
dǐ bào
  • Di Bao;official gazette
邸报 [dǐ bào]
  • [court bulletin] 也叫邸抄、邸钞。中国古代抄发皇帝谕旨、臣僚奏议和有关政治情报的抄本。宋代起发展成一种手抄的类似报纸的出版物,明末开始发行活字版本,到清代称京报

  1. 创始于中国汉代的《邸报》是世界上最早的报纸。

    “ The Capital Gazatte ”, first published in the Han Dynasty ( 206 B. C. - 220 A. D. ), was the earliest newspaper in the world .

  2. 唐朝时期,邸报相当于是皇家公告。

    They were imperial bulletins published during the Tang Dynasty .

  3. 宋代朝廷与地方之间的文字传递&围绕邸报及其相关问题而展开

    The Written language Delivery between the Government and the Locality of the Song Dynasty

  4. 同时,明代邸报也在新闻业务等方面进行新的尝试,其社会影响力愈发增强。

    By the attempting in the news business , the social influence become more important .

  5. 唐宋诗分题材研究与构想&以考古诗、邸报诗及类分意识为中心

    The Study of Tang and Song Dynasty Poems on the Basis of Their Themes Classification

  6. 本章第一节对秦汉时期舆论传播的基本条件进行了分析,对邸报汉代说的学术观点提出了一些个人意见。

    This chapter includes two sections . First section analyses the basic conditions of public opinion spreading during Qin and Han periods .

  7. 另外,邸报与宋代小报相比较而言,二者的传播内容和读者对象、新闻时效性大多相同,但在性质上小报属于民间报纸。

    Dibao in Song Dynasty was a small newspaper with the characteristics of official newspaper but different from official newspapers in many aspects .

  8. 然后在开元年间,邸报被开元早报所取代。开元早报是手写在丝绸上的官方出版物,大部分被分发给臣子。

    During the Kaiyuan era , they were replaced with Kaiyuan Za Bao , an official publication handwritten on silk and distributed mostly to imperial officials .

  9. 明代邸报在古代邸报发展框架中,是承上启下的重要阶段,无论是内容上,还是形式上,都较之前代,有明显进步。

    The Ti-pao of Ming Dynasty is the essential important part of the ancient newspaper development framework . There are progresses in both the content and the form .

  10. 官方修订的历史和地方志、回忆录、邸报含有大量关于军事的内容,尽管这其中只有极少的部分已经过翻译。

    The number of official and local histories , memoirs and gazetteers containing military data is vast , although only a tiny pro-portion is yet available in translation .

  11. 明代邸报制度较完善,《金瓶梅》作者以艺术再现的形式将其收入小说中。

    The Ming dynasty report system of the mansion more perfect ," jin ping mei " in the form of the art reproducing the income in the novel .

  12. 他关于邸报“唐时已有”的论断,迄今仍是支撑中国新闻传播史研究的基本课题之一。

    His claim that the first appearance of the court aviso was in Tang dynasty has been the basic statement for supporting the study of the history of Chinese news promulgation .

  13. 但当它渐渐开始变得受欢迎后,内容便逐渐扩充到了时政、军事、人们的出生与死亡以及官方执行的日常任务。在中国,我们知道的最早的报纸是邸报。

    As its popularity grew , it expanded to also include politics , military campaigns , births , deaths , and executions.In China , the earliest forms of newspapers were known as tipao ( also Di Bao ) .