
bā lí jù lè bù
  • Paris Club
  1. 但在巴黎俱乐部(ParisClub)债权国和IMF的带头下,它们对某些具体条款提出了反对。

    But , led by the Paris Club of creditors and the IMF , they have raised objections to specific provisions .

  2. 十国集团(巴黎俱乐部)

    Group of Ten ( Paris Club )

  3. 巴黎俱乐部(债权国)

    Paris Club ( Group of Ten )

  4. 善意条款:巴黎俱乐部贷款协定中的一项条款,规定债权国在规定的合并期结束后进行债务减免。

    Goodwill clause : A clause in a Paris Club loan agreement that commits the creditors to consider debt relief after the end of the stipulated consolidation period .

  5. 其结果,2005-2006年对巴黎俱乐部和多边金融机构的本金偿还额超过支付额1460亿美元,而私人债务净流量达到4320亿美元。

    As a result , principal repayments to the Paris Club and multilateral institutions exceeded disbursements by $ 146 billion in2005-06 , as net private debt flows reached $ 432 billion .

  6. 阿根廷总统克里斯蒂娜宣布偿还拖欠巴黎俱乐部19个债权国总额达67亿美元的逾期贷款。

    Argentina 's president , Cristina Fern á ndez de Kirchner , announced that the country would repay $ 6.7 billion in long overdue loans to the Paris Club of19 sovereign creditors .

  7. 但国际货币基金组织和巴黎俱乐部债权人顶住中方的反对,敦促刚果作出修订,以确保该协议与刚果对110亿美元现有外债的管理相符。

    But against Chinese opposition , the IMF and the Paris Club of creditors urged Congo to make adjustments to ensure the deal was consistent with Congo 's management of its existing $ 11bn external debt .

  8. 英国足球明星贝克汉姆(DavidBeckham)周四同巴黎圣日耳曼俱乐部(ParisSaint-Germain)签署了一份为期五个月的合同。贝克汉姆的加盟为这支由卡塔尔人支持的法国足球队注入了浓浓的名人效应和营销上的吸引力。

    English soccer star David Beckham on Thursday signed a five-month contract with Paris Saint-Germain , injecting a heavy dose of celebrity appeal and marketing magnetism to the Qatari-backed French soccer team .

  9. 巴黎圣日耳曼俱乐部主席阿尔赫莱菲(NasserAl-Khelaifi)说,贝克汉姆“是一个非常成熟的球员,我相信他将给球队增加不少价值”。

    Beckham ' is a very proficient player . I 'm sure he will add much value to the team , ' said club President Nasser Al-Khelaifi .

  10. 此举为巴黎圣日耳曼俱乐部带来了体育界最大牌的明星之一,球队可能借此卖出更多门票并拉动球队特许商品的销售。

    The move brings one of the sporting world 's biggest icons to PSG with the potential to sell more tickets and move team merchandise .

  11. 此项于3月中旬发布的悲观预测,本周被总部位于巴黎的富国俱乐部经合组织(OECD)抢去了风头。

    This gloomy forecast , made in mid-March , was upstaged this week by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , the rich countries ' club based in Paris .

  12. 周一下午在巴黎,地中海俱乐部的股价下滑了2.1%,报收24.54欧元,比赢得竞购的报价略低。

    The stock dropped on Monday afternoon in Paris to just below the winning bid , falling 2.1 percent , to 24.54 a share .

  13. 墨西哥队教练胡安-卡洛斯-奥索里奥说,内马尔的“表演是足球界的坏榜样。”内马尔目前效力于巴黎圣日耳曼足球俱乐部。

    Mexico coach Juan Carlos Osorio said the Paris St-Germain player 's " acting " is " not a good example for football . "

  14. 在去年12月离开洛杉矶银河后,贝克汉姆在1月以短期合约加入了巴黎圣日耳曼足球俱乐部,将效力至赛季末。他说他对自己在法国俱乐部上的表现很满意。

    Beckham , who joined Paris Saint-Germain in January on a short-term deal until the end of the season after leaving Los Angeles Galaxy in December , said he was satisfied with his recent performance at the French club .

  15. 2015年,姆巴佩在摩纳哥一家不太知名的俱乐部开始了自己的职业生涯。但短短两年内,巴黎圣日耳曼足球俱乐部便向他支付了1.8亿欧元(约14亿人民币)的转会费,令他成为全球身价第二高的球员。

    Mbappe began his professional career for a lesser-known club in Monaco in 2015 , but within two years , Paris St Germain paid Euro180 million ( 1.4 billion yuan ) for Mbappe 's transfer , making him the second most expensive player in the world .

  16. 总部位于巴黎的发达国家俱乐部&经合组织(OECD)在最近的一篇研究报告中宣称,美国最富有人群获得了过去30年收入增长的大部分。

    In a recent study , the Paris-based Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , the club of developed nations , declared that the wealthiest Americans have collected the bulk of the past three decades ' income gains .

  17. 巴黎是五星级俱乐部创建成员之一,所有你阅读的调查报告都会显示,就财力、竞争力、全球影响力以及经济实力而言,它始终稳居前五名。

    Paris is a founding member of the 5-star club . Whichever survey or report you 're looking at , Paris is always up there in the top five cities in the world in terms of wealth , competitiveness , global power , and economic power . This is the brochure .