
kǎo yān
  • flue-cured tobacco
烤烟 [kǎo yān]
  • [flue-cured tobacco] 在特设的烤房中烤干的烟叶,颜色黄,弹性较大,是香烟的主要原料

烤烟[kǎo yān]
  1. 推进闽西农业产业化的几点思考加入WTO后闽西烤烟生产可持续发展的对策

    Measures of sustainable development of flue-cured tobacco production in the west of Fujian Province after entry into WTO

  2. MDA含量变化为Cd胁迫烤烟生长的最敏感生理指标。

    The content of MDA was the most sensitive physiological index affecting the growth of flue-cured tobacco under Cd stress .

  3. IC卡系统与GAP技术的结合对促进烤烟GAP技术的应用与推广有较好的作用;

    The combination of IC system and GAP is good for generalization and appliance ;

  4. ~(15)N示踪研究烤烟对氮的吸收及分配

    Absorption and distribution of nitrogen of flue-cured tobacco with ~ ( 15 ) N tracer

  5. 应用~(32)P示踪研究烤烟苗床期对磷素营养的吸收与分布

    Study of Phosphate Absorption and Distribution Characteristics in Flue-cured Tobacco at Seedling bed by Using ~ ( 32 ) P

  6. 烤烟陈化过程中挥发性、半挥发性脂肪酸和pH的变化研究

    Changes of Volatile , Semi-Volatile Fatty Acids and pH of Yunnan Flue-Cured Tobacco during Aging

  7. N·K营养与N·K平衡对烤烟野火病发生的影响

    Influence of N and K Concentration and N and K Balance on Wild Fire Disease of Tobacco Leaf

  8. 应用浸苗法导入外源DNA转化烤烟遗传性状变异的初步研究(Ⅱ)

    A preliminary study on using the seedling soaking method to induce the genetic characters in flue & cured tobacco (ⅱ)

  9. 不同Mg肥种类对烤烟产量、质量、产值的影响

    Effects of Different Kinds of Mg Fertilizer on Yield , Quality and Output Value in Flue-cured Tobacco

  10. Cd,Pb污染对烤烟生理特性及生长发育的影响

    Effects of Cd and Pb Pollution on Physiological Character , Growth and Development of Flue-cured Tobacco

  11. pH值对烤烟根系活力及烤后烟叶化学成分的影响

    Effects of pH Values on the Activity of Roots and Chemical Compositions of the Cured Leaves in Flue cured Tobacco

  12. 应用~(36)Cl研究烤烟施氯效果

    Effect of Applying Choline on Flue cured Tobacco Plant with 36 Cl

  13. GA施用方式对烤烟主要产质量指标的影响

    Effects of Different Infliction Methods of GA on Main Indexes of Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco

  14. 烤烟连作能够引起CAT、NR酶活性逐渐下降,MDA含量逐渐增加。

    Tobacco cropping could cause the activities of CAT and NR decreased , and MDA content increased .

  15. 通过营养液水培试验,研究了不同浓度Cd对烤烟生物量、叶绿素含量、抗氧化酶系统的影响。

    Effects of cadmium with different concentrations on the growth and activated oxygen-scavenging system of flue-cured tobacco were studied with water culture experiment .

  16. 基于AVR单片机的智能烤烟控制仪

    Intelligent Controller of Roasting Tobacco Based on AVR Singlechip

  17. 结果表明,烤烟中芽泡杆菌属(Bacillus)和梭菌属(Clostridium)细菌为优势种群。

    Results showed that the dominant microorganisms in flue-cured tobacco during aging and fermentation were Bacillus and Clostridium .

  18. 结果表明,生物有机肥A和B均能促进烤烟前期早生快发和旺长期干物质的积累;

    Result showed that biological organic fertilizer A and B improved the growth and development of flue-cured tobacco in early time as well as the accumulation of dry matter in rapid growth time .

  19. 对烤烟漂浮育苗过程中TMV传播途径进行了研究。

    The spreading approaches of TMV in flue-cured tobacco floating seedbed system were studied .

  20. 8个烤烟品种生理生化特性与SRAP分子标记的研究

    The Study of Biochemical Characteristics and SRAP Molecular Marker in Eight Flue-cured Tobaccos

  21. 品种间遗传相似指数(GS)范围为0.66~0.85,表明其遗传多样性较低,需要拓宽烤烟种质的遗传基础。

    Low genetic diversity among flue-cured tobacco varieties suggested that it is necessary to expand the genetic base of the flue-cured tobacco .

  22. 烤烟品种云烟85烟叶的成熟度I.成熟度与叶片组织结构、叶色、化学成分的关系

    Studies on leaf maturity of Yunyan 85 , a variety of flue-cured tobacco I. Relationship between the maturity and the tissue , color and chemical compositions in leaves

  23. 烤烟根系激素水平、GS、PMT对氮素形态的响应

    The Effects of Different Nitrogen Forms on Hormones in Root , Activity of GS and PMT During the Period of the Tobacco

  24. 比较4种沼肥处理对烤烟的影响,B2处理效果最明显。

    Compare with the 4 kinds of ways on treating flue-cured tobacco by using biogas manure , the best effect was using B2 .

  25. 利用15N示踪技术,试验研究了N肥不同用量和留叶数对烤烟烟叶N吸收、分布及烟碱含量的影响。

    By using the () ~ ( 15 ) N technique , the effects of nitrogen application and remained leaves on the N uptake and nicotine content of flue-cured tobacco were studied .

  26. 烤烟烟叶中烟草特有亚硝胺(TSNA)及其前体物质积累规律的研究

    The Studies on Rules of Accumulation of Tobacco-Specific Nitrosamines ( TSNA ) in Flue-Cured Tobacco Leaf

  27. 为探讨不同元素在土壤-烤烟系统内吸收分配的相互关系,采用网室盆栽的方法,研究烤烟中Cu、Zn、Mn的交互作用。

    In order to research the relationships among different elements in soil-flue-cured tobacco system , interaction among copper ( Cu ), zinc ( Zn ) and manganese ( Mn ) was studied using pot experiment in greenhouse .

  28. 烤烟旺长期叶片CAT、NR活性和MDA含量在不同叶位间变化规律相同,它们均以上部叶最大,下部叶最小。

    The change trends of CAT and NR activities and MDA content between the different variations of the same leaf were same , and the upper leaves were the largest , the lower leaves were minimal .

  29. 伸根期干旱时烤烟干物质积累与烟株体内N、P、K含量呈正相关;

    The content of N , P , K in the plant and N , P , K , Ca , Mn in the leaf tissue was positively correlated with dry matter accumulation of the plant respectively when drought occurred at the root spreading stage .

  30. 烟蚜Myzuspersicae对烤烟质量与经济价值的影响及防治指标的研究

    A Study on the influence of Myzus persicae ( Sulzer ) upon the Quality , Economic Value of Flue-cured Tobacco and its Economic Threshold