
  • 网络MINI;Mini Car;minicar
  1. 罗布解释道:比如说问你一部迷你汽车可以装多少个网球之类的问题。

    For example , if you were asked , How many tennis balls could a Mini car carry ?

  2. 有一辆迷你汽车由于故障停在了路边,这时,有个人开着美洲豹跑车停在了它旁边。

    A man in a Jaguar passed a mini that had broken down by the side of the road .

  3. 这家公司占有迷你小型汽车市场20%的份额。

    The company has a20 % share in the market for mini or micro cars .

  4. 一位人士称:宝马正在考虑生产一款比迷你车型更小的汽车。

    BMW is considering a small car under the Mini , one person said .