
  • 网络Engineering surveying;Engineering Geodesy
  1. 《土木工程测量学》教改思考

    Reflections on Teaching Reform of the Course on Civil Engineering Surveying

  2. 最后,对工程测量学的发展进行了展望。

    At last , it predicts the development of engineering surveying .

  3. 论土建工程测量学实验教学体系的改革

    The Reform and Design Pattern of Experimental Teaching in Engineering Survey

  4. 论工程测量学教学实践与改革

    On the Teaching Practices and Reform of the Engineering Surveying

  5. 《工程测量学》教学体系的构筑与优化

    Construction and Optimization of Teaching System of Engineering Surveying

  6. 工程测量学的研究发展方向

    Direction of Research and Development of Engineering Surveying

  7. 浅谈水利工程测量学教学实习的改革

    Explore the Reformation of Hydraulic Engineering Measurement Teaching

  8. 大电流、大电压的测量一直是困扰工程测量学的难题。

    Measuring the big-electric current and the big voltage is a difficult work in engineering measurement .

  9. 通过建立和应用《工程测量学》教学实验能力的指标,对于提高测量实验教学和培养学生实际操作能力,起到了很好的效果。

    By establishing and applying the index of teaching experimental capability of engineering survey , many students improved their realistic operational ability in the study of engineering survey .

  10. 是科学、合理地评定学生《工程测量学》实验能力的重要方法和措施,对于其它实验教学的能力评定也具有重要的指导意义。

    It is an important method to appraise students ' experimental ability of engineering survey scientifically and reasonably . Those kinds of index are of great significance for the capability appraisal of other experimental teaching .

  11. 采矿工程专业测量学教学改革探讨与实践

    Discussing and Practicing of Surveying Education Reform in Mining Engineering

  12. 土木工程专业《测量学》课程教学改革研究

    A Study on Teaching Reform of the Surveying Course for Civil Engineering Program

  13. 文中结合土木工程专业《测量学》多媒体教学实践,对《测量学》多媒体教学模式进行了一些初步的探讨,并提出了一些有益的建议。

    This paper bonds multi-media teaching practices on the surveying course of the civil engineering profession , initiative question to multi-media teaching mode of the surveying course , and put forward some beneficial suggestions .

  14. 这样,既可以满足一般教学实验,又可以节省大量经费,对于非测绘工程专业又要开设测量学课程的高校是一种适用且可行的办法。

    It provides a suitable way for those non-engineering universities to carry on the surveying courses .

  15. 新时期测绘工程专业《摄影测量学》课程教学改革实践

    Reform and practice of photogrammetry course system for surveying and mapping engineering major in new period

  16. 结合目前测绘工程本科专业工程测量学课程的教学现状,分析了教学过程中存在的问题,提出了工程测量学教学与改革的基本思路。

    According to the present teaching condition of the Engineering Surveying in the undergraduate course of Surveying Engineering , the article analyses the problem existed in the teaching process and puts forward a basic thought to the teaching and reformation of the Engineering Surveying .

  17. 依托工程案例,进行《工程测量学》课程教学改革的实践

    The Practice in Teaching Reform of Engineering Surveying Based on Project Case

  18. 介绍测绘工程专业主要课程《工程测量学》的特点和教学过程中存在的问题,分析了学生在学习过程中遇到的主要困难,提出了保证课程教学质量的措施。

    The specialty and problems which existed in the course of engineering surveying education are analyzed . The way to improve the teaching effect is specially discussed .

  19. 针对高等工程专科教育的特点,结合多年的教学实践.介绍了工程测量专业《工程测量学》课程教学改革的思路和做法。

    With long-term of teaching practice , the anthors introduce the ideas and methods on reforming of engineering surveying instruction in colleges of professional training , according to the characteristics of professional training education .