
  • 网络Walking;brisk walking;power walk
  1. 目的观察健走锻炼对老年女性心肺功能的影响。

    ObjectiveTo observe the effect of sport walking on heart and lungs functions in old women .

  2. 健身专家称,理想的安排是一周进行两到三次高强度锻炼,并加入瑜伽、健走或负重训练等强度较低的项目。

    An ideal schedule would be two to three high-intensity workouts during the week , mixed in with lighter workouts like yoga , walking or weight training , say fitness experts .

  3. 你忘了我每天早上都健走吧?

    I think you 're forgetting that I power-walk every morning

  4. 2007年世界艾滋病日即将到来,联合国艾滋病规划署和中国红十字会正在联合策划组织一次居庸关长城健走活动。

    With the approaching of the2007 World AIDS Day , UNAIDS and China Red Cross Foundation is planning to organize a joint project " The Great AIDS Walk " at Juyongguan Great Wall .

  5. 然后用关心健康的方式提出体重问题,而不是说他变难看了。“亲爱的,我们开始一起饭后健走怎么样?”

    Then broach the topic of his weight gain by framing the comment so it 's about his health , not looks : " Honey , what do you think about us both starting after-dinner walks ?"

  6. 研究结果显示,56-60岁女性进行小强度(30-45%FC)健走锻炼可以有效改善体成份,降低体脂含量及体脂百分比,显著降低血脂,同时降低安静时收缩压及提高肺活量。

    The results are showed as followed , lower intensity ( 30-45 % FC ) seems to threw better effect on body composition , reduce the content and percentage of body fat and blood fat , decrease the systolic pressure and improve vital capacity .

  7. 小君:为什么你没告诉我这趟健行会这么难走?天堂还比犹他州更陡。

    Jun : Why didn 't you tell me this hike would be so hard ? Paradise is much steeper than Utah .