
  1. 很多人听说过著名的沃伦•巴菲特午餐。

    Many have heard of Warren Buffet 's famous lunches .

  2. 往年巴菲特午餐所拍得的善款已超过590万美元。

    Previous auctions have raised more than $ 5.9 million .

  3. 巴菲特午餐时间正在拍卖

    Buffett lunch on auction

  4. 过去15年间,巴菲特午餐拍卖已为该慈善机构筹款1790万美元。

    Over the past 15 years , Buffett 's lunch auction has raised $ 17.9m for the Glide Foundation .

  5. 与“巴菲特午餐”不同,这20名学生并没有在拍卖会上为获得餐桌上的一席之位而竞标。

    Unlike Buffet 's lunches , the 20 students didn 't bid in an auction for places at the meal .

  6. “跟巴菲特共进午餐的价值是不能用金钱来衡量的。”段说。

    " The value of dining with Buffett is unmeasurable in money ," said Duan .

  7. 如有人最终赢得拍卖,除了不透露他(她)的姓名外,还将有机会邀请7位自己的朋友与巴菲特共进午餐。

    The winning bidder , whose name was not disclosed , will be able to invite seven friends to have lunch with Buffett .

  8. 今年202100美元的价格低于去年纽约一家投资公司与巴菲特共进午餐所支付250000美元。

    This year 's price , $ 202,100 , was lower than the $ 250,100 that a New York investment firm paid for the lunch last year .

  9. 当时,身为对冲基金经理的父亲莫尼什•帕波莱(MohnishPabrai)和一个朋友在2007年以65.01万美元中标后,带上自己的两个女儿与巴菲特共进午餐。

    Her hedge fund manager father , Mohnish Pabrai , took his two daughters along after he and a friend won with their $ 650100 bid in 2007 .

  10. 从中国电子行业企业家转型为投资者的段永平,在2006年与巴菲特共进午餐时,讨论了巴菲特自己投资航空公司的灾难性经历,自那以来段永平一直避开航空公司股票。

    Duan Yongping , the Chinese electronics entrepreneur turned investor , has stayed away from airline stocks after discussing Mr Buffett 's own disastrous foray into the sector with him at lunch in 2006 .

  11. 自第一次网上拍卖以来,餐馆就餐的价格上涨44%,而巴菲特的2016年午餐价格高了1282%。

    Since that first online auction , the price of the average restaurant meal has risen 44 per cent , while Mr Buffett 's 2016 lunch is 1282 per cent higher .

  12. 巴菲特每年都会举行一场慈善拍卖,出价最高者有权与巴菲特共进午餐,拍卖所得一律捐给旧金山教会及慈善组织Glide。

    Every year , glide , a San Francisco Church and mission , is the beneficiary of an auction in which the prize for the top bidder is a private lunch with Buffett .