
zá jì
  • jottings;notes;miscellanies (as a type of literature)
杂记 [zá jì]
  • (1) [jottings; notes]∶记载杂项的笔记;零碎的笔记

  • (2) [miscellanies (as a type of literature)]∶写风景、琐事、感想等的一种文体

杂记[zá jì]
  1. 美国密西西比河考察旅行杂记。

    The inspection tour notes for the Mississippi River in U.S.A.

  2. 陆容《菽园杂记》与明代前期的信仰文化

    LuRong Beans Garden Notes and the Belief and Culture of the Prior Period of Ming Dynasty

  3. 关于“杂记”体小说审美特征的探讨;

    On study of aesthetical feature of " Zaji " style ;

  4. 写旅途杂记的时候,不要“马不停蹄”,应采用多段的形式。

    While writing your travel stories , don 't write it without breaks .

  5. 打开电脑,就急迫地想写下心情杂记。

    Turns on the computer , urgently wants to write the mood miscellany .

  6. 我们去观看杂记表演,好吗?

    Shall we go to watch an acrobatic show ?

  7. 汉神学政治与杂记体志怪小说之形成

    Theology Politics of Han Dynasty and the Form of Scholars 's Novel about Ghost

  8. 下面是我在2015年最喜欢的影片,以及今年的十则杂记。

    What follows are my favorite moving pictures of 2015 and another 10 miscellaneous notes on the year .

  9. 此篇论文主要是以《板桥杂记》一书的翻译为基础,探讨一些翻译理论在翻译实践中的应用。

    This thesis is going to discuss the application of the theories and principles about translation in translating The Miscellany of Banqiao .

  10. 梅勒除了写小说,创作非小说性的散文,短篇小说以及杂记之外,梅勒还编著、创作、指导并出演了若干部电影。

    In addition to his novels , creative nonfiction , short stories and essays , mailer wrote , produced , directed and acted in several films .

  11. 前人对《西京杂记》的评论,数量不少,往往只略谈及某一方面的问题,没有进行全面系统的考察。

    The predecessors have many comments on A Miscellany of the Western Capital which always only slightly refers to one aspect , have not inspected comprehensively .

  12. 本文将《西京杂记》中科技史的全部内容按照科技史的观点进行了分类,并进一步对有关机械、物理的部分内容进行了分析、探讨。

    The essay classifies the complete content of science and technology history in Xijing Zaji as well as analyzes and discusses the account of machinery and physics in the work .

  13. 吴承恩杂记不是小说与游记&评鲁迅、沈承庆先生关于吴承恩杂记的论述

    WU Cheng-en 's Misscellaneous Notes Is Not a Novel or a Series of Travel Notes & Comments on Discussions About WU 's Miscellaneous Notes by LU Xun and SHEN Cheng-qing

  14. 确保你的文章包含一些流行因素,这样你的读者就会发现你的旅途杂记不仅读起来有趣,而且还很有用。

    Writing about your travel stories Make sure your articles contain popular factors so that the reader finds your travel stories not only enjoyable to read , but useful as well .

  15. 亭台记是我国古典散文中的重要文体之一,在众多的杂记文中,亭台记具有独立的文体特征和文学价值。

    The Pavilions prose is one of the important classical prose styles in our country , in the multitudinous miscellanea articles , the Pavilions prose has independent style characteristic and literature value .

  16. 现在,在(新闻采访的)原声摘要播出变得愈来愈短,即时信息淘汰了杂记文,个人生活变得如痴如狂之际,这个世界还是需要能够深思的大学生。

    Now , when sound bites are getting shorter , when instant messages crowd out essays , and when individual lives grow more frenzied , college graduates capable of deep reflection are what our world needs .

  17. 关于唐代亭台记的研究零星的出现在唐代文学史、文学思想史和有关杂记文的论文当中,因此对唐代亭台记的研究还没有形成专门的系统。

    Research about Tang Dynasty Pavilions prose fragmentarily appears in literature history , literature ideology history and related miscellany article paper of Tang Dynasty , therefore research of the Tang Dynasty Pavilions prose has not formed a special system .

  18. 朱自清的突出成就是散文创作,有散文集《背影》、《你我》,游记《欧游杂记》、《伦敦杂记》。

    Zhu Ziqing 's prominent achievements were his prose creation . His lyric essays were collected in A Glimpse of Father 's Back and You and l. He wrote travel notes Random Accounts of a European Journey and Random Accounts of London .

  19. 有学者认为,李冶《测圆海镜》识别杂记是完美的公理化体系,《识别杂记》不可能是按照数据拼凑出来的。

    Some scholars believe that Shi Bie Za Ji ( Notes on Discernment ) of Li Yes Ce Yuan Hai Jing ( Sea Mirror Of Circle Measurements ) is a perfect axiomatic system , and it cant be reached only from data .

  20. 双关是一个具有悠久历史和深厚文化根基的传统辞格,古人对双关的研究散见于各种文论、诗论、杂记当中,缺乏系统的理论阐述。

    Pun is one of the culturally deep-rooted rhetorical devices with a long history , previous study of which , though , can be seen scattered in many kinds of literary critics and poetics , all these , however , lack systematic theoretical explanation .

  21. 据汉代刘昕记载,早在西汉西方资本杂记,在重阳节戴茱萸、喝菊花酒的做法是普遍的,有人认为这对人的健康有益,有利于长寿。

    According to Miscellany of the Western Capital written by Liu Xin in the Han Dynasty , as early as in the West Han Dynasty , the practice of wearing zhuyu and drinking chrysanthemum wine on Double Ninth Festival was popular , arid it was considered beneficial to people 's health and conducive to longevity .