
  • 网络UK General Election;United Kingdom general elections
  1. 批评家仍然对英国大选的结果困惑不解。

    Critics remain puzzled by the British election results

  2. 1997年,北爱尔兰组合D:Ream就同意了工党托尼•布莱尔在英国大选中使用他们的作品《ThingsCanOnlyGetBetter》。

    The Northern Irish group D : Ream approved Tony Blair 's use of Things Can Only Get Better during the Labour party 's 1997 campaign .

  3. 同时,考虑到英国大选后的不确定性,FSA也不应草草批准保诚新帝国缔造者们制定的疯狂时间表。

    Nor , as it ponders an uncertain future after the UK election , should it be railroaded by the frenetic timetable of Prudential 's new empire builders .

  4. 例如,2005年英国大选期间,保守党民调专家迈克尔•阿什克罗夫特(MichaelAshcroft)调查的选民中,没有一位听说过该党关于择校的承诺。

    For instance : at times during the British election campaign of 2005 , zero per cent of voters surveyed by Conservative pollster Michael Ashcroft had heard about his party 's promises of choice in schools .

  5. 在距离英国大选只有一周之际,英国《金融时报》在曼彻斯特酒店采访了布朗:他热切地谈论全球改革,银行资本金比率和G20多伦多峰会,即使民调显示他可能无法出席峰会。

    With only a week before the general election , the FT interviewed him at his Manchester hotel : Mr Brown talked eagerly about global reforms , bank capital ratios and the Toronto G20 summit , even though the polls told him he would not be attending .

  6. 第二次世界大战与1945年英国大选

    World War II and the British General Election in 1945

  7. 这是英国大选中艰难的一个月。

    It has been a tough month in the general election campaign .

  8. 每次英国大选时,这个“失乐园”的故事都会被重述。

    This story of paradise lost gets retold at every British election .

  9. 1997年英国大选前,坎贝尔感受到了压力。

    Days before the 1997 UK election , Mr Campbell felt stressed .

  10. 最近,英国大选转向了核问题。

    Last week , the British election went nuclear .

  11. 难怪有大量传言称,英国大选后增值税将从17.5%提高到20%。

    Small wonder rumours abound that VAT is to rise to 20 per cent after the election .

  12. 他们可以在苏格兰议会选举中把票投给苏格兰民族党,同时在英国大选中把票投给统一派政党。

    They can vote for the SNP in Scotland while backing unionist parties in British general elections .

  13. 与此同时,英国大选开启了有关英国核威慑前景的辩论。

    Meanwhile , the British general election has thrown open debate about the future of the UK 's nuclear deterrent .

  14. 英国大选可能在5月6日举行,工党政府公布了其在大选前的最后一次财政预算方案。

    The Labour government in Britain delivered its final budget before an election , which will probably take place on May6th .

  15. 希特勒不在了,英国大选的结果公布了,艾德礼取代了丘吉尔。

    With Hitler out of the way , Attlee replaced Churchill at the Potsdam conference when the results of the British election were known .

  16. 上周五英国大选初步选举结果显示,没有政党赢得绝对多数选票,因此产生“无多数议会”。

    The British general election has produced a " hung parliament " as no party wins an absolute majority , preliminary results showed Friday .

  17. 2010年英国大选花了8460万英镑(不包括邮费)。

    The last UK general election , in 2010 , cost 84.6m to administer ( excluding the cost of postal delivery ) . 4 .

  18. 刚刚结束的英国大选充分证明,政治家非常不愿意迫使选民直面他们必须做出的艰难抉择。

    As the British election has just amply illustrated , politicians are extremely reluctant to confront voters with the harsh choices that need to be made .

  19. 英国大选结果原估计是一个没有多数党的议会,但实际上保守党略占多数。

    The general election in Britain was expected to result in a hung parliament , but in fact , the Conservatives had a small overall majority .

  20. 部分原因是,比起美国,英国大选中有关每一个议席的详尽民调数据要少得多,还有一部分原因是西尔弗没能继续交好运。

    This was partly because the seat-by-seat polling data are far less detailed than in the US and partly because Silver 's good luck didn 't last .

  21. 在这次英国大选,以及三天之后的德国北威州大选中,大型政党都发现自己的选票份额不祥地缩水。

    In both the UK and three days later in the state election in North Rhine-Westphalia , the big parties saw their share of the vote shrink ominously .

  22. 英国大选就是个教训。民调也不过是戛纳的外卖餐点:预测是傻瓜才干的事。

    It was the lesson of the UK general election and it 's the big ' takeaway ' from Cannes too : prediction is a mug 's game .

  23. 因为比方说,自二十世纪50年代起,英国大选的投票率就下降了超过20%;2010年,18到24岁的公民中只有一半参与投票。

    Since the 1950s turnout in British elections , for example , has fallen by over 20 % ; in 2010 , less than half of all 18-24-year-olds voted .

  24. 之后他们过着幸福而传统的生活&直至自己的国家被欧盟接管,并且被大量移民搞得拥挤不堪。每次英国大选时,这个失乐园的故事都会被重述。

    Then they lived happily and conservatively until their country was taken over by Brussels and swamped by immigrants . This story of paradise lost gets retold at every British election .

  25. 双方都表示,他们希望在24小时内达成框架协议,以便让金融市场安心。上周的英国大选产生了一个无多数党的议会,这种现象在英国政坛相当罕见。

    Both sides say they want an outline agreement within 24 hours to reassure financial markets , after last week 's general election produced a hung parliament , a rarity in British politics .

  26. 一代人以来最难解难分的英国大选,正导致金融市场出现不确定性迹象,投资者纷纷寻求对英镑汇率剧烈波动投保。

    The most closely-fought UK general election in a generation is prompting signs of uncertainty in financial markets , with investors clamouring for insurance against sharp swings in the value of the pound .

  27. 平常典雅大方的萨曼莎·卡梅伦在四月份的英国大选活动中证明了这一点。当她踢掉穿着的乐福鞋时,露出来的是磨损的皮肤和脚趾上突出的大骨节。

    The normally elegant Samantha Cameron proved the point during the election campaign in April , when she kicked off her loafers to reveal a patch of worn skin and bony lumps on her big toes .

  28. 苏格兰民族党如果在2015年英国大选,及/或2016年苏格兰选举中有强劲表现,将鼓励民族主义者相信他们有资格争取更多权力下放:“史密斯建议增强版”。

    A strong SNP performance in the 2015 UK general election , and / or the 2016 Scottish elections , will encourage the nationalists to think they have a mandate for even more devolution : " Smith plus . "

  29. 如果卡梅伦在2015年英国大选中获胜,他需要德国的支持,以求在两年后将最终协议交给英国人民决定前,确保“欧盟具有灵活性、适应性和开放性”。

    If Mr Cameron wins the British election in 2015 , he needs German backing to secure a " flexible , adaptable and open European Union " before putting the final deal to the British people two years later .

  30. 距离英国大选不到一个月之际,两个主要政党在民意调查中几乎不相上下,造成外汇市场短期波动性明显上升,投资者似乎在为政治不确定性上升做准备。

    With less than a month before the election and little separating the two main parties in the polls , the currency market has registered a pronounced rise in short-term volatility , suggesting investors are preparing for elevated political uncertainty .