
  • 网络Opel
  1. 欧尼尔还邀请了很多富豪朋友,如欧宝汽车公司继承人乔治·范·欧宝(GeorgvonOpe)、吉百利巧克力继承人乔尔·吉百利(JoelCadbury)、哥伦比亚富豪亚历杭德罗·桑托·多明戈(AlejandroSantoDomingo)以及艾丹·巴克莱和菲兹·巴克莱(AidanandFizzyBarclay)。

    O'Neill had also invited many of his super-rich friends , such as Opel heir Georg von Opel , Cadbury chocolate heir Joel Cadbury , Colombian billionaire Alejandro Santo Domingo , and Aidan and Fizzy Barclay .

  2. 历史上的今天-欧宝第一辆汽车1899年的今天,德国欧宝汽车生产出第一辆汽车。

    Opel first automobile 1899 - Opel manufactures its first automobile .

  3. 欧宝汽车技术中心在NVH领域的试验研究技术

    NVH Test Technology in Opel-Technical Development Center Europe

  4. 本文叙述了NVH的试验研究技术和研究内容,以欧宝汽车技术中心为例分类阐述了通常NVH试验研究工作的展开方法。

    The study technology and study contents of NVH area are described in this paper . The usual methods to study the NVH projects are illustrated by introducing Opel-Technical Development Center Europe .

  5. 默克尔昨日表示,德国政府必须迅速行动,避免欧宝卷入通用汽车可能的破产之中。

    Yesterday Ms Merkel said Berlin had to act quickly to avoid Opel being dragged into a possible GM insolvency .

  6. 菲亚特希望将欧宝与自己的汽车业务合并,该公司于近期收购了克莱斯勒(Chrysler)。

    Fiat wants to merge Opel with its own autos division and recently acquired Chrysler .

  7. 该公司本周早些时候称将削减欧宝(Opel)汽车在西欧的产量。

    GM earlier this week said it will pare production of Opel vehicles built in the region .

  8. 竞购欧宝时,加拿大汽车零部件生产商麦格纳(magna)似乎对这一点极为重视承诺给予职工新公司10%的股权。

    In its bid for Opel , Magna , the Canadian car parts maker appeared to take this message to heart - promising workers 10 per cent of the new company .

  9. 董事会9月同意将欧宝出售给加拿大汽车零部件制造商Magna,但欧盟上个月又对德国在这桩交易中的角色表示了担心。

    Although the board approved the sale to Magna in September , the European Union last month voiced fresh concerns about Germany 's role in the sale to the Canadian car-parts maker .

  10. 这两名人士表示,向上述加拿大-俄罗斯财团出售欧宝,仍是通用汽车的优先选择,因为该公司担心,除此之外唯一切实的选择是,资不抵债并接受有限制的破产管理。

    GM still favours the sale to the Canadian / Russian consortium , these people said , because it fears the only real alternative is insolvency and a controlled administration process .