
  • 网络class co-operation
  1. 梅丽莎·高特:我并没有与中国中产阶级合作的第一手经验。

    Melissa Galt : I do not have any first hand experience with the Chinese middle class .

  2. “劳资合作论”,是第二国际主张在资本主义国家内,无产阶级与资产阶级合作,反对用革命手段推翻资产阶级统治以建立无产阶级专政的一种反动理论。

    " The doctrine of collaboration between labour and capital " is the reactionary doctrine of the second international , which advocates such collaboration in the capitalist countries and opposes the revolutionary overthrow of bourgeois rule and the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat .

  3. 实现无产阶级和资产阶级由对抗到合作的转化

    On the Realization of the Transformation from Antagonism to Collaboration between the Proletariat and the Bourgeoisie

  4. 在认知层面,资本家阶级高倡劳资合作主义,鲜有例外。

    On the conceptual level , the capitalists unexeptionally sang odes to the cooperation between capital and labor .

  5. 托克维尔分析了现代各阶级的起源、历史角色及其分化与组合,提出一种适度的阶级竞争与阶级合作相结合的阶级结构模式。

    Tocqueville analyzed the origins , the historical roles , and their divisions and combinations of modern classes , and presented a pattern of class formation with the mild combination of class competition and class cooperation .