
  • 网络innovative design;Innovation design
  1. 日本造船研究所船舶无压舱水革新设计

    Japan Shipbuilding Research Center 's innovative non ballast water ship design

  2. 我们的美工人员是走在革新设计和创新销售的前沿。

    Our product art staff is in a leading level in design innovation and sales creation .

  3. 论述了在柳州化肥厂扩建中新颖的全低变工艺革新设计。

    The technical design feature of total low temperature shift process used in the extension of Liuzhou chemical fertilizer plant was introduced .

  4. 新经济时代的到来,世界知识、经济的日益全球化,为我们革新设计理念和设计手段提供了契机。

    The arrival of the new economical epoch and the increasing globalization of knowledge and economy have provided a turning point for the innovation of design ideas and means .

  5. 素描语言与材料的革新在设计中的作用

    Role of Sketch Language and Innovation in Art Design

  6. 基于农业劳动力产业转移预期净收益研究,政府应该从降低产业转移的预期成本和提高预期收益两方面进行制度安排和优化、进行相应的制度革新,设计有利于农业劳动力产业转移的制度体系。

    On the basis of study of anticipative net-income of industrial transfer of agricultural labor , in order to reduce the anticipative cost and raise the anticipative income , the government should arrange the system , optimize the system , reform the system .

  7. 多协议标记交换技术(MPLS)是对现有IP组网模式的革新,在设计规划网络时它们的主要步骤有许多共同之处,但是对标签空间的度量则是MPLS所特有的。

    Multiprotocol label switching adds to the capabilities of IP networks in several ways . The design process for MPLS networks has much in common with design of any IP networks , but dimension the MPLS label space is one of the specific to MPLS networks .

  8. 由小直径深孔刀具的革新谈创新设计

    Discussing Innovative Design through Improvement of Small Diameter Deep Hole Cutting Tools

  9. 革新城市形象设计虚拟现实技术在城市形象设计中的应用浅析

    Renovating city visual designing Brief analysis of virtual reality in design of city image

  10. 安全理事会必须革新。在设计之前先确认是否理解了用户领域和环境的视觉语言。

    The Security Council must be brought up to date . Make sure you understand the visual language of your users ' domains and environments before forging ahead .

  11. 本文介绍了模拟影像设备的数字化技术革新的实际设计方案,提出了视频图像采集与处理系统的具体实现方法;

    This article introduces an actual design scheme of digitized innovations used to the analog image equipments , proposes one concrete method for video image capture and processing .

  12. 模具CAD技术的广泛应用和普及,革新了传统的设计方式,大大提高了模具设计质量和设计效率。

    With the wide application and popularization of Mould CAD technology , the traditional design approach was also renovated , and these greatly improve the quality and efficiency on mould design .

  13. 我国的混凝土结构技术规范急需革新&混凝土结构设计规范的问题讨论之四

    Chinese specifications for concrete structures need to be improved

  14. 浮顶储罐浮盘大型密封胶圈的革新与硫化模设计

    Innovation of Large Sealing Ring for Floating Plate of Floating Roof Storage Tank and Design of Mold

  15. 世界每次的革新都不是我们设计或者预料到的,我觉得这恰恰是给予独立音乐一次机会。

    Each innovation of the world is not designed or can be predicted by us , I think precisely this is a opportunity of indie music .

  16. 我们带来的是一场空前的技术革新,它的设计,使产品与人之间达到一种亲密无间,与你的独特个性相投,并且让你难以抗拒。

    We 're introducing an unparalleled level of technical innovation combined with a design that connects with the wearer at an intimate level to both embrace individuality and inspire desire .

  17. 表面工程设计包括采用传统的与革新的部件表面设计技术,以达到基体或表面单独任何一个都无法具有的性能;

    Surface engineering involves the application of traditional and innovative surface technologies to engineering components and materials in order to produce a composite material with properties in either the base or surface material .