
kè huà
  • depict;describe;portray;carving and painting;characterize
刻画 [kè huà]
  • (1) [carving and painting]∶雕刻和绘画

  • 塔之基层四方各有一门,门楣原有刻画。--郭沫若《游西安》

  • (2) [depict;portray]∶精细地描摹,塑造

  • 刻画入微

  • 刻画英雄人物形象

刻画[kè huà]
  1. 但是传统的串空间不能刻画P刚刚说过X,X是新鲜的这样的断言,而时序逻辑则适合刻画这样的断言。

    But the traditional strand space cannot depict characterization of P said just X and X is fresh ,, and temporal logic is suitable for such an assertion .

  2. 作为中国经济思想史的组成部分,本论文力求客观真实地刻画中国当代通货膨胀(Inflation,以下简称通胀)理论的演变过程,这是第一要务。

    As one part of History of Chinese Economic Thoughts , this dissertation has managed to depict the evolvement of Chinese inflation theories factually and exactly .

  3. 他总是在自己的电影中运用细腻刻画和淡化手法。

    He always goes for subtlety and understatement in his movies .

  4. 他们反对这部影片对同性恋者的刻画。

    They object to the movie 's depiction of gay people .

  5. 他把李尔王刻画成一位真正的悲剧人物。

    He makes King Lear a truly tragic figure .

  6. 传记刻画出了他的正面形象。

    The biography shows him in a favourable light .

  7. 我在那部电影里对女性形象的刻画受到了批评。

    I get criticized for the portrayal of women in that movie .

  8. 真诚的表演和对波士顿这一背景城市的真实刻画增添了电影的现实主义色彩。

    Sincere performances and gritty Boston settings add to the film 's realism .

  9. 她说这个节目把她刻画成了一个“水性杨花的女人”。

    She says the programme portrayed her as a ' lady of easy virtue ' .

  10. 这个真实的故事把两个年轻人的冷酷残忍刻画得入木三分。

    The cold , hard cruelty of two young men is vividly brought to life in this true story

  11. 他最负盛名的作品是经典影片《砂之女》,该片对极端环境下的艰难求生进行了逼真的刻画。

    His most celebrated work is the film classic , ' Woman in the Dunes , ' a gritty look at survival in an extreme environment .

  12. 在这部小说中,苏珊被刻画成一位传统的女性角色。

    Susan is portrayed as a traditional feminine role in this novel .

  13. 这个卡通人物被刻画成了一名疯子科学家。

    The cartoon figure was depicted as a mad scientist .

  14. 那个警察被刻画成可鄙的胆小鬼。

    The cop was portrayed as a contemptible coward .

  15. 鲁迅生动地刻画了阿q这一人物形象。

    Lu Xun vividly portrayed the character of ah Q.

  16. 他作品中人物刻画得很好。

    His characters are well drawn .

  17. 调查结果显示,当今的青少年有爱心、明事理,比我们因刻板印象刻画的愤怒而扭曲的形象要快乐得多。

    The survey shows us that today 's teens are affectionate , sensible and far happier than the angry and tortured souls that have been painted for us by stereotypes .

  18. 蚀刻画、铜版画、平版画以及雕刻构成了他书画刻印的作品

    The etchings , drypoints , lithographs , and engravings together formed his graphic work .

  19. 把邪恶刻画出来然后将其毁灭,我知道这是主流概念,但我认为这种情节糟透了。

    The concept of portraying evil and then destroying it — I know this is considered mainstream14 , but I think it is rotten .

  20. 上述的早期握手是达成协议或和解的一部分:撒缦以色三世的宝座上刻画的是他在一次叛乱中履行和巴比伦国王的合约;

    The early handshakes mentioned above were part of making deals or burying the hatchet ; Shalmaneser III 's throne base references him honoring a treaty with the Babylonian king during a revolt .

  21. 布洛克胡斯的居民还惊喜地发现,沙堡上融入了本地的特色,比如海滨别墅和灯塔,还刻画了当地流行的活动,比如风帆冲浪和风筝冲浪。

    Blokhus residents have been delighted to see local features incorporated into the sandcastle , such as beach houses and lighthouses , as well as depictions of popular activities such as windsurfing and kitesurfing .

  22. 关于Fuzzy度量点式刻画的一点注记

    A Note on the Pointwise Depiction of Fuzzy Metrics

  23. Web服务组合的系统框架从抽象的层面刻画了Web服务组合系统的主要组件、功能和过程。

    The framework describes the main module , function and process of the Web Service composition system .

  24. 基于Agent的交通仿真能够细致的刻画交通实体的决策逻辑和微观行为。

    Agent-based simulation can represent decision logic and microscopic behavior of entities of traffic system in detail .

  25. 定义了一类新的Orlicz-Besov空间并用n阶三角最佳逼近阶对其性态进行了刻画。

    A new kind of Orlicz space is introduced and their characterizations are presented with best nth degree trigonometric polynomial approximation .

  26. 由此,刻画出了(e,d)策略多重休假的M/M/c排队模型。

    Hence , the M / M / c queue with multiple ( e , d ) - policy vacations is built .

  27. 该算法采用信道带宽作为QoS参数来刻画网络的异类性。

    The key QoS parameter adopted in this algorithm is channel bandwidth which denotes the heterogeneity of the networks .

  28. 对已有的移接变形方法进行改进,刻画了邻接谱半径达到第二大,第三大的n(n>2)阶2-树。

    By using the improved method of graft transformation , we characterize the 2-trees that maximize the second and the third largest adjacency spectral radius .

  29. 一个多语言Ontology可以用来刻画不同语言相关领域的知识,克服不同文化和不同语言带来的障碍。

    A multilingual Ontology can be used to describe the relevant domain knowledge in different languages and overcome the cultural and linguistic barriers .

  30. 齐型空间上Lipschitz函数的一个新刻画

    A New Characteristic of Lipschitz Function in Homogeneous Space