
pínɡ jūn shí jiān
  • average time;mean time
  1. 求解SAT问题的局部搜索算法及其平均时间复杂性分析

    Local search for Solving SAT Problems and its average time complexity

  2. “v”是主要病例和次要病例之间的平均时间(按天算)。

    The ' v ' value is the average time - expressed in days - between a primary and secondary case .

  3. 据麻省理工学院计算机科学与人工智能实验室的一位博士研究生CarrieCai调查发现,人们每天等待短信息回复的平均时间为10到15分钟。

    The average person spends 10 to 15 minutes a day waiting for texts and instant-message ( IM ) replies , according to an analysis by Carrie Cai , a PhD student at MIT 's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab ( CSAIL ) .

  4. 因手术难度及人为因素的影响使得组织留取平均时间为(47.60±43.87)min。

    The average duration was ( 47.60 ± 43.87 ) min.

  5. 服药后每小时周期性呼吸(PB)和呼吸暂停(SA)的次数及平均时间减少,均有显著性意义(P<0.05或P<0.01);

    The PB and SA were decreased ( P < 0.05 or < 0.01 ) .

  6. 通过几个新技术的应用加速算法之后,试验结果表明算法的平均时间复杂度近似O(n)。

    In despite of the theoretic time complexity of the algorithm is O ( n2 ) , the results show that the average time complexity is approximately O ( n ) .

  7. 方案采用基于比特位置区分的压缩算法,与其它的IPv6路由查找方案相比较,所需存储器空间小,路由查找的平均时间少。

    A novel compressed algorithm based on bit position division is applied . Compared with other schemes , it needs less memory space and lookup time .

  8. 研究人员对患者进行追踪研究的平均时间为2.3年。他们发现,相对于服用安慰剂的患者而言,那些每天摄入2000个国际单位维生素E的患者日常功能的下降表现得略微缓慢。

    Researchers followed patients for an average of 2.3 years and found those receiving 2,000 international units of vitamin E daily showed slightly less of a decline of daily functioning than patients in a placebo group .

  9. 然后利用实际测量法和理论公式法计算出深圳特区各时间单元的平均时间距离,并用Arcview中的3D分析模块自动生成等时线图。

    Secondly , combining practical survey method and time-resistance mathematic model , the author obtained average time distance from every time-cell to fictitious time center , isotime curve figure ( by Arc view 3D analyze ) and temporal shape .

  10. A组肺部感染率和控制感染平均时间均显著低于B组(P0.01),同时A组感染控制率亦显著高于B组(P0.05)。

    The time of lung infection and the time of infection control were significantly different between the two groups ( P 0.01 ), and the rate of controlling the infection was also significant higher than the set of B ( P 0.05 ) .

  11. 结果:布洛芬组和对乙酰氨基酚组体温降低1.5℃所需的平均时间分别为(110±78)min、(119±82)min,比例分别为83.9%和84.1%(P>0.05)。

    Results : The average time for 1.5 ℃ decrease in the temperature was ( 110 ± 78 ) min with ibuprofen versus ( 119 ± 82 ) min with acetaminophen . The proportions , respectively , were 83.9 % and 84.1 % ( P > 0.05 ) .

  12. ALT首次异常距输血平均时间,甲县为51.9±20。9天,乙县为48.2±16.8天,抗-HCV阳性受血者为35.9±17.9天。

    The time of first detected ALT elevation to blood transfusion were 51.9 + 20.9 days and 48.2 + 16.8 days in county A and B respectively , and 35.9 + 17.9 for patients who were positive of anti - HCV before blood transfusion .

  13. 结果:治疗前后营养状态有明显改善,营养支持平均时间163d,其中全肠外营养(TPN)72d;

    Results : After nutritional support treatment , there were obvious improvement of nutritional condition . The mean time of nutritional support was 16 3 days ; the mean transferring time point from TPN to PN 、 EN was 7 2 days ;

  14. 在此情形下,利用几何过程和补充变量法求得了该系统首次故障前的平均时间及另一些感兴趣的可靠性指标。

    Under these assumptions , some reliability indices are derived by using the geometric process and the method of supplementary variable .

  15. 仿真实验表明,算法能够提高资源传输的成功率,减少资源传输消耗的平均时间。

    Simulations show the algorithm is more effective in increasing the successful ratio of resource transmissions , reducing the average download time .

  16. 驱动模式有4种:依赖操作时间的驱动、依赖最小时间的驱动、依赖最大时间的驱动和依赖平均时间的驱动。

    There are four kind of driving modes , depended on operation time , minimal time , maximal time and average time respectively .

  17. 肿瘤复发平均时间:3周疗法组平均复发时间为15.7个月,周疗组平均复发时间为13.6个月(P>0.05)。

    Median interval to relapse is 15.7 months in every three weeks group and 13.6 months in weekly group ( P > 0.05 ) .

  18. 该方程式中的每个元素都被用来计算网格处理任意请求的平均时间。

    Each of the elements in this equation represents a contribution to the average time it takes any request to be processed by a grid .

  19. 麦当劳的顾客从下单到收到食物的平均时间为3分9秒。

    At McDonald 's , customers will spend on average three minutes and nine seconds from the time they place their orders until they receive their food .

  20. 结果表明σw/U和σv/U随平均时间的变化分别与垂直风速和横向风速的能谱分布有关。

    The results indicate that variations of σ w / U and σ v / U with averaging time are correlated with the vertical and lateral energy spectra .

  21. 血清胆固醇值、利手臂稳定性得、、、~山万医科大学硕士学位论丈分与自杀意念呈负相关,视觉简单反应时的平均时间和错误次数与自杀意念呈正相关。

    Average time , error frequency of simple visual reaction time correlated with suicidal ideation positively , whereas serum cholesterol value and scores of facilitated arm stability experiment negatively .

  22. 结果米索组产妇的临产发动平均时间、平均总产程和剖宫产率均较催产素短,两者差异显著(P<0.05),而产后出血及新生儿窒息发生率则无明显差异(P>0.05)。

    Result The average parturient start time , whole labor time and Cesarean section rate of group A were shorter than those of group B. Marked difference existed between the two groups .

  23. 体温降至正常平均时间为(65±25)天,平均住院日为(214±53)天。

    On average , the body temperature reduced to the normal by ( 6 5 ± 2 5 ) days and the hospitalization time took ( 21 4 ± 5 3 ) days .

  24. 自1900年以来,四川地区7级以上地震平均时间间隔为11年,最长为19年,最短为3年。

    Since 1900 the mean time intervals of earthquakes of M ≥ 7 0 in Sichuan Province is 11 years , the longest one is 19 years and the shortest one is 3 years .

  25. 结果腹针疗法缓解头痛的平均时间是22.58分钟,止痛的最短时间是5分钟,止痛总有效率达100%。

    Results The average time for abdominal needle therapy to relieve headache is 22 . 58 minutes , the shortest time of which is 5 minutes . The total effective rate is 100 % .

  26. 放疗后5-20年发现宫体中胚叶混合瘤8例,平均时间13.3年,其它是直肠癌、卵巢癌、外阴癌等。

    Eight cases with mixed mesodermal tumor occurred at 5-20 years after radiotherapy , with an average of 13.3 years ; others were cancer of the rectum , ovary , vulva and so on .

  27. 通过分析第1名的分段时间与2~8名的分段平均时间发现,第1名运动员启动速度较快,第2分段控制速度,第5,6分段速度优势明显。

    And No. 2-8 runners , it has been found that the start-up speed of No. 1 runner is faster , the controlled speed is in the second segment and the acceleration is in the 5 to 6 segments .

  28. 通过实验获得6种内部排序算法的实验数据,分析比较这6种排序算法的平均时间性能,为在实际应用中选择合适的排序算法提供了实验依据。

    This paper , having gained experimental data of six internal sorting order algorithms by experiments , analyzes the average time performance of the six sorting order algorithms so as to provide the experimental reference for choosing proper sorting order algorithm in the practice .

  29. 此外,使电子阻塞和局部加热效应最小化的U型界面,提高了电子迁移失效的平均时间,一致的、可重复的覆盖膜特性和良好的电参量测试结果已经证实了这种工艺的生产价值。

    In addition , the U-shaped interface , which minimizes electron crowding and localized heating effects , increases the mean time to failure by electromigration . Consistent , repeatable blanket film property and good parametric electrical test results have proven the production worthiness of this process .

  30. 紧急求助电话的平均回应时间是9分钟。

    The average response time to emergency calls was 9 minutes .