
pínɡ jūn zhī chū
  • Average expenditure;average outlay;level payment
  1. 根据全国大学商店协会(nationalassociationofcollegestores)的数据,美国大学生每年在规定教材方面的平均支出为655美元。

    According to the National Association of College stores , US students spend on average $ 655 a year on required course materials .

  2. 比如,无党派机构预算与政策重点中心(CenterforBudgetandPolicyPriorities)在2015年发表的一份报告显示,2014至2015学年,各州在每个学生身上的平均支出比2007至2008学年降低了20%。

    According to a 2015 report by the nonpartisan Center for Budget and Policy Priorities , for example , state spending per student averaged about 20 percent less in 2014-15 than in the 2007-8 school year .

  3. 市场研究公司TNS公司的一份报告发现在中国大陆人们过年平均支出3668元(588.8美元)作为红包。

    A report by TNS , a market research firm , found people on the Chinese mainland on average allocate 3668 yuan ( US $ 588.8 ) as red packet money for the Chinese New Year .

  4. 下面是每个不同款项预算的平均支出的预估表。

    Below is an estimate of the minimum or average cost of each budget heading .

  5. 中国电影观众在影院的平均支出为65元人民币,其中包括35元人民币的票价。

    Chinese movie-goers spend an average Rmb65 at the cinema , including Rmb35 on the ticket itself .

  6. 贫困人口的国际标准即每人每日平均支出不足1美元。

    According to international standards , however , the needy refer to those whose personal daily expenses average below $ 1 .

  7. 只有810万用户付费,预计这些付费用户今年平均支出为96美元。

    Just 8.1m of users pay , and those who do are expected to spend an average $ 96 each this year .

  8. 大多数人希望把钱花到珠宝(平均支出152400美元)、时尚用品(46200美元)和包租游艇(487000美元)上。

    Most will be putting money into jewelry ( average expenditure of $ 152,400 ), fashion items ( $ 46,200 ) and yacht charters ( $ 487,000 ) .

  9. 从基本消费支出占实际能源消费平均支出的比重来看,城镇比农村低6个百分点,意味着农村的生存型消费需求要比城镇高。

    From the perspective of the proportion of basic energy expenditure accounting for the actual expenditure of energy consumption , demand for survival consumption of rural residents is higher than urban residents .

  10. 中国游客特别抢手,因为他们每次前来英国平均支出1618英镑,是其他国际游客平均支出的3倍。

    Chinese visitors are particularly sought after since they spend on average £ 1,618 on a trip to Britain , which is three times more than the average spend by other international tourists .

  11. 在截至今年3月底的一年里,中国赴美购房者的平均支出金额达到美国购房者的三倍多,平均为每套住房付出83.18万美元,而美国全国平均房产交易价为25.56万美元。

    In the year to the end of March , Chinese buyers spent more than three times the average American buyer , paying an average of $ 831,800 per property , compared with the national average transaction price of $ 255,600 .

  12. 在截至今年3月底的一年里,中国赴美购房者的平均支出金额达到美国购房者的三倍多,平均为每套住房付出83.18万美元,而美国全国平均房产交易价为25.56万美元。

    In the year to the end of March , Chinese buyers spent more than three times the average American buyer , paying an average of $ 831800 per property , compared with the national average transaction price of $ 255600 .

  13. 调查显示,2016年,92%的90后使用了移动支付,每个大学生使用支付宝的平均支出为40839元人民币(约合5900美元),相比2015年上涨了97%。

    According to the survey , 92 percent of those born in the 1990s used mobile payments in 2016 , with each college student paying an average of 40839 yuan ( $ 5900 ) through Alipay , a 97-percent increase from 2015 .

  14. 尽管中国游客去法国的平均支出为4.4488万元人民币(合7175美元),略低于《中国投资参考》前几年的调查数据(这符合中国出境游客的整体趋势),但它仍远高于中国游客在其他任何国家的旅游支出。

    Even though average spending by visitors to France was slightly lower than in China Confidential 's previous surveys - in line with broader trends - it nevertheless remained far higher than spending by Chinese visitors to all other destinations , averaging Rmb44488 ( $ 7175 ) .

  15. 2008年,经合组织成员国的平均援助支出占国民总收入的0.3%,这一比例远远低于联合国(UN)设定的0.7%的目标。

    OECD member countries gave on average 0.3 per cent of their national income in aid in 2008 , well below the 0.7 per cent target set by the United Nations .

  16. 许多成功的手机游戏,例如SupercellOy公司的《部落冲突》,也是免费的,但是会让玩家用真实货币来购买“宝石”。目前该游戏的每个玩家的平均年支出达到了100美元。

    Many successful mobile games , such as Supercell Oy 's Clash of Clans , which is also free but lets players buy " gems " with real-world currency , have seen annual spending of $ 100 a year per gamer .

  17. 目前美国家庭的年平均保费支出为1.23万美元。

    Today 's average annual premium is $ 12,300 .

  18. 同时,经济因素中,月平均消费支出较高的大学生倾向于选择生育更多的孩子。

    In economic factors , the average monthly expenditure of higher college students tends to choose more children .

  19. 该项调查还显示,中超联赛中的山东鲁能泰山队,其整队平均工资支出的数额已经达到了每年147万英镑。

    The survey also shows that Super League club Shandong Luneng Taishan annually pays its players as much as 1.47 million pounds overall .

  20. 在过去十年里,每个孩子的平均教育支出(包括校服、课外俱乐部和大学费用)从3.26万英镑飙升到了7.28万英镑。

    The cost of education , including uniforms , after school clubs and university costs , has shot up from £ 32593 to £ 72832 per child in the last ten years .

  21. 根据记账平台开展的一项调查显示,2019年,除北京、上海和杭州之外,在其它城市上学的大学生的平均月支出其实不到2000元,成都是1900元。

    According to a survey conducted by a bookkeeping platform , the average monthly expense for an undergraduate in cities other than Beijing , Shanghai and Hangzhou was less than 2000 yuan in 2019 ; for Chengdu , it was 1900 yuan .

  22. 一项2009年的调查显示,美国人平均26%的支出都花在了住房上。

    In a 2009 study , Americans funneled an average 26 % of their expenditures toward shelter .

  23. 不过,尽管消费者平均每次购物支出有所增加,但客流量下降了7.1%。

    However , although individual shoppers were spending more money on each trip , visitor numbers were down 7.1 per cent .

  24. 调查受访者平均家庭旅游支出为6.4万美元,其中零售支出占3.3万美元。

    Survey respondents spend an average of $ 64000 on travel per household , of which retail accounted for $ 33000 .

  25. 它表示,其用户在此项服务上平均每月的支出为10美元,人数与公司收入一道,每月增长一倍。

    It says its users are spending $ 10 a month on average with the service and doubling in number every month along with revenues .

  26. 与对照人群相比,污染区人群平均每年多支出医疗费56.30元/(人·a);

    The second was an excess of the annual medical expenditure of 56.30 yuan / ( person-year ) for residents living in arsenic-polluted area compared with that of control group .

  27. 然而,在免税购物方面,他们仍然是最大的全国性组织,根据中国奢华旅游(2013)报告,平均每趟支出875欧元(1139美元),比上年增长8%,比全球平均水平高出70%。

    However , they were still the biggest national group in terms of tax-free shopping , according to The Chinese Luxury Traveler ( 2013 ) report , spending an average of 875 euros ( US $ 1139 ) per trip , an increase of 8 percent from the year before and 70 percent higher than the global average .

  28. 通过和全国师范院校部分年份的比较发现,山西省高等师范院校的生均费用明显低于全国平均水平,资金支出结构不尽合理,因此山西省高师院校的财力资源利用效率还有很大的提高空间。

    But compared with other colleges and universities , the average expense for student in higher normal school is in the middle and lower level .

  29. 得出现行每人补助150元的标准,高于近几年城镇居民家庭、城镇最低收入户、农村居民家庭、农村高收入户平均每人消费性支出中的满足十天基本生活需要支出的平均值。

    The current standard is higher than the average of the urban and rural families , urban lowest income households and rural High Income Households ' per-capita expense , which can satisfy the basic livelihood needs for ten days .

  30. 就所有海外买家而言,平均购房价格为49.96万美元,尽管排在中国后面的最大买家群体加拿大、印度、墨西哥和英国买家平均支出都低于这个水平。

    For all international buyers , the average purchase price was $ 499,600 , although the next biggest buyers from Canada , India , Mexico and the UK all spent less than that on average .