treatment becomes more urgent .

  11. 纺织印染工业废水排放量在全国工业废水排放总量中所占比重正逐年提高。

    The discharge of textile printing and dyeing industrial wastewater is increasing year by year in the total discharge of industrial wastewater around the country .

  12. 工业废水排放量的大小受工业发展水平、产业结构、产品结构、技术工艺及设备水平、管理政策、环境法规等多因素的综合影响。

    The waste drainage of industry is affected by its scale , structure , products , technology and equipments , as well as the environmental management and policy .

  13. 但是镇江市出口贸易额与工业废水排放量之间不具有长期稳定的关系,排除了出口贸易对镇江市工业废水排放量的影响。

    A there is no long-term stable relationship between exporting trade and industrial waste water emissions , exporting trade has no influence on industrial waste water emissions of Zhenjiang .

  14. 1997年以后,增长效应比密度效应作用明显,全国工业废水排放量呈现上升趋势,特别是近3年增长显著。

    On the contrary , it was increasing after the year 1997 , especially in recent three years , because the increase effect was more obvious than the density effect .

  15. 这样高耗能经济增长方式和能源消费结构导致了严重的环境污染,到2009年,工业废水排放量达到209.03亿吨,经济发展与能源消耗、环境污染的矛盾日趋尖锐,节能减排的压力进一步加大。

    The economic growth mode of high energy consumption and energy consumption structure result in serious environment pollution . The volume of industrial wastewater discharge gets to 209.03 billion tons .

  16. 前言:“九五”期间,大理州工业废水排放量逐年递增,主要污染物排放量大幅下降;

    During " the ninth-five year plan ", the discharge amount of industry waste water of Dali decrease year after year , the discharge amount of main pollutant decrease greatly ;

  17. 由于一些县区仍然存在一些造纸、化工、印染等高污染企业,加之地方经济保护主义,工业废水排放量大,且存在大量超标排放。

    As some highly polluting companies such as papermaking , printing and dyeing , chemical industry , still exist in some counties , together with local protectionism , waste water is discharged so enormously .

  18. 据《2006年中国环境状况公报》,2006年我国工业废水排放量240.2亿t,占废水排放总量的44.7%,是环境污染的主要污染源。

    According to " Chinese Environmental Situation Communique in 2006 " in 2006 , the wastewater emissions from industrial in China is two hundred and four billion tons , 44.7 % of total wastewater emissions which is the main source of environmental pollution .

  19. 据初步预测,当2000年工农业总产值翻两番时,全国污水总量达800亿米~3,约为1980年的2.8倍,年平均递增5.3%;工业废水排放量约600亿米~3;

    Based on preliminary estimation , as the total output values of agriculture and industries are doubled , the total wastewater will be up to 80000 million m3 , nearly 2.8 times as that in 1980 , with an average rare of 5.3 % annually .

  20. 通过对天津市近岸海域近10年氮、磷、石油类和耗氧有机物排放量估算结果可以看出,万元产值工业废水排放量逐年下降,耗氧有机物排放量逐年缓慢增长。

    It could be seen from the pollution load estimation results of nitrogen , phosphorus , oil and oxygen consumption organic , that industrial wastewater discharge volume per ten thousand production values decreased year after year , and oxygen consumption organic discharge volume increased slowly .

  21. 利用我国1991&2005年的相关数据,构建五等式联立方程模型,并分别以工业废水排放量、工业废气排放量和工业固体废弃物排放量作为环境质量变量对各机理进行检验。

    Using the related data from 1991 to 2005 of our country , it sets up simultaneous equations model , and this paper carries on the regression analysis by respectively regarding industrial waste water discharge industrial waste gas discharge industrial solid wastes as environmental quality variable .

  22. 其中工业废水中COD排放量607.5万吨,比上年减少13.8%;

    The COD in the industrial waste water is 6.075 million tons , 13.8 % less than the previous year .

  23. 工业废水处理碳排放量高于生活污水处理的碳排放,碳排放百分比分别为:工业废水占77.6%,生活污水占22.4%。

    The carbon emission from industrial wastewater treatment and domestic wastewater treatment was 77.6 % and 22.4 % of total carbon emissions .

  24. 重庆市各行业工业废水处理碳排放量大小顺序为:制造业电力、燃气及水的生产与供应业采矿业。

    The carbon emission from industries wastewater treatment in Chongqing in the sequence was manufacturing industry municipal service industry ( including electricity , natural gas and water production and supply ) mining industry .

  25. 自1992年以来,西安市的工业废水、工业废气排放量和工业固体废弃物的产生量总体趋势都在不断的减少.大气中的SO2和工业烟尘趋于减少;

    Since 1992 the discharge of industrial waste 、 industrial gas and solid waste was being decreasing continually .

  26. 研究发现:开封市工业三废污染物(如工业废水排放量、工业废气排放量、工业固体废弃物产生量)的EKC曲线均已过转折点,说明开封市工业三废污染状况开始向良性化方向发展。

    The result shows that the amount of discharged pollutants ( such as industrial waste water , industrial waste gas , industrial solid waste ) in Kaifeng city have got through the EKC curve turning point , which indicates that the environment condition is becoming better in Kaifeng city .

  27. 随着我国现代工业的发展,工业废水的排放量越来越大,对我国水资源的污染也日益严重,所以对重金属废水的处理得到更多的关注。

    With the development of modern industry , more and more industry waste water is piping out , which results in the pollution of water . Thus the removal of toxic and polluting heavy metal ions from waste water has received much attention in recent years .

  28. 随着工业生产的发展,工业废水的排放量在日益增加,水污染成了我国目前的主要环境问题之一。

    The industrial wastewater exhausts is increasing quickly with the development of the industrial production .

  29. 由于煤焦化工业迅速发展,焦化工业废水的排放量也呈上升趋势。

    However , the discharge of wastewater is also increasing with the rapid development of the coking industry .

  30. 造纸工业是国民经济重要的产业,但造纸工业废水排放量大,水污染严重,生态破坏性大,多年来一直是困扰世界各国造纸工业和环境界的热门话题和研究的重点。

    The paper industry is an important industry in national economy , but its industrial effluents , water pollution and ecology destructiveness have always been the hot issue and key point of research which puzzles the paper industries in various countries and the environmental world for many years .