
  • 网络Chery;chery automobile;chery auto;chery automotive
  1. 奇瑞汽车有限公司(CheryAutomobileCo.)宣布一季度销量下滑25%,至109000辆。

    Chery Automobile Co. reported a 25 % fall to 109,000 vehicles .

  2. 今年早些时候,奇瑞汽车有限公司(CheryAutomobileCo.)获得了鼎晖投资(CDHInvestments)和渤海产业投资基金管理公司(BohaiIndustrialInvestmentFundManagementCo.)管理的人民币计价私募基金的投资。

    Earlier this year , Chery Automobile Co. secured backing from yuan-denominated private equity funds managed by CDH Investments and Bohai Industrial Investment Fund Management Co.

  3. 以微型车起步的奇瑞汽车(cheryautomobile)展示了新的减排技术,以及一系列更高档的汽车。

    Chery Automobile , which started in small cars , is showcasing new emissions-cutting technology and a range of higher-class cars .

  4. 与华晨不同,奇瑞汽车(cheryautomobile)和上海汽车(shanghaiauto)等其它中国汽车制造商,选择在本土市场改善产品,然后再推向海外。

    Unlike brilliance , some other Chinese car companies , including Chery Automobile and Shanghai auto , have chosen to improve their products in their home market before venturing abroad .

  5. 克莱斯勒(Chrysler)和奇瑞汽车(CheryAutomobile)已终止有关在华生产小型汽车用于出口的合作协议,使这家美国公司最有名的海外项目之一受到打击。

    Chrysler and Chery Automobile have terminated a co-operation agreement to produce small cars in China for export , dealing a blow to one of the US company 's highest-profile overseas projects .

  6. 总部位于考文垂的捷豹路虎隶属于印度的塔塔汽车(TataMotors)。该公司最初将与中国合作伙伴、国有的奇瑞汽车(CheryAutomobile)合作,生产价格稍低的SUV车型——揽胜极光(RangeRoverEvoque)。

    JLR , a unit of India 's Tata Motors , will initially produce Range Rover Evoques , one of its less expensive SUV models , with its Chinese partner , state-owned Chery Automobile .

  7. 该公司最近与增长迅速的中国汽车制造商奇瑞汽车(cheryautomobile)签订了一项合资协议,内容包括首次在华销售阿尔法罗密欧(alfaromeo)品牌的轿车。

    The group has recently signed a joint-venture agreement with Chery Automobile , the fast-growing Chinese carmaker , which will include the first sales of the alfa-romeo brand in China .

  8. 畅销小型车QQ的制造商奇瑞汽车(CheryAutomobile)在其网站上宣布,该公司在3月份销售逾3.5万辆汽车,今年第二次刷新月度销售纪录。

    Chery Automobile , maker of China 's best-selling compact car QQ , sold more than 35,000 cars in March , hitting its second monthly record this year , it said on its website .

  9. 来自安徽省的奇瑞汽车(Chery)已成为中国市场第四大汽车品牌,年销量超过30万辆。

    And one Chinese company , Chery from the inland province of Anhui , was the fourth-largest brand in the country with annual sales of just over 300,000 .

  10. 结合上汽集团奇瑞汽车4S特许营销服务店设计的具体实践,从功能布局、造型设计、技术运用、运作模式等不同的方面总结了4S汽车营销店的设计特征。

    We combine up the design of the Chery 4S automobile concession service shop . From the function layout , the sculpt design , the technique usage and the operation mode etc. we summarizes the characteristics of the design of the 4S automobile concession service shop .

  11. 从2001年开始,奇瑞汽车积极进行海外市场开拓。

    It started to develop oversea market from 2001 .

  12. 奇瑞汽车品牌的塑造与品牌竞争力探析

    Analysis on Brand Shaping and Competitiveness of Chery Automobile

  13. 奇瑞汽车是我国自主品牌汽车企业的代表。

    Chery company is the representative of our country independent brand automobile enterprises .

  14. 最后,就未来进一步提升奇瑞汽车的国际化水平提出了若干建议。

    Then several suggestions are putted forward on the improvement of Chery internationalization development .

  15. 奇瑞汽车新闻发言人金弋波表示,“目前没有信息可供发布”。

    Chery spokesperson Jin Yibo said he had " no information " concerning the deal .

  16. 从奇瑞汽车公司成长看高校在我国汽车工业中的作用

    Function Analysis of Universities in Our Automobile Industry Based on Development of Chery Automobile Corporation Limited

  17. 奇瑞汽车闯世界

    Chery Automobile braves the world

  18. 奇瑞汽车在本周的汽车展上展出了燃料电池轿车和混合动力轿车。

    Chery Automobile has a fuel-cell car and hybrid on display at this week 's auto show .

  19. 奇瑞汽车发言人金弋波说,小型轿车的销量明显下降。

    ' Sales of small cars have dropped significantly , 'said Jin Yibo , spokesman for Chery .

  20. 可是,最近的一些对奇瑞汽车的披露,却似乎打消了底特律的紧张。

    Recent revelations about Chery products , however , have taken Detroit 's hand off the panic button .

  21. 其次是介绍安徽省主要汽车制造公司奇瑞汽车、江淮汽车以及星马汽车的发展情况;

    Secondly , the main automotive manufacturing companies in the province , including Chery , JAC and Xingma , will be described .

  22. 奇瑞汽车特许销售店服务店是集销售、零配件、售后服务、信息反馈四位一体的建筑。

    Chery Automobile Service Shop is the kind of architecture that integrates sales , spare parts , after-sale service , and information feedback .

  23. 周三中国的奇瑞汽车已经生产了它的第1百万辆轿车,成为了中国第一个达到这个里程碑的自主品牌汽车制造厂。

    China 's Chery Automobile produced its1 millionth car on Wednesday to become the country 's first indigenous automaker to reach the milestone .

  24. 象奇瑞汽车这样的公司可能会成为上市公司,并会给私募股权投资者如渤海产业基金和鼎晖投资提供了丰厚回报。

    Companies like Chery Automotive will probably become public companies and provide rich rewards for private equity investors Bohai Industrial Fund and CDH Investments .

  25. 3月,奇瑞汽车推出了一款电池电动汽车—S18EV。据说这款汽车充电一次即可行驶150公里。

    In March , Chery Auto unveiled a battery electric vehicle-the S18EV-that it says has a range of 150 kilometres on a single charge .

  26. 观致汽车所需资金规模高达27亿美元,其中12亿美元以股权形式筹集,奇瑞汽车和以色列集团各承担50%;其余15亿美元则以债务形式募集。

    Qoros will require about $ 2.7bn in funding of which $ 1.2bn is equity - split 50-50 between the two parties - and $ 1.5bn debt .

  27. 奇瑞汽车目前对葡萄牙市场还没有具体计划,只是关注对拉美的出口。奇瑞公司认为,拉美的廉价汽车市场的潜力很大。

    Chery currently ahs no plans to enter the Portuguese market and is concentrating on exports to Latin america , where it believes there is great potential for the budget vehicle market .

  28. 文章结论部分阐述未来汽车营销渠道发展趋势分析,以及奇瑞汽车营销渠道方案随市场变化可能出现的问题并提出应对未来变化的建议。

    Concluded the article describes the development trend of future automotive marketing channel analysis , and Chery Automobile marketing channel program with the problems that may occur changes in the market and proposed future changes in response to the proposal .

  29. 本文中的主动式汽车夜视系统是我校与奇瑞汽车研究院合作研发的一个横向项目。目的是为其在下一代智能汽车的研发上作技术储备。

    Vehicle active night vision system in this paper is a cooperative project of our school with Chery Automobile Research Institute R & D , which aimed to make technical reserves in the development of the next generation of intelligent vehicle .

  30. 去年,该公司成立奇瑞新能源汽车技术有限公司专用电动车等新能源汽车的研发。

    Last year , the company established Chery New Energy Automotive Technology Co Ltd dedicated to R & D for new energy vehicles such as electric vehicles .