
  1. 公司已成为国内外石油机构设施指定重点供应商;

    Our company has become the designated supplier of many oil organizations both at home and abroad .

  2. 而供应链系统协同供货的关键在于对重点型供应商供货进行监控预警,并以此建立了基于事例推理的供应链协同供货监控预警模型。

    The supply coordination of supply chain lied in important suppliers and then the monitoring and warning model of supply chain coordination was established based on case based reasoning .

  3. 用两个模型初步探讨了商业物流系统和制造业物流系统供应商的最佳数目问题,并重点对供应商合作问题进行了博弈分析。

    We probe into the best number of Suppliers in commercial logistics system and manufactural logistics system through two models , and mainly do cooperative game analysis in Supplier cooperation .

  4. 本文以供应链时代为背景,重点分析了供应商管理库存(VenderManagedInventory,VMI)在消除牛鞭效应中的作用,并比较VMI模式实施前后的成本和利润的变化。

    This text with supply chain ages for background , the point analyzed the function of the Vender Managed Inventory ( VMI ) in remove the bullwhip effect , and compare the VMI mode implement in front and back of the variety of the cost and profits .

  5. 论文重点对构建供应商管理体系进行了系统探讨。

    The paper mainly focuses the discussion on the construction of supplier management system .

  6. 由于保理法律关系是以债权让与为基础而建立起来的,所以本部分重点研究了供应商与出口保理商之问的以债权让与为基础而订立的保理合同中包括的内容。

    This part takes the factoring agreement between supplier and export supplier as a focus based on the fact that assignment of account receivable as the foundation of factoring .

  7. 第五章主要针对我国输配电设备制造企业中的供应链管理中存在的普遍问题提出改善对策及策略重点,包括供应商选择与管理、库存管理、物流管理等三个方面。

    Chapter V focus on common problems existing in the supply chain of power transmission and distribution equipment manufacturing enterprises , including supplier selection and management , inventory management , logistics management and then makes the corresponding improvement measures and related strategy .

  8. 首先根据供应商历来的综合评估结果,计算一步转移概率矩阵,并以最后一期评估结果为初始预测基准,对未来变化趋势做出预测,筛选出需重点监控的供应商。

    First of all , calculated one-step transfer probability matrix according to the traditional results of comprehensive assessment for suppliers , and took the last period of assessment results as the initial forecast benchmark to do future trend forecast , and found out key monitoring suppliers . 5 .

  9. 从分析在军事物中开展供应商管理的内涵与外延入手,探讨了供应商管理应处理好的几个关系,重点研究了实施供应商管理的程序和方法。

    The paper discusses several relationships which should , be well dealt with in supplier management and stresses the process and method to put supplier management into practice .

  10. 从企业的角度来讲,质量审核的重点指向应该是供应商产品和制造过程,从而不同于第三方机构,如认证咨询公司对通行的质量管理体系的审核。

    From company side , the key of quality audit will focus on product and manufacturing process , it will be different from thrid party audit , focus on quality management system .

  11. 提出了供应商集成的时机选择模型、评价标准以及各阶段的工作重点,为企业供应商集成管理实践提供参考和借鉴。

    The supplier screening and stage choosing Model , screening standard and focal point of the work during supplier integration are proposed . References and implications for enterprises are offered for supplier integration management .

  12. 该控制模式以供应商的质量控制为重点,主要包括供应商的质量能力评定与提高、外购件认可和批量供货过程中的质量控制3个环节。

    The control mode , with emphasis on the suppliers ' quality control , includes three parts , i. e. the assessment and improvement of suppliers ' quality ability , the approval of outsourcing parts and the quality control during the process of supply in batch .