
xiān huā
  • flower;fresh flower
鲜花 [xiān huā]
  • [fresh flowers] 新鲜的花朵

鲜花[xiān huā]
  1. 鲜花插在牛粪上,真把她糟踏啦!

    It 's too bad to see a fresh flower on a heap of cow-dung . He 'll be the ruin of her !

  2. 因为它通向开满鲜花的天堂。

    Because it to blooms the full fresh flower the heaven .

  3. 鲜花锦簇,色彩绚烂。

    The flowers mingle together to form a blaze of colour .

  4. 鲜花会使屋里的任何房间都亮丽生色。

    Fresh flowers will brighten up any room in the house .

  5. 屋子里装点着鲜花和气球。

    The room was decked out in flowers and balloons .

  6. 鲜花可使沉闷的房间恢复生气。

    Flowers can bring a dull room back to life .

  7. 小女孩向公主献上了一大束鲜花。

    The little girl presented the princess with a large bouquet of flowers .

  8. 她给我采了一束鲜花。

    She picked me a bunch of flowers .

  9. 观众把鲜花抛向舞台。

    The audience threw flowers onto the stage .

  10. 孩子们佩戴着鲜花。

    The children adorned themselves with flowers .

  11. 树上鲜花盛开。

    The trees are in blossom .

  12. 这些自然风干的花会比一束鲜花更加持久。

    These naturally dried flowers will outlast a bouquet of fresh blooms

  13. 她错过了地中海春季鲜花怒放的绚丽美景。

    She had missed the glorious blooms of the Mediterranean spring .

  14. 花园每天都将开满各色鲜花。

    The flower garden will be ablaze with colour every day .

  15. 他的房间里堆满了水果、鲜花及礼品等。

    His room was jam-packed with fruit , flowers , gifts etc.

  16. 他们头戴用夏季鲜花编成的花环。

    They wore garlands of summer flowers in their hair .

  17. 夏日里有许多酒吧喜欢用鲜花来装饰店面。

    Lots of pubs like to deck themselves out with flowers in summer

  18. 马车都用鲜花装点,由佩戴花环的几匹马拉着。

    The wagons were decorated with flowers and pulled by garlanded horses .

  19. 城市公园是理想去处,那里几乎一年四季鲜花盛开。

    Town gardens are ideal because they produce flowers nearly all year round

  20. 鲜花摆上之后,突兀的混凝土墙便显得柔和起来。

    Stark concrete walls have been softened by a show of fresh flowers .

  21. 如果预先准备自己的葬礼,就能选择自己喜欢的鲜花和音乐。

    When you prearrange your funeral , you can pick your own flowers and music .

  22. 几个世纪以来,人们以各种想象得到的方式将鲜花入菜。

    Through the centuries , flowers have been used for cooking in every conceivable way .

  23. 他们经过很多卖花的摊位,摊位上摆着大把大把的鲜花,有深红色的,有金黄色的,还有深蓝色的。

    They walked past stalls selling huge sprays of crimson , saffron and cobalt flowers .

  24. 巧克力、鲜花等礼物在允许之列。

    Gifts like chocolates or flowers are allowed

  25. 房子里装点着鲜花。

    The house was decked with flowers .

  26. 人们把鲜花投进两国的界河里,以象征两国人民的兄弟情谊常在。

    People threw flowers into the river between the two countries as a symbolic act of brotherhood

  27. 房间里放些诸如鲜花之类的小点缀可以给家里带来生气。

    Small touches to a room such as flowers can be what gives a house its vitality .

  28. 春天鲜花开放时,夜里的空气中会弥漫一种难以名状的香气。

    When the flowers open in spring they fill the night air with a fragrance that defies description

  29. 她的客厅里装点着鲜花。

    Her living room is ornamented / decorated with flowers .

  30. 元旦那天我们教室里装点着鲜花。

    Our classroom was decorated with flowers on New Year 's Day .