
  • 网络Ping An Bank;Shenzhen Ping An Bank
  1. David江是深圳平安银行的副总经理。

    David Kiang is vice president of Shenzhen Ping An Bank .

  2. 平安银行为中国平安集团旗下重要成员,是中国平安集团综合金融服务平台的重要组成部分。

    Ping An Bank is an important part of Ping An Group and its integrated financial services platform .

  3. 深圳平安银行与保险业务和投资业务一起,成为中国平安集团的三大业务支柱。

    Banking , together with insurance and investment , are the three pillar business divisions of China Ping An Group .

  4. 论文的研究对平安银行零售业务的营销渠道建设具有一定的参考价值。

    This research has a certain reference value for the construction marketing channel of retail business in Ping an Bank .

  5. 深圳平安银行总行设于深圳,营业网点分布于深圳、上海和福州三地。

    The head office of Shenzhen Ping An Bank is located in Shenzhen , and its branches cover Shenzhen , Shanghai and Fuzhou .

  6. 基金将由中国工业和信息化部管理下的一个行业组织与平安银行合作成立。

    The fund will be created through a partnership between an industry group controlled by China 's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and Ping An Bank .

  7. 深圳平安银行信用卡事业部客户服务部形成了由人员、服务、系统、文化多元素的支撑体系,每个元素都力求做到尽善尽美,其发展前景将非常广阔。

    With the perfection-pursuing people , service , system and culture , the credit-card call center of Shenzhen Ping An Bank 's prosperous future is worthy to be expected .

  8. 新加坡管理大学的信息系统学院已经和中国平安银行和保险集团共同建立了一个研发实验室,用于推行对大数据的研究、应用和技术迁移。

    SMU 's School of Information Systems has set up a research lab with Ping An Banking and Insurance Group to promote research , application and technology transfer of Big Data .

  9. 论文运用市场营销、客户关系管理等相关理论,结合平安银行零售业务的实际,对平安银行零售业务渠道策略进行了重点研究,并提出了策略的实施保障措施。

    The papers uses the market marketing , customer relationship management related theory , combine with the actual conditions of Ping an Bank retail business , carries a key research on Ping an Bank retail business strategies , and put forward the strategy of the implementation of the safeguard measures .

  10. 两个大型公司:中国平安和浦发银行最近宣布将进行大规模增发。

    Two big companies recently announced large secondary offerings : Ping An Insurance and Pudong Development Bank .

  11. 蚂蚁在它之上攀登而且平安地飘浮到银行。

    The Ant climbed onto it and floated in safety to the bank .

  12. 它们被认为是平安的。其它银行会把钱放在中心银行作为存款。

    They 're seen to be safe , other banks will put money on deposit with them .

  13. 本文对中国平安保险公司的银行保险模式做了系统的研究。

    In this paper , a systematic study on bancassurance model of Ping'an Insurance Corporation of China is drawn .

  14. 中国的保险公司热切希望利用其3000亿美元资产,在海外谋得立足之地。平安保险收购富通银行股权得到了监管机构的特许。

    Chinese insurers are eager to make use of their $ 300bn pool of assets to build a presence overseas , and Ping An received special regulatory permission to acquire the Fortis stake .

  15. 平安保险在富通银行交易中获得了额外的配额,不过,就算把这个因素考虑在内,它也把所有海外投资组合超过三分之一的部分仅与一家公司联系在了一起。

    Ping An received an additional quota for the Fortis deal , but even adjusting for this it has over one-third of its total overseas investment portfolio tied up in a single name .

  16. 本文以企业并购为视角,选取中国平安并购深圳发展银行为素材,重点介绍了并购关联各方的并购动因,详细阐述了并购过程,并对并购整合效果等方面进行了详细分析。

    In this paper from the perspective of M A , we select Ping An merge with Shenzhen Development Bank as the material , mainly introduce the motivation of M A related parties , describes the process and effects of M A in detail .