
  • 网络Eurodollar Market;Euro-dollar market
  1. 当美国联邦储备委员会在美国限制存款利率时,欧洲美元市场又一次促进了美元存款。

    The Eurodollar market was given another major boost when the american Federal Reserve Board place limits on deposit interest rates in the United States .

  2. 其中最为著名的是美国的利率上限规定(RegulationQ)。该规定禁止对活期存款支付利息,这个规定还推动了战后第一个离岸金融市场的发展:伦敦的欧洲美元市场。

    The most famous of these , " Regulation Q " in the US , which forbade the payment of interest on demand deposits , promoted the development of the first significant postwar offshore financial market : the eurodollar market in London .

  3. 他们的前辈可以放开手脚发展欧洲美元市场。

    Their predecessors were given a free hand to develop the eurodollar market .

  4. 如果离岸人民币市场蓬勃发展,香港在其中扮演的角色可能与伦敦在欧州美元市场的角色相似。欧洲美元市场面向美国以外流通的美元。

    If the offshore renminbi market takes off , Hong Kong stands to play a similar role to that of London in the Eurodollar market for dollars circulating outside the US .

  5. 他们或许可以尝试设立美元离岸清算中心,效仿上世纪70年代为了应对美国对国际交易的掌控开设的欧洲美元市场。

    They might try to set up dollar clearing offshore , an echo of the eurodollar market that sprang up in Europe in the 1970s in response to US controls on international transactions .

  6. 这一趋势始于上世纪60年代,当时美国税收改革促使离岸欧洲美元债券市场创建。

    The trend began in the 1960s , when US tax reform inspired the creation of the offshore eurodollar bond market .

  7. 在纽约发行的美元外国债券比在伦敦欧洲美元债券市场要低。

    A foreign bond issue in dollars in New York is considerably cheaper than one made in the London Euro-dollar bond market .

  8. 国际离岸金融市场起源于欧洲美元交易(因此初期称作欧洲美元市场),最早出现在伦敦,但当时的规模还很小。

    International offshore financial market originated from European dollar trade ( so it was first called European dollar market ), and it appeared in London at first in small scale at that time .