
kè běn
  • block-printed edition;carving copy
刻本 [kè běn]
  • [block-printed edition] 刻版印刷的书籍版本

刻本[kè běn]
  1. 《元刊杂剧三十种》是现存最早的而且是唯一的元代杂剧刻本。

    " Yuan published of 30 kinds of Drama " is the oldest extant , and is the only block-printed edition of Yuan Drama .

  2. 日本国立公文书馆内阁文库所藏明刻本可能为目前所知《类经》的最早版本。

    The block-printed edition of the Ming dynasty in the ministry library of Japan National Cabinet Document Library may probably be the earliest edition of Lei jing .

  3. 及至宋代,方有刻本。

    Block-printed books did not appear until the Song Dynasty .

  4. 明代各个重刻本都出自浙本,亦无出自蜀刻之书。

    All the editions of Ming Dynasty originate from the Zhe edition .

  5. 经过对照,编辑人员选择了南宋刻本作为底本。

    So the compilers selected the Southern Song edition as the original text .

  6. 在傅世的刻本文献中,存在着大量的俗字。

    Handed down edition literature , there is a lot of folk characters .

  7. 嘉靖壬午本是目前所见最早的《三国志演义》小说刻本。

    Jiajing Renwu Edition is the earliest of the Three Kingdoms novel edition .

  8. 集注本中的善注在较多数情况下要优于刻本系统的李善注。

    The Annotations good note in the case of a greater number is superior edition Annotation .

  9. 书法刻本甚多,以《兰亭序》、《乐毅论》、《十七帖》等最为著名。

    Among numerous of his calligraphy collections , the most famous ones are Preface of Lanting , Leyilun and Shiqitie .

  10. 可是,由于原刻本流传稀少,关于此书的版本源流,学术界一直不甚清楚。

    However , because few editions are extant , scholars have long been uncertain about the origins and sequence of various editions .

  11. 《辽藏》残卷是雕版刻本,反映了应用雕版印刷技术以后的汉字面貌。

    Incomplete Liao Zang is wood block for printing edition , which reflects Chinese characters'features after applying wood block for printing technique .

  12. 安徽地方特色明显,刻本、套印本、活字本、稿本、写本、抄本等种类丰富,善本、孤本在全国占有一定地位。

    The ancient books obvious local characteristics , woodblock print , Taoyin Ben , movable , script , transcripts and other types are rich .

  13. 其中马欢的著作撰于永乐十四年(1416),今人见到的早期版本有明景泰辛未年(1451)的刻本。

    Ma Huan 's work was written in the14th year of Yongle ( 1416 ), and the earliest edition available now was printed in1451 .

  14. 年轻编辑人员在我们出版社起主力作用。经过对照,编辑人员选择了南宋刻本作为底本。

    The young editors act as the main force of our Press So the compilers selected the Southern Song edition as the original text .

  15. 其中以嘉靖陆氏家刻本最为全面,而《四库全书》本以易见而较为流行。

    Among these , the home one is most comprehensive , and The Si Ku Quan Shu edition is popular for its easy to obtain .

  16. 本文旨在收集日本中世有关宋本传承的史料,勾勒出现在还不甚明了的两宋刻本东渐之大致经纬。

    This paper discusses editions of Song Dynasties handed down to Japan in medieval Age with historical accounts , and outlines its path eastward to Japan .

  17. 版本来自《续修四库全书》,据上海图书馆馆藏清光绪十八年廖廷相刻本的影印本。

    The version come from Continuation of Si Ku Quan Shu , according to the copy of the Shanghai Library eighteen years of the Qing dynasty edition .

  18. 南宋明州刻本《集韵》是现存《集韵》的最早版本和最早刻本。

    The Ji Yun ( Collection of Rhymes ) inscribed in Mingzhou in the Southern Song dynasty is the earliest existing edition and earliest inscribed copy of Ji Yun .

  19. 多次造访中国,我得以收藏至为稀罕的古籍,如元明间刻本,朱熹撰写的《四书集注》。

    My many trips to China enabled me to collect such extremely rare and ancient publication as the Yuan / Ming edition of Commentaries on the Four Books by Zhu Xi .

  20. 其中的小字注于是也成为细致分析刻本整体面貌、勾勒小说创作与批评理路不可或缺的部分。

    In this edition , there were small-word-notes that were a detailed analysis of the overall outlook of the edition , and also were an integral part to outline of novel criticism .

  21. 《文选集注》的价值主要体现在两个方面:一、《文选集注》在时间上早于宋刻本《文选》注,具有重要的版本价值。

    The variorum anthology value mainly manifests in two aspects : one , in anthology variorum predates the Song Dynasty block-printed edition anthology note , has the important value of the version .

  22. 重新审视福建坊刻本,对它做出公正的评价,还其真正的历史面目,进行正确的历史定位。

    We examine afresh mill block & printed edition in Fukien , doing the fair evaluation to it , returning its real history facial expression , proceeding the right history fixed position .

  23. 书院刻本一直是中国版本史上重要的组成部分,元代的书院本因为版式精美,质量上等,成为其中一颗耀眼的明珠。

    College block-printed edition has always been an important part of version of Chinese history , and the College block-printed edition of Yuan Dynasty become famous because of the exquisite format and fine quality .

  24. 这些象形文字可以追溯到九世纪,比玛雅刻本历法提早了数百年。玛雅刻本于公元1300年到1521年记载在树皮纸做的书上。

    The hieroglyphs date back to the ninth century , making them hundreds of years older than the calendars in the Maya Codices , which were recorded in bark-paper books from 1300 to 1521 .

  25. 考订谢肇氵制的生世、仕历、著作,着重研究了他的明末刻本《小草斋集》、《续集》,指出这个刊本的价值。

    This paper attempts to examine his life and works , particularly the block-printed editions of his Collections from the Grass Cottage and A Sequel that appeared at the end of the Ming Dynasty .

  26. 耶稣会士罗明坚撰写的《新编西竺国天主实录》新近影印出版,使学者能够有机会与后期刻本《天主圣教实录》进行比较研究。

    That the newly published photocopy of the earlier version of Veritable Records of Catholic saints by Michele Ruggieri enables scholars today to make a comparative study of the earlier version with the later version .

  27. 南京图书馆藏明洪武刻本《书史会要》是迄今仅存的几部洪武刻本之一,具有很高的文物价值与学术价值。

    The block-printed edition of Shu Shi Hui Yao in Hongwu of Ming Dynasty hidden in Nanjing Library is one of several Hongwu edition up to now , which has very high cultural and academic value .

  28. 又通过序文和历史事实的对比研究得出,《唐陆宣公集》虽然是年羹尧的家刻本,校订者和刻工都是南方人,但却刻竣于陕西。

    It is further proved , by comparison between its preface and historical records , that though Tang Lu Xuan Gong Ji , whose proof-reader and carver is south people , belongs to Nian Gengyao s collection .

  29. 从它周一上传以来已经被浏览了超过一百万次,这张照片似乎捕捉到了健身房一对老年夫妇共享的温柔一刻本周已经感动了不少心灵。

    Already viewed more than a million times since it was uploaded on Monday , this photograph which appears to capture a tender moment shared by an elderly couple at a gym has been moving many hearts this week .

  30. 忠义堂《裴将军诗帖》刻本与传世墨迹本俱为宋人所为,后世对其真伪争议颇多,但这一个案对于研究宋代颜真卿书法接受具有重要的意义。

    Loyalist party " General Pei Poetry " and its ink marks are all manufactured by Song Dynasty person , which authenticity and false was disputed by the later generations , but a case for its study is of great significance .