
wěi jūn
  • puppet army or soldier;quisling army
  • puppet army
伪军 [wěi jūn]
  • [puppet army] 抗日战争时期对汉奸军队的总称

  1. 伪军高呼饶命。

    The puppet soldier cried for mercy .

  2. 最后伪军被迫投降。

    In the end the puppet troops were forced to surrender .

  3. 伪军在全村搜寻我们的地下工作人员。

    The puppet soldiers searched the village for our underground workers .

  4. 伪军的士气进一步低落了。

    The morale of the puppet troops dropped to a new low .

  5. 他们赶运了一旅伪军来增援这个地区。

    They rushed a brigade of puppet troops to reinforce the area .

  6. 伪军据点被游击队连锅端了。

    The puppet troops ' stronghold was completely destroyed by the guerrillas .

  7. 他们继续给伪军空运武器。

    They continued to fly arms to the puppet troops .

  8. 攻击开始时,伪军都吓得发抖。

    The puppet troops all trembled for fear when the attack started .

  9. 解密洋品牌伪军现象

    Explain Phenomenon of " Puppet Soldiers in Foreign Brands "

  10. 伪军立即跪倒在地。

    The puppet soldiers immediately dropped to their knees .

  11. 越来越多的伪军投奔到人民这方面来。

    More and more puppet troops crossed over to the people 's side .

  12. 伪军立即跪倒在地。伪随机脉位调制与伪码调相复合体制引信研究

    Study on Pseudo Random Pulse Position Modulation and Pseudo Random Coded Phase-modulation Compound Fuze

  13. 伪军遭到了灾难性的失败。

    The puppet troops suffered disastrous defeat .

  14. 特种部队、伪军、交通警察、保安部队等约一百二十万人;

    Troops in the special arms , puppet troops , communications police and peace preservation corps numbered about 1,200,000 .

  15. 基于小波变换和似然无偏估计的运动心电信号伪差消除法很多伪军开了小差。

    Exercise ECG Signal De-noising Using Unbiased Risk Estimate and Wavelet Transform Many of the puppet soldiers took French leave .

  16. 在河间镇有个曾经当过伪军营长的姓钟的人,手下还有几个旧部。

    In the town of Hochien there lived a former commander of a Japanese puppet battalion , named Chun , and several of his officers .

  17. 在伪军伪组织中,有一些是可以争取成为革命两面派的,个别的已经成为革命两面派。

    Some people in the puppet troops and organizations have the potential to serve as revolutionary double-dealers , and some have already become revolutionary double-dealers .

  18. 第四部分,概要分析了晋察冀边区政府争取伪军工作的主要特点。

    In the fourth section , there is a chief analysis on the characteristics which the government of the Shanxi-Chahaer-Hebei Border Region strives for the puppet soldiers .

  19. 叫日本人缴枪给蒋介石,叫伪军负责维持地方治安,这会有什么结果呢?

    What will be the result of telling the Japanese to hand over their guns to Chiang Kai-shek and telling the puppet troops to " be responsible for maintaining local order "?

  20. 如果没有共和国警备队的反击,南朝鲜伪军推进到鸭绿江和豆满江是没有问题的。

    If there is not return of guard team of the republic , the puppet army of South Korea have no question to Yalu River and beans and full river to advance .

  21. 我曾听过河南一个农民诉说,一个当了伪军队长的地主管家如何把他关进监牢,扬言只有把他的女儿送给那个队长才放他出狱。

    A peasant in Honan tells how a puppet commander , a landlord 's bailiff , threw him in jail and would not let him out until he had given him his daughter .

  22. 命令各解放区的武装部队,向一切敌占交通要道展开积极进攻,迫使日伪军投降。

    And the armed forces of all the Liberated Areas were to launch vigorous offensives on all the main communication lines under enemy control to compel the Japanese and puppet troops to surrender .

  23. 二全部伪军立即缴械遣散,在华北、苏北、皖北者,由解放区负责缴械遣散;

    2 all puppet troops should be immediately disarmed and disbanded , and in northern china , northern Kiangsu and Northern Anhwei the liberated areas should take charge of such disarming and disbanding .

  24. 日军进攻游击村时,总是命令伪军打头阵,伪军就对空放枪,虚张声势地喊叫:“八路在哪儿?”

    In their attacks on guerrilla villages , the Japanese would always put their puppet troops first and these would fire in the air and shout loudly : " Where is the8th Route Army ?"

  25. 但是我们也有困难:敌人的特务方法高明,对伪军伪组织的掌握将会特别加强,对敌占区的控制政策将会加紧;

    However , we also face some difficulties : through his clever secret-agent policy , the enemy will try to keep a tighter control over the puppet troops and organizations and the areas under his occupation ;

  26. 再有一点,叫他们在“加紧作战”时,必须命令日本侵略者投降过来,将敌、伪军的武装等件收缴过来。

    His order said further that while stepping up their war effort they must order the Japanese aggressors to surrender to them and must take over the arms and other equipment of the enemy and puppet troops .

  27. 正是因为这样,我们在抗日战争中,抗击侵华日军的百分之六十四和伪军的百分之九十五,成了中国抗日战争的主力军。

    That was why we were able to engage nearly two-thirds of the Japanese forces of aggression and95 per cent of the puppet troops and to become the main force in the War of Resistance Against Japan .

  28. 这时,那些伪军和鬼子抓羊,一个伪军眼看抓住了那只尾巴里藏信的那只羊的尾巴,那只羊急中生智,一踢,逃跑成功!

    At this moment , those the elves and the alliance catch sheep , a the elves see seized the only tail hidden in the letter that lamb of the tail , the sheep was very quick-witted , kicks , fled success !

  29. 我们和旁人一样,主张交通线迅速恢复,但是必须在受降、处置伪军和实行解放区自治三项问题获得解决之后,才能恢复。

    Like everybody else , we advocate speedy restoration of the lines of communication , but this can be done only after the settlement of the three problems of accepting the Japanese surrender , disposing of the puppet troops and realizing self-government in the liberated areas .