
kǎo ròu
  • barbecue;grill;roast meat;toast;braaivleis
烤肉 [kǎo ròu]
  • [roast meat] 烤过的肉;将准备好的肉放于火之上或之前或将其放在烤炉中烤

烤肉[kǎo ròu]
  1. 他们坐下来,把烤肉和蔬菜吃了个痛快。

    They sat down and ate their fill of roast meat and vegetables .

  2. 我们烤肉和马铃薯。

    We roast meat and potatoes .

  3. 她做烤肉时把狗关在窝里。

    She shut the dog in the shed while she prepared the barbecue .

  4. 她已经做好了蔬菜,正在给烤肉添加饰菜。

    She had finished the vegetables and was garnishing the roast .

  5. 到厨房来。我得把烤肉放进去。

    Come into the kitchen . I 've got to put the roast in .

  6. 她用烤肉叉子烤肉。

    She roasted the meat on a spit .

  7. 加拿大人常常在夏天举行烤肉野餐。

    Canadians often have barbecues in the summer .

  8. 把肉放在烤肉架上烤五分钟。

    Barbecue the meat for five minutes .

  9. 烤肉的美味香气刺激了我们的食欲。

    The ambrosial aroma of the roast whetted our appetites .

  10. 美丽的沙滩,广濶的空间,在宜人的傍晚下班后烤肉

    Glorious beaches , wide open spaces , barbecues after work on balmy evenings .

  11. 所以说,除了卖烤肉架和棋盘游戏外,沃尔玛还卖体验

    Wal-Mart wasn 't just selling barbecues and board games . It was selling experiences .

  12. 里弄烤肉店会被勒令停业的

    Backyard barbecue grills could be proscribed .

  13. 例句我把烤肉大餐给搞砸了:土豆烤焦了,鸡肉也干巴巴的。

    I made a pig 's ear of the roast dinner – the potatoes burnt and the chicken was dry !

  14. 肉店老板来到那位律师的办公室理论:“假如有一只没有被拴住的狗从我的肉店里偷了一大块烤肉的话,我有没有权利向狗的主人索要赔偿?”那个律师回答说:“一点不错。”

    Butcher goes to lawyer 's office and asks , " If a dog running unleashed steals a piece of meat from my store , do I have a right to demand payment for the meat from the dog 's owner ? " The lawyer answers , " Absolutely . "

  15. h烤菜」,烤肉及其它的烘培食物。

    The dinner menu often has casseroles , roast meats and other baked goods .

  16. 如果你们想要找牛猪肉片交叠串烤肉(CityChicken),你在“C”词条下是找不到的

    If you 're looking for City Chicken , you 're not gonna find it under " C. "

  17. 烤肉。grillparty则是「烤肉聚餐派对」你想怎幺处理你的牛排?

    grill ( v. , n. ) A : How do you like to cook your steaks ?

  18. 一项使用3D打印机在国际空间站制作肉类的实验成功后,宇航员大吃烤肉的梦想距离实现更近了一步。

    The prospect of astronauts tucking into a roast dinner has grown slightly closer after a successful experiment used a 3D printer to create meat on the International Space Station .

  19. Ben提醒她说,别忘了这是在美国,这里烤肉都是汉堡肉,牛排和热狗。

    Ben : Ann , we 're in the States . Here it 's all burgers , steaks , and dogs .

  20. 更熟悉墨西哥烤肉,但如今他经营总部位于休斯敦的公司CheniereEnergy,该公司有望成为第一家从美国本土出口天然气的公司。

    Charif Souki , a Lebanese immigrant and former restaurateur who knew more about fajitas than fracking , today runs Cheniere Energy , a Houston-based company that is on track to become the first to export gas from the contiguous U.S.

  21. 餐馆老板丹尼·梅耶(DannyMeyer)在T4开设了两个ShakeShack餐馆的分店以及BlueSmokeontheRoad烤肉店的分店。

    There are two branches of the restaurateur Danny Meyer 's Shake Shack in Terminal 4 , and one of his barbecue place Blue Smoke on the Road .

  22. 在自己的诗作《如何在社交场得心应手》(HowtoGetoninSociety)中,约翰•贝杰曼(JohnBetjeman)以食鱼刀、餐巾、烤肉架、调味瓶、点心叉以及桌布为例,对餐桌礼仪的细枝末节娓娓道来。

    John Betjeman 's poem " How to Get on in Society " ruthlessly minces such pretensions , listing fish knives , serviettes , frills on cutlets , cruets , pastry forks and doilies .

  23. 治安员和警察介入后分开了双方,让Jamie和KATE一起离开,不过他们是去了烤肉店。

    Security officers and police intervened to break up the brawl and Jamie was let off to leave with Kate-though stopping off first for their meaty kebab treat .

  24. 在T5和T7,洛杉矶非常出名的洛特里亚烤肉店(LoteriaGrill)供应煎玉米卷、辣椒肉馅玉米卷饼和面卷饼。

    In Terminals 5 and 7 , Loteria Grill , which is also popular around town , serves tacos , enchiladas and burritos .

  25. 虽然说是伦敦时装周刚刚开始,但KATEMOSS却在参加了一个漫长的夜晚派对快要结束而去赴另一个烤肉聚会的时候,脱去了设计师为她量身定做的服装。

    It might be London Fashion Week-but Kate Moss decided to ditch her designer dress at the end of a rather long night partying when she stopped off for a late night kebab .

  26. 明火烤架上烧烤或用其它方式直接加热加工出来的烤肉别有一种烤焦的风味,但是烧烤过程中也产生了一叫作种杂环化合胺(HCA)的致癌物。

    Searing meats in on open-flame grills or with other forms of direct heat creates tasty bits of char but also carcinogens called heterocyclic amines or HCA .

  27. 她的双亲,约瑟夫马赫(JosephMach)和玛瑞娜沃斯莎凡特(MarinavosSavant)都是移民,分别是德国人和意大利人,在小镇的蓝领住宅区经营一家酒吧和烤肉店。

    Her parents , Joseph Mach and Marina vos Savant , were immigrants , German and Italian respectively , and ran a bar and grill in a blue-collar part of town .

  28. 人们还喜欢举办一种叫pot-luck的野餐会:由主人准备烤肉、每个人再带一些小菜来大家一起分享。

    It is also common to have a " pot-luck " picnic , where the host prepares the meat on the grill and everyone brings a side dish big enough to share .

  29. 上百个摊位提供烤肉、鸡肉和米饭,以及传统的tagine,一种辛辣的摩洛哥炖水果、蔬菜和肉类。

    Hundreds of stalls serve grilled meat , chicken and rice , and the traditional tagine , a spicy Moroccan stew made with fruit , vegetables and meat .

  30. 我们邻居邀请我们去他家后院吃烤肉野餐。

    Our neighbors invited us to a barbecue in their backyard .