
  • 网络self-driving car;autonomous vehicle
  1. 据报道,谷歌的自动驾驶汽车行驶了1023330公里,需要人工干预124次。

    According to a report , Google 's self-driving cars clocked 1,023,330 km , and required human intervention 124 times .

  2. 几代人对于自动驾驶汽车的态度似乎没有多大差别,这一事实表明了使用无人驾驶小轿车这一变革之巨大。

    The fact that attitudes toward self-driving cars appear to be so steady across generations suggests how transformative the shift to driverless cars could be .

  3. 加州机动车辆管理局(CaliforniaDepartmentofMotorVehicles)从4月份开始发放许可证,允许公司在公共道路上测试真正的自动驾驶汽车。

    The California Department of Motor Vehicles began giving permits in April for companies to test truly self-driving cars on public roads .

  4. 但这并不是大部分人想到自动驾驶汽车时脑中的画面。

    But that is not what many people have in mind when thinking of driverless cars .

  5. 虽然到目前为止大部分争论都集中在无人驾驶汽车的安全性上(这是理所当然的),但决策者们也应该研究如何让自动驾驶汽车帮忙减少交通堵塞、减少排放并提供更方便、更实惠的出行选择。

    While much of the debate so far has been focused on the safety of driverless cars ( and rightfully so ) , policymakers also should be talking about how self-driving vehicles can help reduce traffic jams , cut emissions and offer more convenient , affordable mobility options .

  6. 人工智能控制的自动驾驶汽车和卡车也将在未来取代司机的工作。

    Self-driving cars and trucks controlled by AI will also take away the driver 's jobs in the future .

  7. Drive.ai公司正在位于山景城(MountainView)的总部附近对车顶装有数字显示屏的自动驾驶汽车进行测试。

    Drive.ai is beginning a test near its Mountain View headquarters of autonomous cars fitted with digital signage on their roofs .

  8. 通用汽车做出了更大胆的押注,向总部位于旧金山的自动驾驶汽车公司CruiseAutomation投资5.81亿美元;

    GM has made bolder bets , paying $ 581m for Cruise Automation , a San Francisco-based autonomous driving company ;

  9. 谷歌一直在总部所在的加州山景城测试旗下的自动驾驶汽车,而包括苹果(Apple)在内的其他一些竞争对手也在探索类似技术。

    Google has been testing self-driving cars in its hometown Mountain View , Calif. , and rivals including Apple are also exploring similar technology .

  10. 以前人们奚落硅谷时,总会开自动驾驶汽车的玩笑,而现在,它已经是谷歌(Google)公司园区里的一款代步工具。

    What was once an easy punch line in parodies of Silicon Valley is now a fixture on Google 's corporate campus .

  11. Uber开始在匹兹堡推出自动驾驶汽车。

    Uber began rolling out its self-driving cars in Pittsburgh .

  12. 基本上,摩尔这是预言了个人电脑、手机、自动驾驶汽车、iPad、大数据和AppleWatch的出现。

    Moore pretty much anticipated the personal computer , the cellphone , self-driving cars , the iPad , Big Data and the Apple Watch .

  13. 汇丰(HSBC)表示,自动驾驶汽车项目利用了百度相对于中国竞争对手在人工智能领域的领先地位。

    The self-driving car venture exploits Baidu 's lead over Chinese competitors in artificial intelligence , according to HSBC bank .

  14. 近日,该公司提交了一份专利申请书,描述了乘客在自动驾驶汽车上如何通过虚拟现实(VR)头戴式受话器来打发时间。

    The firm has filed a patent that describes how passengers in autonomous vehicles could pass the time with VR headsets .

  15. 通用汽车(GM)上周制定了计划,将与谷歌(Google)和苹果在自动驾驶汽车领域展开竞争,通用表示,它已准备好成为一名“颠覆者”。

    GM last week laid out plans to take on Google and Apple in self-driving cars , saying it was well placed to be a ' disrupter . "

  16. 有专家相信,到2020年自动驾驶汽车将成为现实,但是现实中没有人想等到自动驾驶汽车的GPS系统和激光雷达完全成熟了再买车。

    The self-driving autonomous car may become reality by 2020 , as experts believe , but no one need wait for its GPS systems and laser radar to become commercialized until it gets here .

  17. 今年七月,德国竞争对手宝马(BMW)联手以色列传感器厂商Mobileye,拟在未来10年生产自动驾驶汽车。

    In July , German rival BMW teamed up with Israeli sensor maker Mobileye to produce autonomous cars over the next decade .

  18. 收购HERE以后,Uber就能更快地实现自动驾驶汽车的未来,人们不必双眼一眨不眨地盯着路况就能从A地来到B地了。

    Acquiring HERE , then , would help Uber more quickly realize a future where driverless cars get us all from A to B without us batting an eyelash .

  19. Uber正在研发自动驾驶汽车技术,谷歌也于今年7月把测试扩展到了德克萨斯州的奥斯汀。

    Uber is working on the self-driving car technology , and Google expanded its tests in July to Austin , Tex.

  20. 现在,我只能说A7自动驾驶汽车与我是“亦敌亦友”的关系。

    For now , I 'll just say that the A7 self-driving car and I are frenemies .

  21. 周三早上,谷歌(Google)举行年会时,一位名叫约翰·M·辛普森(JohnM.Simpson)的股东站起来,向公司的高管提问关于自动驾驶汽车项目的问题。

    On Wednesday morning , during Google 's annual meeting , a shareholder named John M. Simpson stood up to question the company 's top executives about its self-driving car program .

  22. 人类学家梅利莎嬠夫金(MelissaCefkin)正在研究自动驾驶汽车与行人和骑自行车的人之间的互动。

    Melissa Cefkin , an anthropologist , is researching the interaction between autonomously driven vehicles and pedestrians and cyclists .

  23. 这款眼镜由网络搜索巨头谷歌公司的秘密机构谷歌X实验室开发数年,该实验室研制出了自动驾驶汽车,还有望研制出太空电梯。

    In development for a couple of years , the project is the brainchild of Google X , the online search-leader 's secret facility that spawned the self-driving car and could one day send elevators into space .

  24. 还有另一个因素是:Uber的高管从不避讳他们对自动驾驶汽车的热爱。

    There 's another factor at play here , too . Uber executives haven 't been shy about their fondness for driverless cars ;

  25. 谷歌制造自动驾驶汽车的项目,是一个称作GoogleX的部门开展的。领导这个部门的科学家有一个再合适不过的名字,叫做阿斯特罗·泰勒(AstroTeller,意为“星际揭秘者”——译注)。

    Google 's effort to build a self-driving car is part of the division called Google X , led by a scientist with the too perfect name of Astro Teller .

  26. 苹果公司(Apple)首度公开承认开发自动驾驶汽车的计划,该公司致函美国公路监管机构,呼吁促进汽车行业新入行企业和传统制造商之间的“公平竞争”。

    Apple has for the first time publicly acknowledged its plans to develop self-driving cars , with a letter that urges the US highways regulator to promote " fair competition " between newcomers to the automotive industry and traditional manufacturers .

  27. 例如,去年谷歌在网上发布了一段视频,这段视频显示,它的自动驾驶汽车把一位盲人送到了塔可钟餐厅(TacoBell),谷歌由此而成为头条新闻的主角。

    Last year , for example , Google made headlines by posting a video online showing its autonomous car taking a blind man to Taco Bell .

  28. 但德国最近受到美国的压力,美国要求德国不要使用华为技术发展5G网络和自动驾驶汽车。

    But Germany has recently pressure from the US not to use Huawei 's technology for its 5G network and autonomous cars .

  29. 可以换个角度看这个问题:想象一下在感恩节晚餐上有两位刚毕业的MBA遇上了,其中一位在谷歌工作,刚把自动驾驶汽车推向市场,另一位则在高盛高就。

    Another way to look at this : Picture two recent MBAs at Thanksgiving dinner . One works for Google , bringing self-driving cars to the market ; the other works at Goldman .

  30. 还有一件事也不可忽视,丰田研究院(ToyotaResearchInstitute)首席执行官近日在消费电子展(CES)上表示,汽车行业离全自动驾驶汽车的“边儿都不挨着”。

    Neither is it to be overlooked that the CEO of the Toyota Research Institute said at the Consumer Electronics Show just last week that the car industry is " not even close " to fully autonomous cars .