
  1. EPA和国立环境健康科学研究所为空气污染影响研究提供资助。

    The EPA and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences provided funding for the study of the effects of air pollution .

  2. 戈克费尔德博士是新泽西州罗格斯大学(RutgersUniversity)环境和职业健康科学研究所的客座临床教授。他表示大多数人鱼肉摄入量太少。鱼类是理想的蛋白质和omega-3脂肪酸的来源。一些研究表明,这种脂肪酸能够预防心脏病和癌症。

    Dr Gochfeld , an adjunct clinical professor in the Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute at New Jersey 's Rutgers University , said most people do eat too little fish , an excellent source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids , which have been shown in some studies to be protective against heart disease and cancer .

  3. 国立环境健康科学研究所

    National Institute for Environmental Health Science