
  • 网络British colonial expansion;colonial expansion of Britain
  1. 首先,它是英国殖民扩张的产物。

    First , it is the result of British colonial expansion .

  2. 英国殖民扩张始于1583年纽芬兰之殖民化,到1900年,英国已经建立了“太阳永不落”之大英帝国。

    English colonial expansion began with the colonization of Newfoundland in1583.By1900 Britain had built up a big empire ," on which the sun never set " .

  3. 史学界多认为清末片马事件的发生是英国殖民扩张、图谋侵占中国西南边疆领土引起的。

    Many scholars usually think that Pianma affair in late Qing dynasty was the result of British land settlement policy , which intended to invade southwestern China .

  4. 英语是当今世界上使用最广泛的语言之一,由于英国的殖民扩张,所以不可避免地出现了各种地区性变体,其中英国英语和美国英语是两大主要变体。

    English is the most widely used language in the world today . Because of the colonial expansion of Britain , it is unavoidable for the emergence of various regional varieties , among which BrE and AmE are the two main varieties .