
  • 网络European Monetary Union;emu;European Monetary Union, EMU
  1. 论欧洲货币联盟及欧元

    The EMU and the euro

  2. 这在金融现时的管理证书课程开发与数学系在欧洲货币联盟的合作。

    This Certificate Program in Financial Mangement is developed in collaboration with the Department of Mathematics at EMU .

  3. III欧元和欧洲货币联盟的对外影响。

    III External aspects of euro and EMU ( European Monetary Union )

  4. 当欧洲货币联盟(emu)创立之时,不存在有关欧元区解体的计划。

    There was no plan for a eurozone break-up when the European Monetary Union was created .

  5. 欧洲货币联盟(emu)正进入诞生11年以来的最危险阶段。

    The project of European Monetary Union is entering the most dangerous phase in its 11-year history .

  6. 至于英国人,难怪乎英国首相戴维卡梅伦(davidcameron)把欧洲货币联盟的危机视为一个巨大的政治机会。

    As for the Brits , small wonder Prime Minister David Cameron regards the crisis of the European Monetary Union as a huge political opportunity .

  7. 在2001年试图获得欧洲货币联盟(emu)成员身份时,希腊提交了有关国内赤字的虚假信息。

    It presented faulty information about its deficits in 2001 when attempting to secure membership of the European Monetary Union .

  8. 欧洲货币联盟是以国际条约中神圣不可侵犯的原则为基础的。

    Emu is based on rules enshrined in international treaties .

  9. 欧洲货币联盟的守护者们现在已被希腊纳税人绑架。

    The guardians of European Monetary Union are now held hostage to Greek taxpayers .

  10. 但这就不是欧洲货币联盟,而是相当不同的事物了。

    That is not a European currency union . It is something quite different .

  11. 但即使这样一场危机也不一定导致欧洲货币联盟的解体。

    Yet even such a crisis would not entail dissolution of the monetary union .

  12. 欧洲货币联盟的法律保障

    The Legal Protection of European Monetary Union

  13. 没有人认为,亚洲将以某种形式复制欧洲货币联盟。

    No one thinks that Asia is in any shape to replicate the European Monetary Union .

  14. 上述情况并不意味着欧洲货币联盟可能会失败。

    All of this does not mean that the European Monetary Union is likely to fail .

  15. 欧洲货币联盟是金融发展内外协调运行中的典型形态。

    European Monetary Union is the typical model of the financial development from inside to outside .

  16. 1991年12月,我在一篇有关匆忙构建欧洲货币联盟的文章中,作出了这样一个结论。

    Thus , in December 1991 , did I conclude an article on the rush to monetary union .

  17. 德国的稳定政策仍将在欧洲货币联盟中发挥作用。

    The Stability Policy of Germany will continue to play an important role in the EU monetary Union .

  18. 欧元伦敦银行同业拆借利率确实存在,但这要追溯到前欧洲货币联盟时代出于连续性目的而进行的互换。

    A Euro LIBOR does exist , but mainly for continuity purposes in swap contracts dating back to pre-EMU times .

  19. 而且,从这个视角看,你能够清楚看到欧洲货币联盟成为强大政治力量的潜力。

    And from this position , you can clearly spot the potential of a monetary union as a political power .

  20. 欧洲货币联盟发展与欧元诞生四周年回顾

    Evolution of European Monetary Union ( EMU ) and Retrospection on the Fourth Anniversary of the Birth of the Euro

  21. 目前,欧洲货币联盟内部的市场自律显然不够有力和可信,无法确保金融的健全运转。

    It is now clear that market discipline within monetary union is insufficiently potent and credible to assure sound finance .

  22. 在浮动汇率制盛行的今天,欧洲货币联盟在政权分立的情况下通过协商实现货币的统一,不得不说是一种创举。

    Nowadays , although the flexible exchange rate system prevails in the world , EMU has achieved the unification of currency .

  23. 对於明年一月一日为欧洲货币联盟而实施的经济一体化,我们尤感兴趣。

    In particular , we are watching with interest the economic convergence for European Monetary Union on 1 January next year .

  24. 德国是欧洲货币联盟中,第一个违反稳定与增长公约中有关赤字和债务规则的国家。

    Germany was the first in the European Monetary Union to break the stability and growth pact rules on deficits and debt .

  25. 最优货币区理论,为欧洲货币联盟的成立和发展提供了理论基础和实践指导。

    The theory of optimum currency area provides a theoretical basis and practical guideline for the establishment & development of the European Monetary union .

  26. 欧洲货币联盟无法再假称自己遵守其被兜售给欧洲公民,尤其是德国公民时的前提。

    There can be no more pretence that monetary union respects the premise on which it was sold to European citizens , Germans in particular .

  27. 欧洲货币联盟对促进欧洲经济和社会发展具有重大意义。

    The European Monetary Union ( EMU ) plays a significant role in the economic and social development of the European Community ( EC ) .

  28. 投资者开始担心欧洲货币联盟可能瓦解,从而破坏了人们对欧元自身的信心。

    That , in turn , is undermining confidence in the euro itself as investors have begun to worry that Europe 's monetary union could unravel .

  29. 然而,要实现这个目标,它们必须解决自欧洲货币联盟建立以来,欧洲北方与南方之间形成的成本差距。

    Yet to achieve that they have to address the cost differentials that have built up between northern and southern Europe since the start of the monetary union .

  30. 这一条款允许欧洲货币联盟成员国成立欧元区范围内的机构,以增进各成员国之间的政策协调性,同时仍保持在欧盟的法律保护伞之下。

    It allows members of the monetary union to establish eurozone-specific institutions to improve the co-ordination of their policies while remaining under the legal umbrella of the EU .