
  • 网络Subscription;magazine subscription
  1. 提醒一下,Kindle应用目前还不支持杂志订阅。

    Fair warning , though , Kindle apps don 't currently support magazine subscriptions .

  2. 我有数十册免费的杂志订阅刊,包括各种类型的杂志,多到我既没时间也没兴趣去读它们。

    I get dozens of free magazine subscriptions to all the magazines I could possibly ever want or have the time to read 。

  3. 照片分享用facebook,杂志订阅有ipad。

    Photos now go on Facebook , magazines come on iPads .

  4. 杂志订阅的0-1目标规划模型及其应用

    A 0-1 Goal Programming Model and Its Application to Journal Selection

  5. 如何刺激你的电子杂志订阅!

    How to boost your e-zine subscribers !

  6. 也许,在孩童时期,你卖过女童子军饼干或是推销过杂志订阅,以此来为你的校队筹集资金。那也是一种推销!

    Maybe , as a child , you sold Girl Scout cookies or magazine subscriptions to raise money for your school team . That was selling too !

  7. 本期杂志是订阅的最后一期。

    The magazine subscription expires with the current number .

  8. 这些杂志的订阅费可以在邮局缴纳。

    Subscriptions to these magazines can be paid in at the post office .

  9. 我的国家地理杂志的订阅期限快到了,我会重新续订。

    My subscription to National Geographic will expire soon some going to renew it .

  10. 两万人取消了对杂志的订阅!

    Twenty thousand people cancelled their subscriptions !

  11. 用他的学生当测试对象,把他们分成两组,都给他们提供《经济学家》杂志的订阅费。

    Using his students as test subjects , he split them into two groups . Both groups were offered subscriptions to the magazine The Economist .

  12. 目前由于出版商控制着学术刊物的市场,致使大多数图书馆或科研工作者因为价格的因素而放弃对一些杂志的订阅。

    Duo to the fact that some publisher are in control of academic publication market , most libraries and researcher have to give up the subscription of some publication .

  13. 与订阅杂志不同,订阅新闻组不需要注册和任何花费。

    Unlike a magazine subscription , subscribing to a newsgroup doesn 't require you to sign up or spend any money .

  14. 取消杂志、报刊订阅:重新为你的订阅估价,取消订阅那些你从不阅读的报刊、杂志,考虑一下在线阅读吧。

    Cancel magazine / newspaper subscriptions : Re-evaluate your subscriptions . Cancel those you dont read and consider reading some of the other publications online .

  15. 我曾经订阅过大量的杂志(因为订阅比在报纸摊上买要便宜好多)。

    I subscribed to a number of magazines ( because subscribing is really cheap compared to buying at the newsstand ) . Great -- but then the magazines show up .