
  • 网络Health research;health studies
  1. 该研究发表在《世界生物精神医学杂志》(TheWorldJournalofBiologicalPsychiatry)上,这是一项对美国三个规模浩大的健康研究项目(共有43599名男性和164825名女性参加)进行的元分析。

    The study , published in The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry , was a meta-review of three extensive U.S. health studies that included a total of 43 , 599 men and 164 , 825 women .

  2. 针对那个地区做的健康研究都很矛盾又漏洞百出。

    Health studies from the region are conflicting and fraught .

  3. 这是特别令人担忧的,她说,根据美国囯家精神健康研究院统计,厌食症导致的死亡人数比任何其他精神疾病更多。

    That 's especially worrying , she says , given that anorexia results in more deaths than does any other mental illness , according to the National Institute of Mental Health .

  4. 这是巴塞罗那全球健康研究所一项研究得出的主要结论。

    This is the main conclusion of a study led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health .

  5. 例如,在2017年的一篇论文中,研究人员使用了一项长期健康研究的数据来考察被诊断患有抑郁症的老年人。

    For example , in a 2017 paper , researchers used data from a long-term health study to look at older adults diagnosed with depression .

  6. 尽管这项研究也许看起来毫无意义,或者只是为了满足人类的好奇心,但是参与该研究的科学家表示,这些新发现可能对人类消化健康研究和制造技术产生重大影响。

    While this research may seem completely meaningless , or just meant to satisfy human curiosity , the scientists involved in the study say that these new revelations could have a big impact on human digestive health research and manufacturing technology .

  7. 佩奇补充说,他在声音健康研究院(VoiceHealthInstitute)资助了一个研究项目,该项目将由哈佛大学医学院(HarvardMedicalSchool)的柴特斯(StevenZeitels)领导。

    Mr. Page added that he was funding a research program at the Voice Health Institute that will be led by Steven Zeitels of Harvard Medical School .

  8. 在一个报纸调查发现一些高级研究员从其他公司转了大钱之后,美国国家健康研究所(NIH)禁止了其职员为企业做顾问工作。

    Five years ago after a scandal erupted over employees who were consulting for drug companies , the National Institutes of Health ( NIH ) banned most such relationships by in-house scientists .

  9. 低密度脂蛋白甘油三酯与低度系统炎症、黏附分子和血管造影证实的冠心病的相关性:Ludwigshafen危险度和心血管健康研究

    Low-density lipoprotein triglycerides associated with low-grade systemic inflammation , adhesion molecules , and angiographic coronary artery disease : The Ludwigshafen

  10. 军队院校大学生心理健康研究现状

    Investigation of present situation on mental health of military college students

  11. 21世纪,健康研究领域日益扩大并与相关学合作开展边缘学科的研究。

    Health research has become interdisciplinary field in the 21 st century .

  12. 对大学生心理健康研究现状的分析与思考

    Analysis and Thoughts on Study of College Student Mental Health

  13. 高职院校教师心理健康研究

    A Study of the Mental Health of Teachers ' in High-vocational Colleges

  14. 在校初中生心理健康研究

    The Research of the Mental Health of Junior School Students

  15. 不同依恋类型的大学生心理健康研究

    Study on the Mental Health of College Students in Different Attachment Styles

  16. 大学生社交失败归因与心理健康研究

    Study on Attribution of Social Failure and Mental Health of College Students Defeat

  17. 三峡移民的心理健康研究

    Research on the Mental Health of Three Gorges Migrants

  18. 神经行为功能测试在封闭建筑物人群健康研究中的应用

    Application of Neurobehavioral Evaluation System Testing in the Sealed Building Study on Population Health

  19. 关于亚健康研究的思考

    To Think the Study of Sub - health

  20. 妇女职业健康研究进展

    Progress in studies on occupational health for women

  21. 桥梁的健康研究

    Health research of bridge

  22. 这项研究的对象为1403名未患痴呆症的女性,她们曾在1996年至1998年间参与过另一项大型健康研究。

    Researchers studied 1,403 women without dementia who were initially enrolled in a large health study from 1996 to 1998 .

  23. 本文的主要工作及成果总结如下:(1)建立了河流健康研究的理论构架。

    The main works and conclusions are as following : ( 1 ) The theoretical framework to river health research was established .

  24. 从心理健康研究的对象、方法、内容分析、总结病人心理健康研究的发展趋势。

    Based on the studies , the author analyzed and summed up the development trends of quantitative research of patients ' psychological health .

  25. 尽管还有不足之处,但可以肯定系统毒理学的发展和应用将会对人类的环境与健康研究产生极大的推动作用。

    Although in its infancy , systems toxicology will play an important role in promoting the study of environmental stress and its adverse heath impact .

  26. 随着吸烟与健康研究的深入发展,世界反吸烟组织对卷烟安全性的要求越来越高。

    With the development of the research on smoking and health , there is an increasing growth of requirements on the cigarette safety from world anti-smoking organization .

  27. 为控制人口数量,提高人口素质,优生也成为环境与健康研究的主要内容。它关系到几代人乃至未来民族素质,甚至是整个人类前景的重大问题。

    Aqristogensis has become main content of enviroment and health study to control population and raise quality in the future , even is a big problem concerning human prospects .

  28. 本研究分三步进行:(1)关于青年军人心理健康研究现状及其教育干预的理论分析。

    This research is divided into three stages : ( 1 ) The first stage involves the present researching condition of young armymen 's mental health and theoretical analysis of its educational intervention .

  29. 目前对贫困大学生的教育研究,综合来说,主要是在贫困大学生心理健康研究和贫困大学生思想政治及道德教育研究两个领域开展了深入的研究工作。

    So far , studies on the college education of these students , all in all , address the two fields : the psychological health and the education in ideology & political correctness , and ethnics .

  30. 如何延缓椎间盘退变已经成为国际学术界研究的焦点,也是我国人口与健康研究领域中退变与衰老性疾病方面的重要研究内容之一[2]。

    How to delay disc degeneration has become the focus of international research , and also been an important part of " degenerative and aging diseases research " of the " population and health project " of our country .