
  • 网络robust design
  1. 本文提出了一种的基于设计变量敏感性的健壮性设计方法,并提出了一种用Pareto遗传算法来实施的带约束的多目标优化方法以求解健壮性问题。

    A general method for Robust Design is presented based on sensitivity of objective and constraint function to the design parameters .

  2. 非稳态罚函数遗传算法及其用于机械/结构系统的健壮性设计

    Robust Design for Mechanical / Structural System by Using Non Stationary Penalty Function with GA

  3. 健壮性设计是质量工程中一种重要的方法。

    Robustness design is an important method in quality engineering .

  4. 面空导弹武器系统软件的健壮性设计

    Robustness design of software for surface - to - air missile weapon system

  5. 程序健壮性设计

    The Procedure Haleness Design

  6. 在此基础上,提出了一种软件健壮性设计的概念,重点论述了软件可靠性设计、安全性设计和协调性设计的方法。

    A concept of software robustness design is provided with the emphasis on method of the software robustness design .

  7. 从这个概念出发,基于产品健壮性设计理论,结合有限元分析和优化设计技术,考虑多种工况,对汽车衡结构进行优化设计。

    Starting from this concept and basing on the designing theory of robustness of product , the optimal design of truck platform scale was carried out by considering many working cases and by combining finite element analysis with optimization designing technique .

  8. 为了提高产品的抗干扰能力和可靠性,在同时考虑设计目标的健壮性和设计约束的可行健壮性的基础上,建立了基于分位数的产品健壮设计优化模型。

    To make a product 's quality insensitive to the noise and improve the product 's reliability , a percentile based optimization model for robust design is also presented by taking into account both the design objective robustness and the feasibility robustness of design constraints .

  9. 使用SDL和MSC技术来规范描述验证具有健壮性的通信设计系统。

    Using SDL and MSC technology to standardize and design a reliable communication system .

  10. BGP-4健壮性测试系统设计与实现

    Robustness-testing system of BGP-4

  11. 基于健壮性的机械设计方法

    Mechanical Design for Robustness

  12. 针对随机型和区间型干扰因素共同作用条件下的产品健壮设计问题,在同时考虑设计目标健壮性和设计约束可行健壮性的基础上,提出了健壮设计的分位数型设计准则;

    To solve the product robust design problem with a mixture of random and interval noise factors , the percentile based rules for robust design were proposed by taking both the design objective robustness and the design constraint robustness into account .

  13. 在结合国内外现有协议测试技术的基础上,研究提出了域间路由协议基于语法的健壮性测试技术和基于性能的健壮性测试技术,设计实现了相关测试工具Robust-BGP-Syntax和基于ANVL测试平台的Robust-BGP-Performance。

    Combining international and national protocol testing technology in existence , it presents robustness testing technique based on syntax and robustness testing technique based on performance of inter-domain , devises and actualizes the correlative testing tools Robust-BGP-Syntax and Robust-BGP-performance based on ANVL platform .