
  • 网络Shigu academy
  1. 石鼓书院这座历经唐、宋、元、明、清五朝的千年学府在我国书院史、教育史、文化史上享有崇高的声誉。

    Shigu academy is an old institution witnessing Tang , Song , Yuan , Ming and Qing Dynasties , and it has a great reputation in the history of academy , education , and culture of China .

  2. 石鼓书院是中国历史上盛名天下的“四大书院”之一。

    The Stone Drum Academy is one of the four famous academies .

  3. 宋、元、明、清时期,一些官员、学者以及生徒常在石鼓书院雅集,兴味浓厚。

    Governmental officials , scholars and students often held special meeting in Shi-gu Academy .

  4. 他虽然没有亲临石鼓书院讲学,但他的《石鼓书院记》却让石鼓有声于天下。

    Although he had never been there to give lectures , his work Record of Stone Drum Academy made it to be very famous .

  5. 为了让树木平安过冬,连日来,石鼓书院管理人员正加紧采取保暖措施,给树木穿上“冬衣”。

    To make the trees safe winter , the past few days , Shek Kwu College managers are stepping up to take precautionary measures to put the trees'winter clothes .