
zuò yè biāo zhǔn
  • operating standard
  1. 企业关务作业标准和流程策划与辅导;

    Planning and counseling on operating standard and procedure ;

  2. GB/T7178.4-1996铁路调车作业标准铁路调车简易驼峰作业标准

    The operating standard for railway shunting & Railway shunting the operating standard for the simple hump

  3. 另外,介绍了带电作业标准的制订情况。

    In addition , the complexion of enacting standards for live working is described .

  4. 第三部门,是通过实例详细介绍ES公司如何一步步建立并完善作业标准成本核算系统并使之有效的进行成本核算和控制。

    The third part is an example of how ES Company step-by-step set up and improve activity based standard costing system and makes it effective for costing calculation and internal control .

  5. 开展对人工影响天气作业标准化的阵地指挥。

    ⅲ, develop standardized position command for the man-made effect weather task .

  6. 农机作业标准化的建设与发展

    The Construction and Development of Agricultural Machinery Working Standardization

  7. 二是作业标准质量较低。

    Two is the standard operation of lower quality .

  8. 甜菜机械化栽培的机械改装配套及作业标准的研究

    The Study of Sugarbeet Machinery Refitment and Field Work Standard in Mechanized Cultivation

  9. 现场作业标准是油井管工程的重要内容。

    The on-site operation standard is an important content of " OCTG Engineering " .

  10. 简述了二氯乙烷的理化性质、作业标准和法规。

    The article describes the physico-chemical properties , operative standers and laws of EDC .

  11. 提出了不合格品可视化管理、去除返工动作、采用防错装置、作业标准化等供应商质量改善措施。

    Suggest nonconforming product visualization management , removal rework action , use error-proofing device , standardized operations .

  12. 按照网络和当地作业标准,正确操作所有进出口快件,达到转运时间的目标。

    Ensures that all shipments-both inbound and outbound-are processed according to local and DHL network standards and that transit times are met .

  13. 最后指出程序分析法在企业生产流程设计及作业标准化过程中的重要作用。

    At last , the fact that streamline balance has been one of the most important methods of process design and job standardization is pointed out .

  14. 产品每一个制作工序,均执行程序化作业标准,确保符合客户需求,实现“客户为尊”的服务理念。

    Every process of every products , all executive standard program , strict quality control , to make sure satisfy customers , realize " customer-respect " service concept .

  15. 而人总有精力不集中的时候,难以避免违反作业标准,臆测行事的情况。

    On another hand , the concentration lacking of human being happens all the time , it is difficult to avoid the violation of operating standards and acting on speculation .

  16. 全连通快递网络与轴辐快递网络的比较按照网络和当地作业标准,正确操作所有进出口快件,达到转运时间的目标。

    Comparative Study on Fully-connected and Hub-and-spoke Express Operational Networks Ensures that all shipments - both inbound and outbound - are processed according to local and DHL Network standards and that transit times are met .

  17. 原油定量装车系统改造,要求在现有原油装车管线系统基础上,增加自动控制装置,并根据现场作业标准严格执行工艺作业票。

    The transformation of quantitative crude oil loading system requires adding automatic control device on the basis of the present crude oil loading system , and must strict implement the standards based on operations processes .

  18. 为实现检修现场作业标准化、规范化、程序化,开发了变电检修现场管理系统软件,介绍了本系统的方案选择、开发过程、功能特点。

    Aiming at requirements of normalization , standardization and routinization , this paper developed administration software on set of substation maintenance , electron signature system , and introduced its scheme selection , development procedure and function characteristic .

  19. 一是物流基础设施建设与运营中的公共政策;二是物流作业标准及物流标准中的公共政策;三是物流信息化的公共政策;四是政府的物流企业政策。

    One is the logistics infrastructure construction and operation of public policy ; the second is logistics operation standard and standard of public policy ; the third is the logistics information public policy ; the forth is the government policy of logistics enterprise .

  20. HLA接口规范定义了在一个联邦演练中,支持联邦成员通过RTI实现成员之间相互交互、协调和协同作业的标准服务。

    HLA interface specification defines a standard service in a federal exercise , which supports the interaction , coordination and collaboration between the Federal members by RTI .

  21. 高温作业分级标准在造船工业中的应用

    Application of grading criteria of high temperature work in shipbuilding industry

  22. 对水上作业天标准的新认识与工程实践

    New Understandings of Criteria for Working Days at Sea and Engineering Practice

  23. 作业安全标准确认卡在企业安全管理中的应用

    Application of Confirmation Card of Operation Safety Standard in Enterprise Safety Management

  24. 导入单位标准,改善作业基础标准成本

    The Improvement of Activity-based Standard Cost System with Unit Standard ; isoelectric level

  25. 大豆联合收割机械作业质量标准与检测的研究

    Study on the quality requirements and examinations for soy bean combine harvester working

  26. 庆阳地区农机作业收费标准研究

    A Study on the Charge Standard of Agricultural Machinery Work in Qingyang District

  27. 低温作业分级标准的研究&Ⅰ.实验室研究

    A study on classified standard for work at low temperature ⅱ . Laboratory experiment

  28. 从这里开始,但是记住要遵守作业的标准。

    Start from there , but remember to stick to the parameters of the assignment .

  29. 焊装作业时间标准的制定和生产线再设计:案例研究

    The Determination of Standard Operation Times in a Welding Process and Production Line Redesign : A Case Study

  30. 冷水作业分级标准的研究&Ⅰ.冷水浸手的生理反应及温度限值

    The research on classified standard of work in cold water ⅰ . The physiological effects on hands immersed in 3 ~ 20 ℃ cold water