
xiān nǎi yóu
  • Fresh cream;crème fraiche;fresh butter
  1. 可配发泡鲜奶油或冰淇淋。

    Serve with whipped cream or ice cream , if desired .

  2. 这杯咖啡里加的是一半牛奶、一半鲜奶油——你觉得呢?

    This coffee drink has half and half-what do you think ?

  3. 将鲜奶油与柠檬汁拌匀成柠檬奶油。

    Stir lemon juice into whipped cream form lemon cream .

  4. 油脂种类对植脂鲜奶油搅打性能的影响

    Influence of Fat Type on Whipping Properties of Whipped Cream

  5. 均质压力对搅打鲜奶油品质的影响

    Effect of Homogeneous Pressure on Quality of Whipped Cream

  6. 或是放在上面的鲜奶油和樱桃!

    Or the whipped cream and cherry on top !

  7. 鲜奶油打浓稠后,加入糖霜继续打发。

    Whip the heavy cream and icing sugar until the soft peaks form .

  8. 配合鲜奶油和/或太妃酱一起食用的话,味道最佳。

    This is best served with whipped cream and / or toffee sauce .

  9. 哦,上面放一点鲜奶油。

    Oh , now some whipped cream on top .

  10. 我们今天供应鲜奶油草莓,我建议你们可以试一试。

    We have strawberries with cream today . I suggest you try them .

  11. 再加入高脂鲜奶油与碎巧克力。

    Fold in the whipped cream and grated chocolate .

  12. 我不喝一半牛奶、一半鲜奶油打在一起的,给我纯鲜奶油就好。

    I don 't drink half and half , only pure cream for me .

  13. 只需要冰、盐、鲜奶油、牛奶和糖。

    All you need is ice , salt , cream , milk and sugar .

  14. 鲜奶油打起至软性。

    Whisk the fresh cream until soft peaks .

  15. 挤上鲜奶油,以黑樱桃装饰。

    Decorate with fresh cream and dark cherries .

  16. 我打算做冰淇淋。我需要一些鲜奶油。

    Mother : I 'm going to make some ice-cream . I need some cream .

  17. 妈妈在蛋糕上加了鲜奶油。

    Mother topped the cake with cream .

  18. 美国薄煎饼一般都会配上枫蜜汁、鲜奶油和新鲜的水果。

    American Pancakes Recipe served with sweet maple syrup , whipped cream and fresh fruit .

  19. (烹调术语)一半牛奶、一半鲜奶油的混合高脂牛奶我不喝一半牛奶、一半鲜奶油打在一起的,给我纯鲜奶油就好。

    half and half I don 't drink half and half , only pure cream for me .

  20. 将鲜奶油以隔冰水降温的方式的打发至发泡。

    Beat butter by separating ice water to reduce the heat to deliver to the hair to steep .

  21. 压轴甜点用草莓、鲜奶油,如果你喜欢大胆尝试的话……用红丝绒蛋糕。

    And finish with strawberries , whipped cream and if you are feeling adventurous ... red velvet cake .

  22. 成型后,去掉锡箔纸,在蛋糕上层,再涂一层鲜奶油再撒上可可粉即可。

    Once set , remove and decorate with whipped cream and cocoa powder dusted over the top . Serve .

  23. 我想尝一下鲜奶油栗子蛋糕,还要一杯咖啡。

    I 'd like to try the cake with fresh cream and chestnut , and a cup of coffee .

  24. 在马德琳是使用法国法芙娜巧克力,鲜奶油,香草豆荚和纯正的意大利松露油。

    The Madeline is made using French Valrhona chocolate , fresh cream , vanilla pods and pure Italian truffle oil .

  25. 把芝士和砂糖打至均匀,注入鱼胶奶液中拌匀。最后拌入鲜奶油成为芝士馅。

    Mix the cream cheese and sugar until well-combined , then add in whipped heavy cream to become the cheese filling .

  26. 但这种由咖啡、冰和鲜奶油组成的混合饮品通常仍被称为“星冰乐”。冰淇淋苏打

    But this type of drink , with coffee , ice and whipped cream , is commonly known as a Frappuccino .

  27. 我会很乐意使用鲜奶油的活力以及美丽来填补需要它的空间。

    I would like to fill the space with the whipped cream 's pulse , vitality , and beauty of the mass .

  28. 你可以感谢这些独具匠心却默默无闻的厨师,他们把鲜奶油和黄油混合制成奶油冰。

    You can thank these innovative but nameless chefs for adding cream and butter to the mix to produce @ Cream ice @ .

  29. 试验结果表明:检出人造黄油中反式油酸含量为9.9%~14.5%,鲜奶油中含量为12.5%。

    The result shows that the content of trans fatty acid is 9.9 % ~ 14.5 % in butter and 12.5 % in cream .

  30. 比如“在清晨的会议上抵住了糕点的诱惑。但我吃了没有鲜奶油的脱脂摩卡。”

    Like , " Avoided the pastries at this morning 's meeting . But I did have a skim mocha without whipped cream . "