
  • 网络environmental flow
  1. 平原河网地区环境流量计算特征及评价方法研究

    Environmental flow calculation and assessment in plain river network areas

  2. 河流环境流量法研究进展

    Evolution of environmental flow methodologies for rivers

  3. 松花江哈尔滨四方台断面的最小环境流量

    Minimal Environmental Discharge of Sifangtai Section in Harbin Reach , Songhua River

  4. 河网城镇水环境设计流量的随机模拟方法

    Stochastic simulation of the design flow rate of aqueous environment for drainage towns

  5. 另外,针对移动环境网络流量费用高的情况,对名片社区系统中名片数据传输格式和若干模块进行了优化。

    In addition , for the mobile environment , the high cost of network traffic situation , optimize the transmission data format and some modules of system .

  6. 自相似VBR业务环境下ABR流量控制算法的性能分析

    Performance analysis of ABR flow control algorithms under the environment of self-similar VBR traffic

  7. 其次通过分析IPMAN环境下主体流量P2P应用分布式转发模型特征,确认不同的服务类型,以标识流量类型。

    The different service type can be determined and marked through analysis of the characteristics of P2P Application model based on IPMAN .

  8. 一旦新环境接收生产流量,用户将期待一切运转正常。

    Once the new environment takes production traffic , the users will be expecting everything to work properly .

  9. 系统具体的监控对象为机房环境、网络流量及网络服务。

    To be specific , the monitoring objects include : computer room environment , network traffic and network service .

  10. 最后,搭建了IPv4/IPv6网络实验环境,对流量监测系统进行性能测试。

    Finally , the traffic monitoring system is tested in the IPv4 / IPv6 network environment built in our laboratory .

  11. 另外,在高速网络环境下网络流量不断增加,多数入侵检测算法已经不能满足对实时处理能力的需要。

    In addition , most intrusion detection algorithms are lack of efficiency with the increasing traffic data in high speed networks .

  12. 最后,讨论了数据中心网络环境下的流量工程问题。(二)最小化路径代价和流量均衡模型及实现算法。

    Finally , traffic engineering in data center network is also reviewed . ( 2 ) Minimizing Sum of Path-cost Model and Algorithm for Traffic Balancing .

  13. 激波和水跃。描述和相关各种物理现象的提出及产生环境:交通流量,浅水流动。什么是波?

    Shock waves and hydraulic jumps . Description and various physical set ups where they occur : traffic flow , shallow water . What is a wave ?

  14. 目前,研究人员提出许多流量监测方案,但是这些系统都是大规模高速网络环境下的流量监测,系统复杂并且成本高昂。

    At present , researchers have proposed lots of network flow monitoring schemes . But these systems are designed for large-scale and high-speed network , which are complex and with high cost .

  15. 构建了现金流量管理基本理论框架,提出了现金流量管理环境是现金流量管理理论研究的起点,并论述了现金流量管理与现金流动会计之间的关系。

    And it discusses the relationship between cash flow management and cash flow accounting . Secondly , it has practical significance to research the application of cash flow management in the high-and-new-tech enterprise .

  16. 如果您已经具备了一个虚拟的I/O环境(为磁盘流量运行了一个虚拟的I/O服务器或VIOS),然后考虑对此VIOS有何要求。

    If you already have a virtual I / O environment ( running a virtual I / O server , or VIOS , for disk traffic ), then consider the requirements for the VIOS .

  17. 自主开发的安全网络传输协议保证了不同网络环境下的大流量档案数据传输。

    Secure network transmission assures data can be transferred in different network condition .

  18. 对于其他压力环境,请参阅流量表中相应的调节设置值。

    For other pressures , refer to the Flow Table for corresponding adjustment setting .

  19. 在此环境下对网络流量识别和分类提出需求。

    In this environment , the identification and classification of network traffic are Necessary .

  20. 通过实测的环境温度、交通流量以及车辆荷载的疲劳等效,分析了车辆荷载和环境温度的变化对于桥面焊接细节疲劳损伤的影响。

    It can be found that the ambient temperature has an approximately linear effect on the fatigue damage of the welds in bridge decks .

  21. 在日益尊崇“现金至尊”的现代理财环境中,现金流量表分析对信息使用者来说显得尤为重要。

    Respected in the increasingly " cash is king " modern financial environment , cash flow analysis of the information is particularly important for the user .

  22. 在真实的网络应用环境中,网络流量表现出自相似和多重分形等明显的分形特性。

    After long phases of measurement on network traffic , the outcome has shown that the packet traffic is associated with fractal property in real network application environment .

  23. 改革至今,国有企业的资金管理在激烈的市场竞争环境中,现金流量状况甚至比利润还重要。

    Reforming so far , the fund management of state-owned enterprises in the fierce market competition environment , the situation of cash flow is even more important than profits .

  24. 但由于网络链路速率和业务流量的快速增长,目前常用的网络报文采集方法已经难以满足高速网络环境中的网络流量监测的要求。

    But with rapid growth of network speed and traffic , most of the current network packets collection methods are difficult to meet the requirement of real-time network traffic monitoring .

  25. 分别在室温和深冷环境下进行的流量实验表明,该压差控制节流阀调节流量的能力较强。

    The flow tests under the room temperature and the cryogenic environment show the capability of the throttle valve controlled by pressure difference to adjust the flow rate is bigger than that of the capillary tube with constant flow area .

  26. 针对大型铁合金电炉加料系统在高温环境和庞大矿物流量的工况下,碳钢料管加速氧化剥落和磨料磨损,采用厚壁不锈钢料管,设计了能够长期无故障运行的新加料系统。

    Carbon steel charge pipe is accelerated oxidative exfoliation and grinding material abrasion under large ferroalloys furnace charging system s high temperature and bulk mine flow . Thick-walled stainless steel charge pipe is adopted to design new charging system which can operate smoothly for a long time .