
  • 网络Brazilian real;BRL;Reais;Brazil Real
  1. 他依然沉迷于这类交易,不过当它们与对冲基金融合时却会引起人们的嫌恶。例如:去年他就曾投资1亿美元,压注巴西雷亚尔(Brazilianreal)兑美元汇率提升。

    He still indulges in the kind of trades that elicit distaste when they are perpetrated by hedge funds - for example , last year he made $ 100m by betting that the Brazilian real would appreciate against the dollar .

  2. CME预计,人民币期货合约的交易量增长,将与其他新兴市场货币(如俄罗斯卢布和巴西雷亚尔)期货合约相仿,后者在去年上半年增长了三倍。

    The CME expects the volume growth to mirror that of other emerging markets currency contracts , such as the Russian rouble and Brazilian real , which grew fourfold in the first half of last year .

  3. 在2014年收购该消息应用的Facebook在最初拒绝法庭命令后被罚款5万巴西雷亚尔(合12658美元)。

    Facebook , which bought the messaging application in 2014 , was fined R $ 50000 ( $ 12658 ) after it first ref-used the request .

  4. 去年,桑坦德以9倍市盈率的隐含估价收购了巴西雷亚尔银行(bancoreal),而霍伊兰表示,在巴西当地市场实际市盈率为13倍。

    Last year , it bought Banco real of Brazil at an implied valuation of nine times earnings in the local Brazilian market , says hoyland , it was 13 times earnings .

  5. 巴西雷亚尔升值27%,俄罗斯卢布升值14%,跟踪10种亚洲最活跃新兴国家货币的彭博-摩根大通亚洲美元指数(Bloomberg-JPMorganAsiaDollarindex),目前处于19个月高点。

    Brazil 's real is up 27 per cent , Russia 's rouble 14 per cent and the Bloomberg-JP Morgan Asia Dollar index , which tracks the 10 most active emerging Asian currencies , is at a 19-month high .

  6. 美国国债收益率上升,巴西雷亚尔和土耳其里拉遭到抛售。

    Treasury yields rose and the Brazilian real and Turkish lira sold off .

  7. 就连阿根廷比索和巴西雷亚尔都比美元有活力。

    Even the Argentine peso and Brazilian real are thriving against the dollar .

  8. 巴西雷亚尔和俄罗斯卢布汇率分别上涨3.7%和3.4%。

    The real and the rouble were higher by 3.7 per cent and 3.4 per cent .

  9. 而一旦以大宗商品生产国的货币计价(比如澳元或是巴西雷亚尔),景象便截然不同了。

    The picture looks different when measured in the currency of commodity producers , such as the Australian dollar or the Brazilian real .

  10. 交易包括做空巴西雷亚尔兑智利比索或土耳其里拉汇率。这些国家的经济出现了不同程度的放缓。

    Trades include shorting the Brazilian real against the Chilean peso or the Turkish lira , as their economies slow at different rates .

  11. 自今年年中以来,新兴市场的股价大幅下滑,巴西雷亚尔等一些货币兑美元汇率有所下跌。

    Emerging market equity prices have fallen sharply since mid-year , and some currencies such as the Brazilian real have retreated against the dollar .

  12. 上周它公布一条措施,相当于针对下注美元对巴西雷亚尔贬值的投资者征税1%。

    Last week , it announced what amounted to a 1 % tax on investors who bet the dollar would decline again the Brazilian real .

  13. 日本个人投资者近年一直忙于追捧以巴西雷亚尔计值的资产,且长期以来热衷于投资澳元。

    Individuals have been busily buying up Brazilian-real-denominated assets over the past couple of years and have long been keen investors in the Australian dollar .

  14. 大宗商品和新兴市场货币,如南非兰特和巴西雷亚尔,往往从中国股市的涨跌中捕捉信号。

    Both commodity and emerging market currencies , such as the South African Rand and the Brazilian real , often take their cue from Chinese equities .

  15. 美元兑巴西雷亚尔汇率也下探至新低,雷亚尔币值超过了2008年夏季危机当中创下的不可持续的高水平。

    It has also hit a fresh low against the Brazilian real , exceeding the unsustainable high that that currency logged in the crisis summer of 2008 .

  16. 巴西雷亚尔的走强,使得从汇率紧盯美元的国家比如中国进口的产品变得便宜了许多。

    Its strength has helped make imports of goods from countries with currencies whose exchange rates are closely linked to the dollar , such as China , much cheaper .

  17. 直到最近,投资者一直把美元当作用于投资外汇的融资货币。大宗商品价格受到全球经济增长预期的推动而上升时,他们投资的这些外汇就会受益,比如澳大利亚元和巴西雷亚尔。

    Until recently investors have used the dollar as a funding currency to invest in currencies that benefit from rising commodity prices on the back of global growth expectations – such as Australia or Brazil .

  18. 尽管巴西雷亚尔在上月降息之后走弱,但兑美元汇率曾在7月创下12年新高,目前的水平则比2009年初高出36%。

    Although the currency weakened following an interest rate cut last month , the real hit a 12-year high against the dollar in July and is up by 36 per cent since the start of 2009 .

  19. 葆拉指着菜单底部的一行小字说,即使顾客也可以花23巴西雷亚尔(合9美元)购买这样的一餐&如果他们看的够仔细的话。

    The option is even available to customers for R $ 23 ( US $ 9 ) if they look hard enough , she said , pointing to the small print at the bottom of the menu .

  20. 就未来二三十年来说,答案很可能是基于几种具有区域重要性的货币建立一种新体系:包括美元、欧元和人民币,可能还有巴西雷亚尔、印度卢比、以及一两种其它货币。

    The answer for the next couple of decades is likely to be a new system built on a handful of currencies of regional significance : the dollar , euro and renminbi , along with possibly the Brazilian real , Indian rupee , and one or two others .

  21. 巴西货币雷亚尔(real)在2011年头七个月对美元的升值达到6%,仅在本月出现了一些下降。

    Brazil 's currency , the real , appreciated by6 % against the dollar in the first seven months of2011 before falling a bit this month .

  22. 通过这个可供选择的方法,包含了调整后的个人GDP的数据,可以看出巴西货币雷亚尔实在是被炒得过火了。比原料价值高出了100%(见下图)。

    This alternative recipe , with its adjustment for GDP per person , indicates that the Brazilian real is still badly overcooked , at more than 100 % too dear ( see lower chart ) .

  23. 令人奇怪的是信贷紧缩没有打击到饥渴投资者对于两种货币的信心:巴西的雷亚尔和土耳其的里拉。

    Curiously the crunch has not shaken faith in two currencies favoured by yield-hungry investors : the Brazilian real and Turkish lira .

  24. 我们现在正在讨论的是,巴西用雷亚尔支付中国商品,而中国用人民币支付巴西商品。

    What we are talking about now is Brazil paying for Chinese goods with reals and China paying for Brazilian goods with renminbi .

  25. 因为去年巴西货币雷亚尔急剧贬值,一些人开始怀疑:除了各车站已经盖好的那些漂亮的现代风格风雨棚,这些交通项目到底能不能完成。

    As the value of the Brazilian real has drastically declined over the last year , some have expressed doubt that the transit projects will materialize beyond the sleek , modernist weather shelters that have been built at various stations .

  26. 截至午盘,巴西股市下跌超过5%,巴西雷亚尔对美元汇率大幅下挫。

    The Brazilian stock market fell more than 5 per cent by midday , and the real lost ground against the dollar .

  27. 流入巴西的资金持续不断,昨日导致巴西雷亚尔兑美元的汇率升至1美元兑1.848雷亚尔的10个月高位。

    Yesterday , ongoing inflows into Brazil led the real to a 10-month high at R1.848 against the dollar .

  28. 巴西法庭表示,罚款被提高至100万巴西雷亚尔,但毫无作用。

    The fine was raised to R $ 1m , to no avail , the court said .

  29. 进一步加息只会吸引更多热钱流入该国,加剧巴西人口中的“汇率战”,推动巴西货币雷亚尔兑美元稳步升值。

    Further increases are only attracting more hot money inflows from abroad , worsening what Brazil calls the " currency war " , the steady appreciation of its currency , the real , against the US dollar .

  30. 回想一下,就在上述诉讼之后,巴西财长吉多曼特加(guidomantega)在刚刚过去的这个周末宣称,将对巴西雷亚尔进行干预,并且为了保持巴西制造商相对于进口产品的竞争力,将提供任何必要的补贴。

    Consider that just this past weekend , in the wake of these filings , Brazilian Finance Minister Guido Mantega vowed to manipulate the Brazilian real and to provide whatever subsidies are necessary to keep Brazilian manufacturers competitive against imports .