
zá cǎo
  • rank grass;hogweed;weed;tare
杂草 [zá cǎo]
  • [weed; rank grass] 指各种野草

  • 这块土地上的杂草必须清除掉

杂草[zá cǎo]
  1. 清除土中的杂草,然后叉入大量堆肥。

    Clear the soil of weeds and fork in plenty of compost .

  2. 花园里长满了杂草。

    The garden 's completely overgrown with weeds .

  3. 他们的花园杂草丛生。

    Their garden is a wilderness of grass and weeds .

  4. 我一直在除花坛里的杂草。

    I 've been weeding the flower beds .

  5. 这座庭院杂草丛生。

    The yard was overgrown with weeds .

  6. 杂草是反映土壤特征的一个指标。

    Weeds are an index to the character of the soil .

  7. 经过反复施用除草剂,杂草得以彻底根除。

    With repeated applications of weedkiller , the weeds were overcome .

  8. 他的池塘里长满了恣意蔓生的杂草。

    His pond has been choked by the fast-growing weed .

  9. 导弹深深地埋在杂草丛生的山坡上。

    The missile buried itself deep in the grassy hillside

  10. 从前的那条路已经消失在杂草和欧石南丛中。

    The old road had disappeared under grass and heather

  11. 我们仅能依稀辨出桥下一条杂草丛生的窄沟。

    Below the bridge we could just discern a narrow , weedy ditch .

  12. 边缘必须互搭在一起,否则杂草会从缝隙中钻出来。

    The edges must overlap each other or weeds will push through the gaps .

  13. 如果不加以遏制,杂草就会疯长。

    If left unchecked , weeds will flourish .

  14. 院子里杂草丛生,垃圾成堆。

    The yards are overgrown and cluttered with trash

  15. 花坛里杂草横生。

    The flower beds were overrun with grasses

  16. 花园里杂草丛生。

    Weeds had swallowed up the garden .

  17. 卡斯珀正在给花园除杂草。

    Caspar was weeding the garden

  18. 芥菜要在地里长杂草而不是长庄稼时种植。

    Mustard is grown in the field when weeds are there , rather than when the growing crops are there .

  19. 杂草丛生。

    Weeds grow rankly .

  20. 岛上杂草丛生,异常索寞。

    The island was overgrown with weeds and looked extremely desolate .

  21. 有时,他会跑到杂草丛生的花园里去采摘悬白子。

    Now and then he picked raspberries in the overgrown garden .

  22. 地里总是长出杂草来。

    Weeds always crop up in the fields .

  23. 我的院子里长满了杂草。

    My garden is running to weeds .

  24. 他们找到了一种控制稻田杂草的新方法。

    They have found out a new way to keep down weeds in paddy fields .

  25. 院子里杂草丛生,但房子本身完好无损。

    The yard is full of weeds , but the house itself is in good condition .

  26. 它们还被用来计算单个水果的数量,检查农作物,甚至拔除杂草。

    They have been created to count individual fruit , inspect crops , and even pull weeds .

  27. 机器人从不同的方面给农民带来了巨大的裨益,从捕猎到杂草清除,再到监测每个水果的状况。

    The robots have provided major benefits to farmers in various ways , from hunting and pulling weeds to monitoring the condition of every single fruit .

  28. 也许现在是农民翘着脚休息的时候了,因为机器人被用来检查庄稼,挖杂草,甚至成为了牧羊人。

    Perhaps it is time for farmers to put their feet up now that robots are used to inspect crops , dig up weeds , and even have become shepherds , too .

  29. 他锄去了花旁边的杂草。

    He hoed up weeds from about the flowers .

  30. 我的花园以前郁郁葱葱,蜂飞蝶舞,但现在乱七八糟,杂草丛生。

    My garden has seen better days . It 's turning into a jungle .