
  • 网络environment minister
  1. 环境大臣伊恩皮尔森(ianpearson)表示,英国人必须准备同他们的草坪说再见了,因为全球变暖正将翠绿的草地变成干燥的尘球。

    Ian Pearson , an environment minister , said Britons must prepare to bid farewell to their lawns , as global warming is turning verdant swards into dried-up dust-bowls .

  2. 英副环境大臣抨击布莱尔政府环保政策可信度

    British deputy environment minister attacks Blair government 's green credentials

  3. 环境大臣有权限定那些铺张浪费的委员会的支出。

    The Secretary of State for Environment has the power to cap councils which spend excessively

  4. 英国环境大臣希拉里•本(HilaryBenn)表示:这就是要以一种不同的方法评估森林的价值,同时,这表明全世界(在处理森林砍伐问题上)正变得越来越严肃。

    Hilary Benn , UK environment secretary , said : This is about valuing forests in a different way and is a signal that the world is getting serious [ about tackling deforestation ] .

  5. 环境大臣戴维对国会说,宰杀行动将于星期天晚上结束。

    Environment Secretary David Miliband told parliament the cull should be finished later on Monday .

  6. 接替菅义伟的人选包括前防卫大臣兼外相河野太郎、前防卫大臣石破茂、现任环境大臣小泉进次郎。

    Party leaders most likely to replace Suga include former Defense and Foreign Affairs Minister Taro Kono , former Defense Minister Shigeru Ishiba , and current environment minister Shinjiro Koizumi .

  7. 日本环境大臣小池百合子对部员下了通告.日本要求男士夏天不要穿夹克打领带,以节约能源。

    Yuriko Koike , the environment minister , told ministry employees . Japanese men are being asked to help the nation save energy by shedding their jackets and ties in summer .

  8. 英国环境大臣乔治·尤斯蒂斯表示,英国和中国作为即将接任的轮值主席,应该共同努力,在联合国生物多样性大会和联合国气候大佬上取得“雄心勃勃的综合成果”。

    British Environment Secretary George Eustice said Britain and China should work together as incoming presidents for " ambitious , integrated outcomes " at the UN Biodiversity Conference and the UN climate conference .

  9. 7月2日,7位英国科学家写在给英国食品和环境事务大臣希拉里本(hilarybenn)的公开信中提出,这些提议会加大控制病虫害的难度,大幅降低农业收成。

    In an open letter to Hilary Benn , the food and environment minister , seven UK scientists on the 2 July argued that the proposals would make it more difficult to control disease and sharply reduce yields .

  10. 公众一致认为,这是布莱尔授权环境部大臣大卫米里邦德放出的消息,目的是为了平息工党内部人士不断要求其公开卸任时间表的呼声。

    The comments by Environment Secretary David Miliband were widely seen as having been authorized by the prime minister in an attempt to quell a growing rebellion by members of his labour party who are demanding he give a timetable for leaving office .

  11. 同时,英国总检察长、商务大臣、住房及环境部初级大臣等内阁成员也证实,他们已被解职。

    Meantime , the country 's Attorney General , Business Minister , Junior Minister for Housing and Environment Minister have also confirmed their sacking from the cabinet .