
  • 网络stray;Stray light;flare;Stray radiation
  1. CCD相机的杂散光模拟计算与分析

    Simulation and analysis of stray light in CCD camera

  2. SSPA周边杂散光对响应度不均匀性的影响

    Effect of the border stray light of SSPA on the photoresponse non-uniformity

  3. 激光Raman分光计中杂散光测试方法间定量关系的实验研究

    Study of Laser Raman Spectrometer on The Method Testing Stray Light

  4. 测试激光Raman分光计中超低杂散光的一种新方法

    A New Method for Testing Ultra-Low Stray Light in a Laser Raman Spectrometer

  5. 浸没式ArF光刻中杂散光影响的研究

    Study on Flare in ArF Immersion Lithography

  6. PSD在应用过程中的关键问题是背景杂散光及暗电流的干扰影响。

    The key problem of using PSD is to overcome the disturbance influence of background light and dark currents .

  7. 基于模板的FY-2一级杂散光模拟

    Simulating first order stray light of FY-2 VISSR using templates

  8. FY-2卫星星载扫描辐射计午夜杂散光的分析

    Analysis on stray radiation in the FY-2 imager during midnight

  9. 基于高阶统计特征的FY-2气象卫星全视场杂散光估计

    Full-field-of-view stray light estimation for FY-2 meteorological satellite based on the high-order statistical eigenvalues

  10. 本文提出了一种利用高灵敏度的光子计数技术及中性滤光片分段减光方法去测试激光Raman分光计中超低杂散光的新方法。

    The stray light measurement is a difficult problem in determining the technical performance of a laser Raman spectrometer . This article suggests a new method for testing ultra-low stray light in a laser Raman spectrometer .

  11. 重心法在使用中,不可避免地要受到许多因素的干扰,给测量结果带来误差,如杂散光、气流、温度、暗电流、AD采样的位数等等。

    In the usage of center of gravity method , it inevitably will be affected by many factors , and results in error . The factors are light , air , temperature , the resolving power of AD and so on .

  12. 通过引入PST和BRDF的定义,实现对杂散光进行定量化描述。

    The definition of PST ( point source transmittance ) and BRDF ( bidirectional reflectance distribution function ) is introduced to describe the stray light quantitatively .

  13. 而R-C系统中存在视场外的杂散光不经过任何散射直接照射射到像面上,而严重影响图像质量,因此需要对其进行杂散光分析。

    R-C system is that out-of-field stray light may straight arrive at the detector without any scattering , so as to damage the image quality .

  14. 通过仿真模拟及实验发现PBS棱边、成像透镜边缘、镜片隔圈以及镜筒内表面为产生杂散光的关键面。

    By simulation and experiments , it can be found that the edges of PBS prism and imaging lenses , the inner surfaces of cone and spacer are the key positions which will generate stray light .

  15. 实验中任何激光光源微小漂移和微弱的杂散光都会直接影响到DFWM信号的探测,甚至检测不到信号。

    Any little laser beam excursion and weak stray light decrease the DFWM signal intensity , so as to the signal can not be detected .

  16. 使用CCD(电荷耦合器)进行光学镀膜宽光谱监控过程中,监测信号受外界杂散光干扰、真空室内背景辐射等因数影响,信噪比低难于准确监控。

    In the monitoring procedure of optical coating with wideband spectrum based on CCD ( Charge Couple Device ), the signal-to-noise ratio of monitoring signal is too low to accurately monitoring because it is interfered by the factors of stray light , background radiation in vacuum chamber , etc.

  17. 介绍了位置敏感探测器(PSD)的结构、工作原理及在稳定背景杂散光干扰下的位置输出方程,同时介绍了消除稳定背景杂散光的方法、措施和实验结果。

    The construction and theory of position sensitive detection ( PSD ), the output equation at the presence of steady stray light are mainly introduced in this paper . In the same time , the methods of eliminating the steady stray light and the results of experiments are given .

  18. 通过调节EMA吸收量,既能满足像增强器对光纤倒像器荧光屏透过率的要求,又能保证最大程度地吸收光纤中逸出的杂散光,提高对比度。

    By means of adjusting EMA absorption , not only the needs of image intensifiers can be reached for the transmissivity of fiber image inverter screens , but also the stray light escaping from the optical fiber can be absorbed to the full extent to improve the contrast .

  19. 大功率红外光学系统中的杂散光及其鬼像分析

    Stray Light and Ghost Image in High Power Infrared Optical Systems

  20. 折/衍混合长波红外凝视成像系统的杂散光分析

    Stray light analysis of diffractive / refractive LWIR staring imaging system

  21. 通过加设高通滤波器以消除噪声和杂散光。

    Through adding high-pass filter to eliminate noise and stray light .

  22. 多程放大激光器杂散光特点及分析

    Characters and Analysis of Stray Light in High Power Laser Systems

  23. 研究了双单色仪各狭缝对杂散光的影响,对合理选择缝宽作了讨论。

    A reasonable selection of the width of slits is proposed .

  24. 试论杂散光对分光光度计测量结果的影响

    Influence of Stray Light on the Measurement Result from Spectrophotometer

  25. 光学系统杂散光的计算与分析方法

    The Methods of Analyses and Calculation for Stray Light in Optical System

  26. 库克三反射离轴望远镜杂散光分析

    Stray Light Analysis of the Cook Three-mirror Off-axis Reflective Telescope

  27. 平面衍射光栅的杂散光及其测量

    The Measurement of Stray Light from Plane Diffraction Gratings

  28. 发光二极管光谱测量中的杂散光与带宽校正

    Stray Light and Bandpass Correction in the Spectral Measurement for Light Emitting Diodes

  29. 利用已有的光学系统模型讨论了杂散光的计算和分析方法。

    Mento-Carlo method and light tracing method for computing stray light are introduced .

  30. 非单色光谱仪杂散光分析和测量

    Analysis and Measurement of Stray Light in Non-monochromatic Spectrometer