
mí huo
  • confuse;puzzle;perplex;mystify;delude;bewitch;bamboozle;daze;glamour;spellbind;dupe;indistinct;declude
迷惑 [mí huò]
  • (1) [confuse;delude;dupe]∶使人迷乱

  • 迷惑敌人

  • (2) [indistinct]∶心神迷乱,辨不清是非

迷惑[mí huo]
  1. 为了解决这个迷惑,我寻找什么是已经被证实了的RUP里有效解决问题的实践。

    To solve this puzzle , I looked to what had already proved to be an effective practice for problem-solving , RUP .

  2. IP伪装学有助于转移视线,迷惑攻击者并防止攻击者从IP地址标识和IP包中获取有价值的信息。

    The discipline of IP masquerading can help to puzzle the attacker 's attention and prevent the attacker from getting the valuable information from the IP packets which are identified by IP address .

  3. 这些指示不单令人迷惑,而且肯定会误导人。

    The instructions were not just confusing , they were positively misleading .

  4. 她满面迷惑的表情。

    She had a puzzled look on her face .

  5. 他英俊漂亮,具有魔鬼般的迷惑力。

    He was handsome , with a devilish charm .

  6. 史蒂夫显得很迷惑,说他不知道我在说什么。

    Steve looked blank and said he had no idea what I was talking about .

  7. 她迷惑地蹙着眉。

    She frowned in puzzlement .

  8. 她转过身来,看见母亲脸上迷惑的表情。

    As she turned back she caught the puzzled look on her mother 's face

  9. “我曾经和你一样迷惑,”她意味深长地说。

    ' I was once as bewildered as you are , ' she said meaningfully .

  10. 我十八九岁时结了婚,那时被他的魅力所迷惑——可他的魅力很快就荡然无存。

    I married in my late teens and was taken in by his charm — which soon vanished

  11. 所附的详细使用指南使我更加迷惑。

    The detailed instructions for use only served to confuse me further .

  12. 我对这种情况感到迷惑。

    I 'm puzzled about this situation .

  13. 这种困难的经济时期可能会使许多青少年对他们在社会中的位置感到迷惑。

    Such difficult economic times may leave many adolescents confused about their roles in society .

  14. 该词是Monday和daze两个词组合而成,daze可做动词和名词,指“茫然、迷惑”或者“使感到茫然、迷惑”。

    The term is a portmanteau of Monday and daze1 where the word daze means confusion and distress3 .

  15. 但是与其他的蜥蜴不同,玻璃蜥蜴的尾巴会逐段的散成碎片,每段碎片都在扭动,以迷惑攻击者,分散其注意力

    Each tail piece wriggles to wholly confuse and distract an attacker .

  16. 大家对这个问题的费解而感到迷惑

    Everyone is at a loss at the inexplicability of the issue .

  17. 十二瓣的莲花在此用鲜红的火焰来迷惑双眼

    Where the twelve-petalled lotus flower enchants the eye with scarlet flame .

  18. 但是恶人和行诈术的人却越来越坏,他们迷惑人,也必受人迷惑

    But wicked people and charlatans will go from bad to worse , deceivers and deceived .

  19. 卡罗琳辨别出了真金的价值,知道那种炫耀的铁渣只有迷惑人的外表。

    Caroline felt the value of the true ore , and knew the deception of the flashy dross .

  20. 这份最新的报告分析了全球最让人迷惑的三种表情符号:“茄子”险胜“桃子”和“小丑”,成为最让网友感到困惑的表情符号。

    Adobe 's latest Emoji Trend report also examined the three most misunderstood emojis in the world . The " eggplant " symbol edged out the " peach " and the " clown " emojis respectively as the most confusing for users .

  21. 然而,他们不知道朱隽放出的消息是假的,是用来迷惑他们的,其真正的目的是攻打无人防守的东北角。

    But little did they know that the message sent by Zhu Jun was bogus . It was created to deceive them . His intended target was the city 's northeast where , as it turned out , no one was present to defend .

  22. Back按钮实际上会工作,这种体验会让某些用户感到迷惑。

    The Back button will actually work , and that experience will disorient some users .

  23. IPO定价是国际金融界公认的最具迷惑性的金融难题之一。

    IPO pricing is one of the most difficult puzzle recognized by the international financial field .

  24. 攻击者可以在URI中加入很多古怪的东西来迷惑用户。

    Attackers can slip lots of odd things into URIs that can fool users .

  25. 我们希望,这种令人迷惑的情况能很快得到解决,解决的办法可能就是合并SOAP包。

    We expect this confusing state of affairs will be resolved soon , perhaps with a merger of the SOAP packages .

  26. 大量的可用IBM产品可能就足以让人迷惑了,更不用说有时候复杂的相互关系了。

    The large number of IBM products that are available , not to mention their sometimes complex interrelationships , can be confusing enough .

  27. 香港电影导演会(HongKongFilmDirectors'Guild)副会长刘伟强(AndrewLau)说,他对这起攻击事件感到迷惑。

    Andrew Lau , vice president of the Hong Kong Film Directors ' Guild , said he was puzzled by the attack .

  28. 但关于DFT中的延拓原理及计算结果的物理意义作者始终感到有些迷惑。

    However about the extension principle in the DFT and the physical meaning of its value , some engineers are often feeling puzzled .

  29. 另一方面,中国股市呈现出了许多令人迷惑的现象,一方面,如与GDP增长率相背离,却与净出口、货币供应量等具有同步的特征。

    On the other side , there are many confusing phenomenon arising in Chinese stock market such as going opposite to GDP growth rate while growing in pace with net exports and currency supply .

  30. Martin使用了大量示例和清晰简练的语言,即使没有经验的开发人员读得比较慢,但却不会迷惑。

    Martin uses plenty of examples , and uses clear , concise language , so although inexperienced developers will find it slow going , they are unlikely to feel lost .