
  • 网络Redesign;redesigned;re-design;process redesign
  1. 他请来一名设计师重新设计制服。

    He had a designer come in and redesign the uniforms .

  2. 重新设计的目的是多方面的,但又是简单的。

    The aims of the redesign are wide-ranging but simple .

  3. 这家酒店最近重新设计和装修过。

    The hotel has recently been redesigned and redecorated

  4. 第二步是重新设计学校体制以造就高素质的人口。

    The second step is to redesign the school system so that it produces a well-educated population .

  5. 这很可能会导致保险公司重新设计保险计划以把金额降到门槛以下。

    It would most likely cause insurers to redesign plans to fall beneath the threshold .

  6. 重新设计数学,以使它更容易被更多类型的人所懂得:年幼的孩童,为其烦恼的成年人,可能有过相关糟糕经历的成年人。

    Redesign it so it 's more accessible to more kinds of people : young children , adults who worry about it , adults who may have had bad experiences .

  7. 为了应对肥胖,需要一种混合式的解决方法——包括重新设计配方,征税和调整各成分的含量。

    To deal with obesity , mixture of approaches -- including reformulation , taxation and adjusting portion sizes -- will be needed . There is no silver bullet .

  8. 灭活技术路线重新设计需要的时间要比mRNA技术路线稍长,因为后者不需要培育和灭活病毒。

    The redesign of inactivated technology could take a bit longer than the mRNA technology , which does not require cultivating and inactivating the virus .

  9. 当前DynamicQueryMode返回的结果不能由一个报表重新设计覆盖。

    Currently the results returned by the Dynamic Query Mode cannot be overridden by a report re-design .

  10. 重新设计PC而不仅仅是换个漂亮外壳。

    Redesigning its devices is more than just a cosmetic project .

  11. 其次,谷歌在4月9日推出了重新设计的新版GooglePlay。

    ( not all were removed by Google , but it seems most were . )

  12. 这就证明了将信息管理重新设计为基于SOA的可重用构件的重要性。

    This illustrates the importance of reengineering information management into SOA-based and reusable components .

  13. 但同时也带来了其自身新的设计问题,必须重新设计数据库算法及数据结构,以便更有效的利用CPU及内存空间。

    However meanwhile , new design problem of database itself has occurred .

  14. Facebook大胆地重新设计了其网站,以便用户能够更为开放地分享信息。

    Facebook has unabashedly designed its site to entice people into sharing more openly .

  15. 交付了经过重新设计的Web2.0MadisonsStarterStore,它更加便于用户使用和自定义。

    Delivers a redesigned Web2.0 Madisons Starter Store , which is easier for shoppers to use and customize .

  16. 针对这种情况,作者运用经典PD控制加滤波器方法重新设计了控制器。

    In order to weaken the vibration and overshoot , classical PD control in company with filter is applied .

  17. 这个升级版重新设计了API的基础部分,减小了下载包,改进了功能。

    The upgrade was intended to redesign fundamental parts of the API , making it a smaller download with improved functionality .

  18. 在这种情况下,B公司高层决定对原有的组织结构进行检讨并进行重新设计,以适应公司跳跃性发展的需要。

    Under this situation , B corporation higher level resolves to adjust original organization structure and operation system in order to make B corporation adapt to its jump development .

  19. 因此,采用轮询与非阻塞相结合的方式,重新设计并实现了FTP服务器。

    Therefore , a FTP server is redesigned .

  20. 我们的确是想重新设计Windows的所有主要组件,使它们都能互相支持,互为一体。

    And we were really trying to re-engineer all major components of Windows and get them all to rely on each other and integrate with each other .

  21. 更重要的是,Facebook迫使谷歌重新设计网页,以显得更社交化,更“Facebook化”。

    Significantly , Facebook was forcing Google to redesign its sites to be more social & that is , more Facebook-like .

  22. 该组织重新设计了针对企业首席执行官(ceo)的问卷,让他们能够在4分钟内完成,而以前他们需要花费1小时以上。

    It has redesigned its CEO surveys so they can be completed in four minutes they used to take over an hour .

  23. 他们要求htc在4月19日之前重新设计该软件的侵权部分。

    They gave HTC until April 19 to redesign the offending portions of the software .

  24. 您不希望仅因开头设计得不好或更改某些部分而重新设计整个Web应用程序。

    You do not want to have to redesign your entire Web application because you made a poor decision at the beginning , or if you 're being forced to change something because your manager demands it .

  25. 巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)分析师卡特•科普兰德向《财富》杂志(Fortune)透露,重新设计新机型可能至少需花费150亿美元。

    It could take an estimated $ 15 billion or more to redesign the aircraft , Carter Copeland , the aerospace analyst at Barclays Capital , told fortune .

  26. 对这些Web页面进行可视的重新设计(例如,将当前股票价格放到表中第三列而不是第二列中)就可以使这些程序无用。

    A visual redesign of those Web pages ( for example , putting the current stock price in a table 's third column instead of its second column ) was all it took to render these programs useless .

  27. 斯坦福大学、哥伦比亚大学(columbia)和耶鲁大学(yale)等大牌名校最近都重新设计了它们的课程,把这些积极元素注入其中。

    Big name schools such as Stanford , Columbia and Yale have all recently redrawn their curriculum to incorporate these pro-active elements .

  28. 目的:调查和分析HQ公司的薪酬管理现状及其存在的问题,对HQ公司各类岗位的薪酬进行重新设计并对其新薪酬方案的实施效果进行预测。

    Objective : To investigate and analyze the salary management actuality and subsistent problem in the HQ corporation .

  29. 当亨利管理学院(henleymanagementcollege)重新设计其mba项目时,它决定不为占学员总数近20%的公共部门学生设计独立的课程或者选修科目。

    When Henley Management College was redesigning its MBA programme , the school decided against standalone classes or electives for public sector students , who comprise about 20 per cent of the class .

  30. 在此基础上重新设计了MPC系排气系统,试验结果表明该系统改善了发动机低速性能。

    On the basis of optimization structure parameters , a new exhaust system for improving the engine performance at low speeds is designed .