
kǎo xiāng
  • oven;roaster;broiler;coal-scuttle
烤箱 [kǎo xiāng]
  • [coal-scuttle] 用于烤食品的密闭箱

烤箱[kǎo xiāng]
  1. 在烤箱的下面有一个便利的橱柜。

    There is a handy storage compartment beneath the oven .

  2. 使烤箱的温度升至200摄氏度。

    Heat the oven to a temperature of 200 ˚ C.

  3. 将烤箱预热到6挡。

    Preheat the oven to gas Mark 6 .

  4. 把蛋糕从烤箱中取出来吧。

    Take the cake out of the oven .

  5. 用不太热的烤箱烤制。

    Cook in a moderately hot oven .

  6. 这烤箱容易擦洗。

    This oven cleans easily .

  7. 我已经把几片芝麻脆饼放进烤箱里烤了。

    I 've put some sesame crackers in the oven to bake .

  8. 在预热过的烤箱里烤25分钟,或烤成金黄色。

    Bake in the preheated oven for 25 minutes or until golden brown .

  9. 她把烤箱加热,准备把馅饼放进去。

    She lit the oven , preparatory to putting the pie into it .

  10. 她滤煮好咖啡,然后把羊角面包放进烤箱加热。

    She percolated the coffee and put croissants in the oven to warm .

  11. 专门的比萨烤箱比普通家用烤箱效果更好。

    A real pizza oven gives better results than an ordinary home oven .

  12. 荷兰烤箱能够做的食物之多会让你感到惊奇。

    You 'll be amazed at the culinary creations possible in a Dutch oven .

  13. 把混合好的糊糊舀到饼干坯上,然后放入已预热的烤箱烘烤。

    Spoon the mixture on to the biscuit base and cook in a preheated oven

  14. 把面包屑撒在干燥的烤盘上,然后放在烤箱里烤脆。

    Spread breadcrumbs on a dry baking sheet and crisp them in the oven .

  15. 这种布丁做起来简单快捷,放到烤箱里之后就不用操什么心了。

    The pudding is quick and easy and needs little attention once in the oven .

  16. 将烤箱预先加热到400度。

    Preheat the oven to 400 degrees

  17. 将洋葱和姜放进烤箱烘烤30分钟。

    Put the onions and ginger in the oven and let them roast for thirty minutes .

  18. 把盘子从烤箱里拿出来,弄碎鱼表面的那层盐,鱼皮就会从鱼身上剥落下来了。

    Remove the dish from the oven , crack the salt crust and you will find the skin just peels off the fish .

  19. 人们根据这些特殊的灯泡制造了特殊固定装置,从学习用的台灯,到祖母传下来的丑萌的手绘中式灯,再到壁橱里的顶灯和烤箱或冰箱里的灯,最后再到牙医给你看牙的灯。

    All of those specialized bulbs led to the building of specialized light fixtures , from the desk lamp you study by , to the ugly but beloved hand-painted Chinese lamp you inherited from your grandmother , to the ceiling fixture in your closet , to the light in your oven or refrigerator , and to the light that the dentist points at you .

  20. 例如,如果你的房子中有一个机器人为你做家务的话,你不会想要让机器人将宠物猫放进烤箱来给肚子饿的孩子做晩餐。

    For example , if a robot does chores around the house , you wouldn 't want it to put the pet cat in the oven to make dinner for the hungry children .

  21. 如果检查员打开烤箱门,他就会发现里面像是在烤着面包。不过他并没有这么做。

    If the inspector opened the oven door , it would look like bread was baking . he never did .

  22. 为快速清洗,伯恩斯太太把所有的盘子都放进一个大面包锅里,用一块布盖住,然后放入烤箱。

    In an effort to clean up quickly , Mrs. Byrnes tossed all the dishes into a big bread pan , covered them with a cloth and stuck them in the oven .

  23. 人们把它放在一个重锅里,在开着小火的烤箱里烤一整天。

    People put it in the oven all day in a heavy pot and on a low heat .

  24. 圣诞节晚餐前,当妈妈从烤箱里拿出苹果派时,莫莉开始摆餐具。

    Before Christmas dinner , as Mum took the apple pies out of the oven , Molly began setting the table .

  25. 这一用语也可以被“雪克隆”,就是把土豆一词换成其他没法拍摄视频的东西,比如烤箱、计算器或微波炉。

    The phrase can be also used as a snowclone in which potato is replaced with another object that is ill-equipped for video recording3 , such as a toaster , calculator or microwave .

  26. 烤管机烤箱的数字PID控制

    PID Control System of the Oven for a Tube baking Machine

  27. 基于Fluent的气体射流冲击烤箱气流分配室改进设计

    Improved Design of Airflow Distribution Chamber in Air-impingement oven Based on Fluent

  28. 他们研制出了一台拥有类似iPhone界面和内置摄像头的烤箱,能帮助你“优化”厨艺。

    An oven equipped with an iPhone-like interface and built-in camera to help you " optimize " your cooking .

  29. 让银行高管们穿上围裙、戴上烤箱手套的,并不仅仅是农行ipo这一件事。

    The ABC IPO is not the only thing that has the banking chiefs donning their aprons and oven gloves .

  30. 下载一款菜谱软件,比如《我的烹饪书》(MyRecipeBook,99美分)或者《大烤箱》(BigOven,免费),然后只需把手机留在厨房柜台上。

    Download a cookbook app , such as My Recipe Book ( 99 cents ) or Big Oven ( free ), and just leave the device on the kitchen counter .