
  • 网络pattern of operation
  1. 随着高技术战争的发展,作战形式呈现出体系对抗的特征,对武器-目标分配(WTA,Weapon-TargetAssignment)问题提出了新的要求。

    With the rapid development of high-technology war , the confrontation between weapon systems has become the main form of the war . This proposes new requirements for the weapon-target assignment ( WTA ) .

  2. 在己经进入信息化时代的今天,信息战将成为战争的主要作战形式,如同任何时候的战争一样,信息战同样离不开用于信息传递的通信。

    Information war will become the main form of the war in the information-ages .

  3. 网络化火控系统是防空作战形式不断发展的产物。

    Renovation of the air defense campaign modality results in networked fire control system .

  4. 此阶段中我之作战形式主要的是游击战,而以运动战辅助之。

    In this stage , our form of fighting will be primarily guerrilla warfare , supplemented by mobile warfare .

  5. 未来信息化战场上夺取制信息权,综合电子战是主要作战形式。

    IEW will be the main operation form to capture the information dominance in the informational battlefield of the future .

  6. 指挥与控制战,这是一种使敌人的大脑与其军队的身体分离的作战形式。

    Command and control warfare , which is to separate the enemy 's head from the body of his forces .

  7. (九五)抗日战争的作战形式中,主要的是运动战,其次就要算游击战了。

    95 . Among the forms of warfare in the anti-Japanese war mobile warfare comes first and guerrilla warfare second .

  8. 信息战已经成为现代战争的主要作战形式之一。

    It becomes a key factor determining the war victory or defeat . Information warfare is now a main battle form of the modern war .

  9. 随着大量高科技武器在现代战争中的运用,新时代作战形式发生着巨大的变化,心理战开始凸现出来。

    As a large number of high-tech weapons being used in the modern war , the combat form in new age is changing fast , and psychological warfare has standing out .

  10. 现代军事信息系统的智能化、网络化发展趋势日渐明朗,以军事信息系统为对象的信息战作为一种全新的作战形式走上了现代战争的历史舞台。

    Modern military information system is becoming more and more intelligent and dependent on network . The information war targeting at military information system has stepped into the stage of modern war as a kind of new form .

  11. 这一切正在改变现代战争的形态,陆、海、空、天、电一体化成为现代高技术条件下局部战争的主要作战形式。

    As a result , the form of modern war is changed . The modern hi-tech local war has been stretched into mufti - dimensional space which includes the land , sea , air , outer space and electron .

  12. 随着科学技术的发展和高新武器的应用,传统的机械化战争模式将被信息高度融合的一体化联合作战形式所取代。

    With the development of science and technology , more and more high modern weapons are applied in wars , the traditional mechanized warfare pattern will be substituted by the unite operational command system which is highly melted by the information .

  13. 基于XML的作战方案形式化描述

    The formalized description about battle scheme based on XML

  14. 空对地打击已经成为当今作战的主要形式之一,而武器投放又是空对地打击的核心环节。

    Air-to-face strike has become the main form of current war , and the weapon delivery is the key part of this strike form .

  15. 舰艇协同作战是未来战争的主要作战形式,导弹防御是其主要的作战职责。

    Naval ships coordinated operation is the main conflict style in future , and the main defense mission of it is missile defense .

  16. 用于军事防御的据点是由史前防御聚落发展而来,在战争时踞城作战是早期防御的主要作战形式。

    The development of military stronghold came from prehistoric defensive settlement in China , relying on the city had been as the main defensive model early in time of war .

  17. 现代战争中,空中精确打击和空地一体化作战已经成为最重要的作战形式。因此,对空中目标的识别就显得非常重要。

    In the modern war , precision air striking and the integrated air-to-ground combat have been the most important combat form , so it is getting more and more important to recognize the sky goal .

  18. 近年来,随着作战理论的不断发展和作战形式的不断变化,通信侦察面临的环境越来越复杂,迅速发展的先进干扰和抗干扰通信技术也对通信侦察提出了越来越高的要求。

    In recent years , with the development of war theories and the varieties of war status , the environment of communication reconnaissance is becoming more and more complicated . High developed communication techniques of advanced electronic jamming and anti-jamming demand much higher performance of a communication reconnaissance system .

  19. 一体化联合作战是我军现代战争的一种新的作战形式,是提高战斗力,实现信息化的关键,确切地说一体化联合作战就是信息化战争的联合作战;

    The integrated combat is one kind of new operational form in my armed force modern warfare , is increases of the battle efficiency and key of realizes the information .

  20. 本文的研究工作与研究内容包括:(1)分析军事作战系统的复杂性,给出装备协同作战过程要素及其关系;建立基于离散事件系统描述规范(DEVS)的装备体系作战仿真过程的形式化描述。

    The content of this paper are as follows : ( 1 ) Analyzing the complexity of the military operations system , giving the elements and the relationship in coordinated combat .